Tooth shoots her shot

Von MzNatalieMoon

10.5K 242 78

Through the guidance of Cupid, Tooth realises she shouldn't keep waiting for Jack to make a move. Women have... Mehr

A New Guardian: Who am I?
A New Guardian: Is she one of us?
A New Guardian: Nightmare Princess of Darkness
A New Guardian: Bulls Eye
A New Guardian: Looking for the Tooth Fairy
A New Guardian: Battle
A New Guardian: Endgame

A New Guardian: Guardian of mischief

280 3 1
Von MzNatalieMoon

Before we knew it someone had hopped over by the speed of light and plucked the arrow right out of Tooth's hand.


Jack shot a look at the Easter Bunny, then back at the Tooth Fairy. "I hate to admit it. But he's right."

Tooth and Jack stared at one another. Tooth's purple eyes began to submerge in tears. She pulled her head into Jack's shoulder then cried into Jack's hoodie. She wiped away the tears, forcing herself to stay strong in front of him.

Jack had his hands around tooth's waist. Just like that they shared a kiss like never before. Tooth had experienced mood swings ranging from blood curdling fear, to doubt, jealousy and bitterness to happiness and love made in heaven. She couldn't believe it. There she was with the heart of her century old crush Jack Frost all to herself. Or so she thought... Tooth took a quick glance at Ravin Breeze.

The sky darkened. The weather changed. Rain and thunder quickly formed.

"The deal is over!" Large clouds appeared and circled its away around Ravin Breeze who suddenly froze. "Cupid's protection has worn off," said the voice of Pitch Black.

"No!" Ravin cried. Blasting flames back and forth among the grey clouds. Only to be electrocuted. It all happened so fast everyone found themselves stunned.

Before any of the guardians could throw themselves at the giant cloud that was Pitch Black, someone had spoken up.

"Oh no you don't." An arrow pierced it's way into the centre of the cloud. It was Cupid.

Just like that, Pitch Black hissed and evaporated.

"Get out of here NOW! While I hold him off!" Cupid exclaimed, shooting more arrows at the cloud. "This ends now Father!"

The cloud steamed and released thunder-like sounds as it began to fade.

Ravin Breeze wriggled her way out and towards Jack and Tooth. She was limping. Jack took her by the hand, only to sting at the contact of ice and fire. They managed anyways. Tooth offered a helping hand, and so did Bunny.

The three guardians; Jack Frost, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth fairy plus Ravin Breeze, and don't forget the mini ice people ran for their lives.

Bunny opened a portal in the ground. Each of the guardians, then ice men hopped one right after another into the portal like sliding into that of a child's slide.

North's workshop
Ravin Breeze woke with a start. All four eyes were on her.  An old bearded man, the sandman, the Tooth Fairy and Jack Frost. There was a golden substance emanating from in front of her. It was a hologram ... of herself.

"Ravin Breeze is guardian," said the bearded man, "Guardian of mischievous and fire."

"Makes sense." Jack shrugged. Each of the guardians stepped forward, and introduced themselves, all except the Tooth Fairy and Jack Frost.

"Why wasn't I ever get welcomed such respect." Jack rolled his eyes.

He turned sideways and walked towards the world globe in the room as something else caught his attention.  Jack studied the enormous globe.   "This isn't good," he said, "Pitch Black is growing slowly but rapidly and spreading nightmares to kids all over the state. Soon even other countries outside America."

Tiny spots of black smoke were appearing on each state. 

"We need to put a stop to this, and fast," the Tooth Fairy sighed.

Ravin Breeze wished she could help them, but at this point all she wanted were her memories. She didn't have a side to pick. She figured the least she could do was pay her debts to the guardians for saving her from being succumbed by evil and darkness.

"We need to prepare for second battle. Pitch Black is back." North scratched his bearded chin.  

"You know what we should do?" said Ravin Breeze. "From the next week forward we train. Each guardian should have their own skill that they can share with the rest of us!  Like Jack and archery—"

"That's not actually a bad idea," said Jack.

"Let's do it." the Easter Bunny agreed.

Sandy summoned a thumbs up above his ahead.

With out a moments hesitation Ravin Breeze fell backwards then passed out unconscious on the couch. Jack flinched at the movement, as if on instinct he were to catch her like their first encounter. He found Tooth glaring right at him, her eyes as if to say 'Don't you dare' ... a jealous girlfriend was truly frightening. Who knew Tooth could be so scary? Jack sort of liked it

Training: Timetable
Sandy: Meditation
7 am

Tooth: Tai Chi
9 am

Bunny: Kickboxing
10 am

North: Wood chopping
12 pm

Jack Frost: Archery

Ravin Breeze: Dodgeball
4 pm

Everyday until doomsday

Ravin Breeze stared at the time table North had attached to the wall. "I feel as if i've been dragged right back to High School gym class." The word High School sort of rung a bell. Suddenly, her head began to feel slightly numb.

A head ache, now?

