Welcome to Africa

By AssassinNovice72

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In the Country of South Africa, a virus has surfaced with an old enemy, the B.S.A.A and Washington Agent are... More

Chapter 1: We're not in Kansas Anymore
Chapter 2: An Unforgettable Face
Chapter 3: A BusinessMan with Standards
Chapter 4: No More Orders
Chapter 5: Shattered Slates
Chapter 6: Loose Ends tied tight
Chapter 7: A Businessman Indeed
Chapter 8: Ruined Palace
Chapter 9: Forgotten Ways
Chapter 10: Trip down Memory Lane
Chapter 12: Old Friends Together Again
Chapter 13: Stowaways
Chapter 14: Off With Her Head
Chapter 15: Confronting The Devil
Chapter 16: Sending the Devil back to Hell
Bonus Chapter: Letting Pain Go

Chapter 11: The Big Reveal

246 5 1
By AssassinNovice72

Once coming down, they looked at each other, "So this was the facility Excella was talking about." Sheva states, Annabelle takes her gun off the counsel and places it away. "She's got us under surveillance. I almost guarantee she sent that B.O.W to eliminate us." Chris informs them as they stride quickly on the bridge.

Heading towards the door, "I wouldn't put it past her." Annabelle throws out, Sheva nods at her, "You can ask her about that, and about Jill, once we find her." Sheva tells them, making Annabelle grin to herself. "I will gladly make her talk," she states, making Chris chuckle at her. "I wouldn't put that past you, Annabelle," he states.

She just smiles at him as they stop in front of the door and he looks back at them with a strong nod of his head. "Alright, let's find her then!" he said and they both nodded at him, continuing through the door.


They step into a hall and it leads them to a small room with just supplies in it, they collect any ammo they could find, then Chris steps over to the door, kicking it open, and turn to a hall that leads them down.

But he pulls out his sniper and looks through the scope, seeing Infected soldiers were guarding the way as they were armed. Annabelle steps up next to him as she looks down, "Is that..." she asks. "Yep," he answers. "And they..." she states. "Uh-huh," he answers again. "Is that even..." she states, trying to make sense of it. "Don't ask," he warns her.

Making her nod at him and he took the shot, taking off ahead and alerted the other, he pulls away and looks at her. "Annabelle," he states, she smiles then flash-steps down to the infected, drawing her combat knife and slices their heads right off and they drop to the ground dead. Sheva and Chris hurried down the ramp and stood in front of the crates, she then steps through the door and looks out at the other room. The two hurried after her into the room as the door burst open and Infected soldiers steps out and one fire at them as the other swung his electric baton at Annabelle as she dodges it.

Sheva and Chris fired at the Infected, killing him then Sheva turns her gun and fired at the other Infected, taking his head off and it drops at Annabelle's feet. She exhales and looks back to Sheva. "Thanks," she said, Sheva nods at her and the two hurried around the crates and they quickly moved through the door.

Annabelle was right on their heels, Chris stops at the end of the hall, pressing his back to the wall behind him as Infected fired at him and misses. Sheva pops out and fired at the Infected, taking it out as the others burst through the door. She then steps back and looks at the two. "Annabelle," she states, Annabelle looks at her, nodding then pulls her katana out and flash-steps away.

Chris pops out and fired at the Infected then Annabelle appears and slices the heads of two of them, Chris aims at the Infected that came up behind her and took out his head as Sheva hurries towards the crate and quickly took cover as the Infected fired at her, Annabelle flash-steps behind the Infected and slices their heads right off and fired at the other Infected.

Chris took his chance and hurried towards the crate and took cover as Sheva hurries to the pillar and took cover. Annabelle sliced off the arms of an Infected and then twirls and took his head right off. She then looks back at the Infected that aimed at her and she charges at them, the two BSAA fired as more Infected floated into the room.

But they kept firing and reloading, picking them off one by one, Annabelle ran out from the side room, then pulls out a grenade, bites down and rips the pinout, and threw it in the side room. She runs out as the explosion went off and kills the remaining infected in the side room. Then she slices the heads of the last two Infected and they drop to the ground. Annabelle places as she looks back to the two and they step out and ran up to her. Annabelle relaxes as she places her katana away and turns to the door.

