Spiderman Love of Amazons


181K 3.3K 753

peter parker sent to another dimension where he will fund love and happiness. note: I was asked to do the st... Еще

Arrival and Proposal
A New Day
The challenge
Wedding and Embaressment
The Next Day
Years Later
The Decision
The Truth
The Punishment
Meeting and New Family
Gathering and Mission
Helping Hand
Lust and Bad Feeling
Back Again
Idiotic Move Made by Idiots
Humiliation part 1
Humiliation part 2
What ?

Leaving the Island

5.5K 106 16

Many months have passed since shanna joined the amazons and everything could not be better, peter's relationship with his wives and aphrodite has improved and also with shanna since he would take them on dates and spend lots of time with them, it was not a rare sight to see an amazon and peter fucking from time to time since some amazons would take peter to a cornor and fuck him infront of everyone, nudity was not a problem though peter had to get used to it.

Right now we can see peter hugging kissing hippolyta in her office while Antiope was sucking his dick, they would have continued if not for a beepimg sound comming from peter, making him seperate from the women.

Hippolyta : what happened peter ?

Antiope : why did you stop ?

Peter : it's diana, she needs help.

Hippolyta : are you sure ?

Peter : I gave her this device and told her to use it only when there is an emergency.

Antiope : then you should go and help.

Peter kissed both women on the cheek and then put his new nanotechnological suite on.

Antiope : nice armor.

Peter : thank you, I have been working on it. Bye.

Peter openned a portal to a nearby location to diana.

The justice league are the defenders of Earth, whoever they had been defeated due to the betrayal of hawkgirl,one of their own. Currently they are trapped each in a specialized cell that was meant to restrain them. The mood was somber due to the defeat and betrayal but the silence was broken when they heard gunfire and shouting in the hall, the chamber door was destroyed and in came peter holding a very beaten up thangarian.

Peter : I must say the reception here is terrible, now diana should be here somewhere.


peter threw the thangarian and moved to unlock the cells of the JL whom he recognized thanks to diana's letters.

Peter : are you okay ?

Superman : yes thanks, but who are you ?

Peter : call me spiderman, diana can vouch for me.

More soldiers came to try to stop the heroes but where all taken out quite easily by the league.

Batman : we need to get out of here, everyone who can fly take someone who can't.

Superman carried batman and flash while martion manhunter carried green lantern while diana carried peter.

Peter : you know I can fly right.

Diana : Oh I just wanted to carry you in my armes after so long, so how have you been,anything new happened.

Peter : many things, but leave it for later.

The team finally reached the city and regrouped.

Superman : the city is crawling with thangarians.

Flash : maybe they will go away.

Peter : we are never that lucky.

Flash : a little optisim doesn't hurt.

Before the peter could reply, a booming voice could be heard from outside.


Peter : told ya so

Batman : we need to lay low and regroup in the mansion.

Diana : how will we hide when the city is looking for us.

Spiderman : they are looking for our hero identities, not our civilian one.

Batman : exactly.

Flash : wait I trust you guys but what about him, no offense.
Pointing at peter.

Peter : one I saved you all, you would still be on the ship if it wasn't for me, two diana can vouch for me.

Johnz : why ?

Peter :  I am her step father.

The men were stunned silent, they turned to diana who nodded with a blush on her face.

Peter : three my name is peter parker.
Removing his armor.

Bruce Wayne. Flash is Wally West. Superman is Clark Kent. Green Lantern is John Stewart. And you know Diana and J'onn," the billionaire explained.

Peter glanced over at Flash and smirked. "Wally? Really?"

Flash sighed. "Shut up."

A few minutes later everyone was wearing hmtheir civilian identities.

Batman : we need to split up, diana with peter, superman, I and flash will go together, the rest will meet us in gotham.

The team split up, peter and diana walked together.

Diana : so how is everythimg on the island ?

Peter : all good, though a few things did happen and an old friend of mine joimed tbe amazons, her name is shanna.

Diana : I would love to meet her. What else ?

Peter : well...

Diana : what is it

Before peter could say anything, a noise attracted them and they saw a thangarien was about to kill a few children, quickly both diana and peter attacked the soldier and hit him through the wall, soldiers hearing the commotion rushed to the scene, peter and diana were forced to enter a resturent to hide.