Ravin pressed a hand to her forehead. A memory resurfaced onto her mind. She saw lockers and hallways. She saw herself making her way home from school with a bag over her back. It was her senior year. She saw a house then a boy no older than five holding her hand. And that was it. Why did it stop? Ravin wanted to see more, who she was or had been.

"What's wrong?" asked a woman's voice. Ravin Breeze saw the Tooth Fairy hovering in front of her.

Could she tell her fellow guardian the truth? "Nothing. J-just recovering from passing out, i guess," Ravin said.

Tooth on the other hand had other ideas.

"I know you and Jack kissed." Tooth crossed her arms. Part of her wanted to make it clear: STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND

"I can explain." Ravin told Tooth all about Pitch Black and Cupid's plan. Surprisingly Tooth didn't seem mad at all. As usual she was calm, understanding and chirpy. What Ravin left out was the fact that she felt she was developing feelings for Jack Frost herself.

. . .
"And THAT is how you roundhouse kick." The easter Bunny landed with a thump. He passed boxing gloves to each guardian.  "Partner up."

Ravin noticed from the beginning his accent was rather similar to the way she spoke. It was an Australian accent. Could he be connected to her somehow?  No. He's far too old.

Jack had been standing right next to Ravin. They locked eyes walking past one another as if to say they've both had enough opposing fire and ice contact for the week.

The Tooth Fairy fluttered over with two gloves already attached to her hands.


Ravin Breeze picked up the boxing pad. "Show me what you got."

Tooth threw two jabs, then a kick followed by what was supposed to be a roundhouse kick.

"Not bad. Make sure ya stance is steady, it's all about your stance. Foot here." Bunny walked past, then asked Ravin for the pad, making another demonstration.

Tooth continued to thrust at the pad with correct posture and position. Ravin Breeze was taken back a little.

"Not bad princess," Ravin applauded.

By swap time Ravin gave it her best shot. Ravin made several jabs and kicks. Tooth fluttered backwards.  The equipment began to slightly burn.  Tooth quickly blew out the steam.

They both looked over their shoulder to find Jack Frost and the Easter Bunny wrestling one another. No gloves. No kickboxing pads. Just tackling each other to the ground kind of contact.

On the other side North and Sandy were pretty into it actually. Sandy was like a one man punch machine.

Tai Chi
The guardians copied each swift movement Tooth made with her body.

"Similarly to meditation. This will keep you calm, and connect you to your inner chi," tooth said. "I believe light and happiness are what the nightmare demons lack, may your inner chi—"

The Easter bunny landed with a thud onto the ground.

Wood chopping
CHUCK.  CHUCK. CHUCK.  North chopped through more wood.

"WHO WANTS A TURN?" He offered.  Sandy put up his hand.  Sandy walked right up to the wood, grabbed the axe then ten efforts later passed out. He had cut almost a quarter of the wood.

"Your turn." North dropped the axe into Jack's hand.

"Don't mind if I do," said Jack.  

With several thrusts Jack sawed off where Sandy left off.

"Good job Jack," North applauded. 

Ravin walked up to the piece of wood.  With one swift chop with the side of her hand the wood burned until it split in half.

"Hey. Thats cheating," Jack gestured at the tree bark burnt in half. 

Ravin Breeze had been banned from using any source of her power.

She sawed through the wood with all her might. "Ow!" Ravin's middle finger bled like wildfire.  She felt a cold soothing hand grab her by the finger. 

"Here. Let me give this a try." Jack wrapped his fingers around Ravin's wound. His hands began to glow a light blue.   They were both zapped, and jumped apart.

Just like that the bleeding had stopped. All that was left was a light scar.

"And that. Is how you use a bow and arrow." Jack turns around.

Each guardian lined up for their turns to shoot.

The Easter Bunny made his first attempt, shooting the arrow two lines on top of where the two arrows had been before.

"Ugh. I missed!" Bunny stormed off. "One more time!"

The arrow shot three lines beneath the target.

"One more try!" Bunny grabbed another arrow from the pile. The arrow landed on the far right hand side.

"That's enough." Before Bunny could grab another arrow in agitation Jack Frost held the Easter bunny by both arms, holding him back.

Jack threw one arrow at Tooth who caught it without a second thought.

Tooth walked up to the marking. She pulled out her arrow and kept her gaze at the target.

"You got this Tooth. Remember what I taught you," said Jack.

"You should try it with one eye closed," Ravin whispered in Tooth's ear.

One. Tooth pulled back the string and arrow.

Two. Tooth let go of her arrow

The arrow pierced right into the centre of the bullseye.

"I ... I did it! I did it!" Tooth ran up to Jack and hugged him, swirling him around as she fluttered three inches off the ground.

Ravin Breeze emerged onto the front line and took her shot. The arrow pierced right in between Tooth's arrow, splitting it in half.

"Ha Ha! How's that for a first go!" Ravin Breeze gave Jack a high five.


Sandy: Could use a little more practise.


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