Chris looks at the door as well then steps up and held his hand at the button, Sheva steps over towards the other and Annabelle stood in front of the door. They both looked at her as she nods at them with her gun aimed. Then they pressed the buttons the door open and Annabelle steps through the door, entering a hall. The two followed her in as she shuffles to the end of the hall, pressing her back to the wall, and peeks out through the door then immediately pulls back as bullets went flying past her. "Okay," she mutters.

As Chris stood next to her, "Let me guess, more of them." he states, she grins and shot a smart-ass look at him. "You can say that," she answers, then pulls out a grenade, pulls the pin, and tosses it into the room. The explosion went off and Chris hurries in and took cover behind the crates as Sheva joins him.

Annabelle switches to her sniper and fired at the Infected on the rails of the second floor. Taking their heads out, clearing the way then Chris and Sheva took their chance and ran up the steps and fired at the last few Infected in the room. Annabelle flash next to them and they hurried through the way and came to an elevator that was at the end of the room.

Chris presses the button and the doors open, they step inside and the elevator doors close and Annabelle slams her fist onto the button and they went down.

They stood there, waiting as they were being taken to their destination, then their radios went off, creating static, getting their attention as they were accidentally tapped into Excella's frequency.

"...boros has... loaded."

Chris places his hand to his radio as he listens in, then shot a look over at Sheva and the other at Annabelle as she took had her hand to her radio.

They remained quiet so they wouldn't alert Excella of their radio that were tapped in, another voice was on the line, but it was too quiet to make out. But Annabelle remembers that quiet cold voice taking to Excella.

"Don't worry. The reserve supply is almost ready."

Annabelle looks away, "Reserve supply?" she mutters and Sheva steps closer to Chris, "I know that voice." she states and Chris looks at her.

He nods at her, "It's Excella." he agrees and looks at Annabelle, "Something about a reserved supply being loaded. It that Uorboros?" she mutters, he shrugs at her.

"That's... Albert... looking forward..."

The name gets Chris's attention as it was someone he thought was dead and the person Annabelle was hunting. "Albert!?" he questions as Sheva just listens and Annabelle flicks her eyes to Chris.

Then Sheva shot a look at her. "What? The person Annabelle is hunting?" she asks and looks at Annabelle as she locks her eyes with her.

"And how are you holding up, Albert?"

But the rest of the fee cuts out as the signal was lost, Chris pulls his hand away as he looks away. "Shit! Wesker... I thought he was dead." he states and looks to Annabelle.

He locks eyes with her as she exhales, "He was sighted here in Africa, a few months back, I came looking for him so I can put him back in hell where he belongs." she informs them.

Then leans back against the wall and crosses her arms, "Besides, Jill survived. Why wouldn't he?" she states and looks away. Chris just sighs, turning a look to Sheva as she too sighs and they looked back at the elevator doors.

Once they reached their destination, the doors then open and the three stepped out and hurried through the hall and came to a stop at the turn at Lickers polluted the hallway ahead of them.

But Chris pulls out his sniper as Annabelle pulls out her shotgun, she then immediately steps out and marches forward as Chris leans out and fires at the Lickers. This gets their attention and they began crawling towards them.

But Annabelle aims and fires her shotgun, killing them as they flung back and smack onto the ground dead. Chris aims at the Lickers on the ceiling and fired at them, killing them.

Once the hallway was cleared, Chris and Sheva move out of cover and hurried down the hall, Annabelle reloads her shotgun as Chris reloads his sniper. They reach the end and came to a turn that turns them into another hall, but Lickers pour out from the wall and began crawling towards them.

Chris aim his rifle at them and fired, hitting them as Sheva joins him. Annabelle marches forward and fires at the Lickers as they lunge for her, but she fired and knocks them back. The two hurried after her, firing at the Lickers as they went. But then more pour out from the wall, Annabelle growls as she broke into a run, placing her shotgun away and pulls her katana free, then jumps, twisting in the air as she slices right down the middle of the Licker, slicing it in half.

Then she looks at the other Lickers as they crawl towards her, she hisses back at them as charges and swung her blade. Chris and Sheva step back as they fired at the Lickers that were closing in on them. But Sheva pulls out a few grenades and threw them at the Lickers, and they get caught in the explosion the two brace themselves, as the blast took the Lickers out.