Both sat on the table and pretended they were on a date, hearing soldiers approaching diana made up her mind.

Diana : peter forgive me

Peter : for what ?

Diana did not respond before kissing peter and begginig to make out with him just as the soldiers entered. Looking around in suspicioun the soldier pointed to diana.

Soldier : when did they enter ?

Stan : they have been around for hours.

Grunting the soldiers left, making diana part with peter.

Diana : sorry.

Peter : no problem, now let's go.

The two finally reached the manor.

Batman : welcome

Peter : nice place.

Bruce : thanks.

Just then flash and green lantern arrived.

Wally : oh man, we are the last one here.

Clark : what do the thangerians really want with earth ?

Diana : the gondorians are not near earth, so why the force field ?

Bruce : if it is a force field

Shayera appeared from the shadows.

Shayera : I can tell you what it is.

Before anyone could react, she was webbed by peter.

Diana : thanks for comming, you saved me the trouble of tracking you down.


diana : but peter she..

Peter : came to help.

This stunned everyone.

Peter : I read her mind, she did not have any idea about this, she came to do what is right.

Shayera stared at him for a moment, then turned to the League. "They're building a hyperspace bypass. When it's active, it'll destroy the planet and everyone on it." She approached Bruce and handed over what looked like a purple video cassette. "Here; this has all the information on the project." Bruce simply glared at her. "Believe me; I didn't know the magnitude of Talak's plan."

Batman : we will check it out, the door is there.

Shayera : I am sorry.
Before she could leave, peter put a hand on her back stopping her.

Peter : look guys  I understand she betrayed you,but she is trying to set things right betraying all her people for us, you may not trust her but for now we need all the help we can get. So get over it and accept her help.
While glarring at everyone present.

Bruce : fine, but watch her.

Peter : I will.

Shayera : thank you.

The two heroes joined the others, who were watching a simulation of the effects of the hyperspace bypass. They watched as a simulated Earth was consumed by a bright, crackling energy.

"Ingenious." Batman muttered.

"Yeah, I'm impressed," said Superman, taking off his glasses again, "let's go wreck it."

"How?" asked Green Lantern, "It's behind a force field."

Shayera : the command ship, we can shut it down from there.

Batman : I will take care of the bypass, you shut it down

Flash : it huge, what will you do throw a batarang at it ?

Bruce : something like that.

They were interupted when the cameras spotted soldiers outside the mansion.

Peter : who wants to have some fun ?

Two dozen thangerian outside the mansion were searching for

Soldier : find them, they must be hidding here.

Diana : who is hidding. We are all here

Revealing the heroes except batman.

The soldiers attacked but were taken down.

Bruce (to diana ): go to the ship and shut down the field with spiderman, shayera and superman. We will reclaim the watch tower.

Flash : how will we get there.

Peter : I think this portal will help you.
Openning a portal to the watch tower.

Flash : that is cool.

Batman : go now.

The heoes seperated and went on their way.

With peter

The group was interupted by thousand of enemy soldiers.

Peter : this is unfair.

Superman : yes they don't stand a chance.

The fight if you could call it that was one sided, diana and shayera attacked with no mercy, superman speeded through them, while peter would take them down and web their wings then knock them out.

With batman

The group has already reclaimed the tower

Flash : now what, what is our secret weapon ?

Bruce : your standing on it.

Flash's eyes widened. "Wait… you mean we're gonna…"

"Take the Watchtower out of orbit and drop it right on top of their little science project." Finished Batman. He gestured to the fallen Thanagarians. "Get them to the escape pods."

As the heroes dragged the soldiers away, the Watchtower's engines pointed the massive station towards the coordinates that Batman had programmed into the navigational systems. The three moved as quickly as they could to get the Thanagarians to the escape pods. Thanks to the Flash, it was quick work.

"Are these the last of them?" asked J'onn.

"Yep," said the Flash, as Batman began to silently back out of the pod, "the 'tower is completely pest-free."

"Good." Was all Batman said as he pressed the launch button. The doors closed and the pod launched, with Batman still on the Watchtower.

Flash and the Martian rushed to the communicator. "What are you doing!?" demanded J'onn.

"I can't risk having the Watchtower burn up on reentry. I'll have to guide it in manually." Batman paused for a moment. "Gentlemen, it's been an honor."

