Chapter 17 - Experiments

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Tony promised me that he was done being Iron Man...that he would focus on our relationship.

Long story short...he lied.

Tony found a way to make the suits, even when he went and took out the arc reactor....I was livid.

"I need to keep you safe." He argues multiple times.

"Tony you'll keep me safe by stopping this. We can move on with our lives, find somewhere safe."

"This is my hobby Y/N."

"I don't want you to die Tony!" I yell.

Tony rushes over to me and holds onto my shoulders softly. "You need to understand, I'm doing this for you." He whispers.

I pull Tony in and kiss him, he wraps his arms around me and kisses me back. When he starts to feel my tears in his face, he pulls away. "I need a break." I whisper. I back away from him and grab my Keys.

"Y/N please don't leave I can't live without you." He pleads. I could actually see tears forming in his eyes as he grabs my wrist.

"Tony let me go. Please. I need a break. A moment to think." I whisper.

Tony let's me go and stares at me with wide eyes as I back away towards the door. I run outside and take a deep breath as I get into my car.

I bite onto my lip as I'm driving through the city, when I come to a stop light I look down on the other seat to see Tony was calling me. When I look back up the light was green, as I'm reaching for the phone I was stopped by a car hitting the side of my car.

I scream out as the car flips down the road. When it finally stops, I was upside down. I groaned in pain as I looked to see I had many cuts and many shards of glass stuck in my skin. I screamed as the door was ripped off, a hand yanked me out of the car.

My vision blurred as I was carried to a black SUV, I heard two men in the front speaking some sort of language I didn't know, the another puts a bag over my head.

I don't know how long the trip was. I knew that I had been transported into a helicopter by the sound. I've tried to speak but I end up getting hit.

I soon was dragged out of the helicopter and into some sort of building. When I was strapped to a chair, they finally took off the bag on my head. My eyes squint as a bright light was shining on me. When my eyes adjust I look around to see I'm in some sort of a lab.  "Hello Y/N L/N." A man said from beside me, he had a single circular glass around his eye. "I'm Baron Strucker. I've been watching you for some time and have decided your perfect for my experiments."

"Tony will fi-"

"He can't find you here, trust me. My men made sure of it. Now if you just relax and participate then this will go smoothly." I look down as he injects some sort of liquid into my arm.

"What are you doing!" I yell and try to break free.

"Shhh." He hushes me.  He then sets an IV up, "Your going to feel tired. Try to rest. There will be barely any pain if you just relax your body." He smiles and leaves me alone, I stare straight ahead at the mirror ahead to see myself, I look awful. I had cuts all over me.

I didn't understand why I'm always getting kidnapped. I shouldn't of left Tony, but then again they would of taken me either way. God I missed him. I just want him to be healthy....

Soon I start to feel some pain spreading from my toes up to my head. I look up at the IV to see it's half gone.

I don't know what this was but it was making me tired, the pain was the only thing keeping me awake. But right when it stopped.......I passed out.

I was awoken but a huge amount of pain all through me. "Good morning Y/N. How do you feel?"

I look up to see Strucker, "Like shit." I whisper. He only laughs and injects me with something. "How long have I been asleep."

"For a week. Here drink this." I look down at the small cup then back up to him suspiciously. "Trust me. If I wanted you dead then I would of killed you the moment you crashed." He smiles. He tilts the cup for me to drink, when I realized it was just water I start to chug it. "Careful, not too much......well it looks like the experiments are working well." He slides his chair over to a computer.

I look at myself in the mirror and gasp when I see that I was healed. "How am I healed? I had some deep cuts....especially on my face. I would of had scars." I ask.

"It's part of the experiment. You can now heal all your wounds...except for the fatal ones like a gun shot to the head or heart......You understand what I mean. The next one we are trying is Psychokinesis....I've have a young lady who has this ability. We are giving you the same ability but adding more." He smiles and gives me four more injections. "Looks like it will be about a month until your experiments are done. I'm going to give you some food now....relax."

He puts a fork up to my mouth, I look down to see Mac and Cheese. "Really?" I laugh.

"I'm glad your having fun now." I open my mouth and take the food.

"Only because I have no choice." I narrow my eyes. "Why me?"

"I've watched you...your strong, independent, and smart, your perfect for this. To be my creation, I soon hope you will destroy Tony Stark."

"No matter what you do to me or my head, I would never hurt him." I whisper.

"We'll see."

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