Once the smoke settles, the two stepped through it and saw bodies of the Lickers littered around Annabelle as she exhales, cleaning off her blade and places it back in her sheath and she looks back at the two. "You good?" she asks them and they nodded at her, "Then let's go," she tells them and strides towards the door.

Chris grins as he shot a look over to Sheva as she shook her head and they hurried after Annabelle as she steps to the door and they step through.


Stepping into the shipping warehouse and saw it was almost like a maze, almost. Annabelle steps towards the rails and looks out at the shipment as they were being loaded on the tram.

Chris and Sheva stood next to her as they look out at the tram, "Not that many infected, but we can cross this tram to get up there." Annabelle states as she points up to the tram and up to the second tram loading explosives. Sheva steps over and fires down at the infected, killing them off.

Chris looks back at her and nods, then he steps over towards the edge and jumps down, landing on the ground, Sheva drops in after her as Chris steps onto the tram then hurried across with Sheva behind him.

Annabelle drops down and hurries behind them as pull themselves onto the tram and they hurried down the tram. They pass the crates as they pass and then drop down onto the ground, then one by one. They climb up onto the ladder, Chris then pulls the lever and the tram stops with the loading shipment. Then he turns to the stairs and hurried up them.

But came to a stop at the broken door. He kicks, but it wouldn't budge. Then Sheva and Annabelle meet up with him and Sheva helps him, they both kick the doors off the hinges and hurried inside and they hurried to the platform above the tram.

As the explosives went off from the Furness, Annabelle looks out and saw Infected had spotted them, "Incoming!" she calls out. Sheva and Chris turn and saw the Infected as Annabelle pulls out her sniper and aims at the Infected, firing and taking their heads out. "We'll go on ahead," Chris tells her. "Roger," she responds and fired, killing the one above them.

Chris and Sheva drop down onto the tram and hurried, passing the canisters of explosives as they blew in the Furness. Infected ran out to meet them, but Sheva aims and fires at them. They picked them off as Annabelle took out the last ones. Chris steps up onto the platform as Sheva pulls herself up and Chris turns off the tram, making it stop.

Then Annabelle pulls away, placing her sniper away, then steps down onto the tram, the two watches her as she hurries past the canisters, and Sheva held her hand out to her and pulls Annabelle up onto the platform. "Thanks, partner," she said to her, Sheva nods and they turn to the steps and steps down to the ground level.

They scouted around and collected supplies for their gear, Sheva added an assault rifle to her arsenal, Chris steps up to the platform and pulls the lever, but it retracts as nothing happened.

The power's out. There must be a way to restore it.

Chris looks to the steps and they hurried up them, then began weaving through the construction of turns and steps, finding herbs and ammo.

But then stumble across an interesting selection of arsenal. "Missiles?" Chris mutters as they step past them. Sheva and Annabelle look up at them, just as curious and confused as he was. "Why would they need these do you think?" Sheva asks him.

He looks back at her, "Maybe they're planning to start a war." he answers and Annabelle looks back at them, "Given who they once were, it is highly possible." she agrees with him. He nods at her and they step past the table, collected ammo and herbs as they went.

Then they step in front of a powerbox with two levers, Sheva steps over towards one as did Chris and they both pulled them in perfect sync. The power to the tram was restored.

The two pulled away and look to Annabelle, she nods at them and they took the other way around back to the tram, but the cries of the Infected reached their ears. So they hurried down the ramp and as they came to a turn, mutated larva cocoons were dripping as they were cracked open.

Annabelle groans in disgust as they pass them, but coming to the next turn, A mutated bug-like Infected drops down in front of them, screeching loudly, but Annabelle pulls out her shotgun and fired at it, knocking it right back. It withers and squeals in pain and went limp.

The two just stood there, momentarily blinking to themselves, and looked back at her, "Hate bugs." she mutters and shivers at the thought. They looked back and down at the corpse of the bug, "What manner of beast is that?" Sheva asks as she steps closer to it "Don't know. Don't wanna know. Let's move." Annabelle said and strides forwards.

Chris shot a look at Sheva as she was just as confused, but they hurried after her as they were finally back to the tram controls. Chris steps up to the lever and pulls it, starting the tram back up.

Then he drops down to the tram and the two followed him, "These must be the discarded test subjects from the research facility." she states as the half-dead Infected were wiggling on the tram. "Poor bastards, never knew what they were getting themselves into... until it was too late." Annabelle states as they step down the tram, then cross over to the second tram and hurried down it.