The heroes in the escape pod bowed their heads in sorrow, knowing that Batman had just consigned himself to death.

Thangarian ship

The first that anyone knew that John Stewart was aboard the flagship was when he burst through the lower decks, blasting any Thanagarian in his way. Using security cameras, the soldiers on the bridge, including Hro Talak, could see what the Green Lantern was doing, and where he was going. At the sight of the human's face, Talak ground his teeth. He hated John Stewart. That man had stolen the love of Shayera Hol away from him. She had even betrayed her people, warning the Justice League of their plans, and even giving the Lantern back his ring. For her treason, she had been imprisoned in the brig. He had tried to reason with her, told her that the only way for their people to survive was if the humans died. Instead, she had decided that Earth's people were more deserving of her love. One person on Earth in particular.

"Intruder alert!" one of the bridge officers cried into the ship-wide communication. "All security teams to engineering!"

"Belay that!" barked Talak, as he strode towards the door, his axe in his hand. "Green Lantern is mine."

On the engineering deck, Green Lantern used his ring to pry open a set of door. Behind them was a large room with a force field, shaped like a pillar, inside of which was a small device with a plunger-like attachment.

"The force field controls." John looked up to see Hro Talak, the Thanagarian commander, land in front of the force field. "That is what you came for, yes? You want it?" he raised his axe into a ready position, "All you have to do is get by me."

"It'll be a pleasure." Lantern raised his ring and sent a beam of energy at Talak, who deflected it with a swing of his axe.

"No." Talak gave a glare. "This won't be like the last time that you took something that belonged to me."

Lantern's eyes narrowed. He knew that Talak was talking about Shayera. "Anything I took was freely offered. Maybe you should take better care of your stuff."

John sent several more bolts of energy at his foe, all of which were deflected. Both flew into the air, with John forming a triangular shield to block Talak's axe. The blow still took a chunk out of the shield. After several more blows, Lantern figured that he would be better off dodging Talak's blows than blocking them. Unfortunately, he still took several hits from both Talak's fist and from the hilt of his axe. One blow in particular knocked him into some machinery, which exploded, giving him several cuts on his face.

Stunned, Lantern couldn't stop Talak from picking him up by the throat. "I've beaten you, little man." Talak raised his axe. "Any last words?"

As Lantern's head cleared, he said, "Yeah; you can kiss my axe!" His ring created a green battleaxe in his hand, and both combatants swung at each other, attempting to overpower the other.

The group of heroes finally arrived at the sight to see lantern and talak fighting.

Shayera : enough talak you lost, give up.

Talak : never

Peter : diana, shayera, you take down the shields, I will deal with him.

The two nodded and went to work.

Talak : you think you can defeat me you lowly human.

Peter : I don't think defeating an oversized crow would be too hard, already took down many on the way.

Talak snarled and attacked peter with his mace only for peter to jump up and steal his weapon with his webs, talak attacked peter with his fists only for peter to dodge.

Talak : how are you dodging ?

Peter : I am amazing.
Then hit talak sending him flying and crashing to the wall.


As the Watchtower entered the Earth's atmosphere, Batman struggled to keep the station on course. Activating his comlink, he radioed Superman.

"We're cutting it a little close." He flinched slightly as a flaming piece of debris fell near him. "Have you shut off the force field?"

Back at the outside of the flagship, Superman shot down another fighter with his heat vision before replying.

"Not yet. Where are you?"

"Aboard the Watchtower." Admitted Batman, "Guiding it to target."

"That's insane!" was Superman's worried response. "Get out of there!"

"Negative. I'm staying." Anything else Batman might have said was lost in static.

"Batman!" Without even a backwards glance, Superman flew towards the Watchtower, easily finding it with his enhanced senses, but praying that he would reach it before it was too late.

On the ship

Diana and shayera along with peter have finally deactivated the force field around the bypass.

With batman he was struggling to remain councious as the watch tower remains fell on the bypass, he was using the computer to lead the tower to the bypass, after making sure the path was right he fainted, fortunetly superman was able to save him.

On ship

With the group they can see their plan was a success making them grin.

Soldiers came in ready to fight only for a beaten up talek to order them to stand down.

Talak : I hope you are happy, it will take us years to rebuild.

Shayera : then you better get started.
With that, she, diana superman and peter walked out of a portal leading to earth made by peter.

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