The half-dead Infected lunge at them, only to miss, once the three reach the back, they cross back over, running fast on the speeding tram, then one by one, they pulled themselves onto the platform and hurried up the ramp. Heading towards the hall in the back and came to a door, Chris presses his hand into it and they entered.


They entered a hallway that wasn't looking abandon... more recently used. But they hurried down the hall and drop from the ledge and entered a room where a door was at the end. The two stepped up to the buttons, press against them.

Annabelle steps up, her handgun aimed at the door, they both looked back at her, she locks her eyes with them and nods. The two looked back, pressing the buttons. Then the door unlocks and slides up. Annabelle enters the room first, scanning the area then Chris and Sheva followed her in.

Their guns aimed and ready as they step closer into the testing labs, the door closing quickly behind them, making Sheva jump back and aim her gun as Chris just looks over his shoulder. Annabelle kept her eyes forward, sensing something... dark and monstrous in the room.

Slowly stepping further into the room, Chris and Sheva step up behind her as they kept their eyes peeled, but then Annabelle stops as that feeling was stronger now and picks at the hairs left, making her immediately 180 to the left. "Chris," she whispers, making him look at her then right at what she looking at. "Sheva," Chris calls out to her.

They both formed up on Annabelle as they were all aiming their gun right at the reformed male body, his hands and feet reformed as his skin was pitch black, they slowly step closer towards it, making sure to stay a safe distance.

"Well, glad you could make it."

Excella calls out to them, they immediately looked up, searching for the woman herself. Annabelle just growls as she lowers the gun. "Where are you!?!" she shouts out, her rage burning in her blood.

"Up here, Anne."

Excella taunts with a giggle, making them immediately look up to the observer deck and there she stood with the raven next to her. Chris glares at her and shot a step forward. "Excella... Where's Jill!?" he snaps at her.

But she just sighs with foreign exhaustion of him and his repeating questions, so she waves it off, making Annabelle glare death at her.

"Jill, Jill, Jill. You're like a broken record, you know that? Just as simple-minded as he said."

She said, with a look of annoyance on her face of him. Annabelle flicks her eyes back to the body in front of her, "What is that?" she questions, flicking her eyes back to her. And she just smiles.

"You've spent so long trying to track down Uroboros, well, here. Enjoy."

She said with a wave of her arm, then the body stood up, Chris and Sheva lock their guns in on the Infected as Annabelle took a step back.

Softy and heavy panting leave the Infected, but something was wiggling rapidly under the skin. The Infected then glares at them and took a step forward, but then infected pitch black colored worms shot out from the shoulder, making him jerk.

Annabelle's stomach turns as she felt the viruses in her body shiver at the intensity of dead aura from both host and hostee. Then more slithers out and the Infected jerked again as they were slowly consuming the body, but what scared her, no matter the amount of pain or his cries. He still kept stepping forward.

The two stepped back along with her, "So, Uroboros is a new B.O.W. and you're planning on selling it to terrorists." Sheva states, snapping Annabelle out from her terrified thoughts.

Excella hums as she thinks, crossing her arm under her chest and propping her other arm up onto it. Annabelle glares right up at her.

"Good guess, but no. while it does resemble the B.O.W.a based on the Progenitor Virus. I have no intention of selling it to terrorists."

She informs her, feeling offended by the accusation, Annabelle scoffs as she kept stepping back slowly. Chris lowers his gun as he glares up at her. "Then what are you using it for?" he questions her.

The infected came to a stop, the three shotted their gaze right back to it and it began jerking in a sudden invasion into the mind. The Infected reels back gagging and choking on nothing.

Then the worms retreated back onto the body and it lowers its head momentarily and rose back up, opening its eyes and reveals a similar shape and color of one Albert Wesker.

"Evolution. It's a Philosopher's stone, one that will choose through DNA who will proceed to the next stage. My vision and his combined, now made a reality."

Sounding pleased with her, the Infected marches forward, Annabelle shuffles back at the sudden charge, "Evolution? What are you talking about!?" Sheva questions her. Excella then leans against the panel, mocking her.

"Aww, you'll find out soon enough. Everyone will."

She promises her, Annabelle thinks over her words then pieced the puzzle together and was shock at the answer she came to. "You want to restart the world," she states and Excella looks down at her. Chris and Sheva looked back at her, "Restart it in your image." she said.

Excella pulls back as Chris and Sheva look up at her in shock. "So only the strong will live and the weak perish," Annabelle states as she grips her gun tighter.

"So you can you that brain of yours after all. That was impressive. Almost impressive."

She said crossing her arms at her as the raven looks down at her. Then the Infected immediately stops as it was now groaning and jerking at the worms that were rejecting his DNA.

"Hmm, too bad. Looks like he wasn't worthy. Only the chosen ones are fit for the coming new world."

"You mean your new little boy toy, Albert?" Annabelle snaps back at her and Excella glares hatred at her, her composure crack. "Yeah, I know your line of work and what you did for a living. No matter who was in the way, you were the one with the power," she states and steps forward. "Albert is power and you want it, but he was never the one for sharing." she snaps at her.

"DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME!! You are the only thing he wants! The picture he has of you, he refuses me. Me! Of all people, for you!!"

Excella snaps at her, Sheva and Chris flick their eyes up at her, seeing that she was in fact, Jealous.

"Why would he waste his time of some little broken former Umbrella operative, that never thought of him once, when he can have me... a beautiful, powerful, sexy, and willing woman like me?"

She snaps at her, Annabelle pulls her eyes at her, "And that just what makes you a loose end, Excella. You got attached too easily." she said again. Excella slams her hands onto the panel glaring down at her. Her hatred of Annabelle was never-ending.

But then she remembers where she is, then slowly crept her scowl into a smirk. Then pulls away, completely calm and relaxed as she was the victor.

"No matter, once I kill you with Uroboros, proving you unworthy. He will see I am more worthy of him."

She said with a smile then turns and strides out of the observation deck and the Raven stepping after her. "Excella, Wait!" Chris calls out to her, but she was already gone. They then turn their back to the Infected, watching as the virus consuming him completely slow.

Annabelle jumps back and drew back her gun, the body then began reforming itself and grew an extra tentacle for an arm, and became that hideous monster that they had to burn up in the Furness room after what it did to Alpha Team. The three immediately shuffle back and pressed their backs into the wall.

Warning! A biohazard has been detected. Clean-up personnel must incinerate all contaminated materials.

Chris noises an explosive canister and as the Infected Monster crawls towards them, he took aim and fired at it, making an explosion go off and knock the monster off and they quickly hurried away. "That's the same type of bioweapon that wiped out Alpha team!" Chris informs them as Annabelle pulls out grenades and threw them at the monster.

Then she hurried after them, "Yes, but this one seems much more ferocious." Sheva tells him as the explosion went off and the monster screeches in pain. They quickly step back as it picks itself back up and reels his arm back. "Watch out for its arm!" Sheva calls out and they dodge the swing.

"Chris, you're grenade launcher!" Annabelle calls ut to him, he pulls it out and tosses it to her. Annabelle catches it, then turns back and fires grenades at it. It shrieks in pain at the heat from the blasts. Then Sheva turns back and fires as did Chris and they aimed at the huge glowing blisters on the aim.

It shrieks and reels its arm back. "Move!" Chris calls out and the two of them immediately jump to the side as Annabelle flash-steps on the side. "Come on, get up!" Annabelle shouts as she pulls them back to their feet.

They quickly ran back around as the case lights turn green, making the three stopped and look at it.

Flamethrower tank is now full. You may use when ready.

Without thinking, Chris opens the charging case and pulls the tank on, and pulls the gun off the wall. Then he handed it to Sheva and she immediately pulls it on then turns to the Infected Monster that found them and began charging.

But Sheva aims the flamethrower and fires, the creature stops dead in its tracks and screeches in pain as the flames it was being doused in. "Burn in hell, you son of a bitch!" she shouts at him.

Chris and Annabelle pull away as they ran down a turn, Chris stops then pulls the canister off the wall and slams it down onto the ground. Then the Infected monster's burst out and blocks her way. "Ah! I can't get past that arm of his!" she calls out then Chris ran back to the monster and began firing at the Monster's eye, throwing off and it retracts his arm back.

Sheva then looks down at the gin as the flames were reduced to a small flame, "I need to refuel it! Hold on!" Sheva calls out, Annabelle steps out into the crossway as Chris quickly steps away. "Hey, you son of a bitch!" Annabelle calls out and fired a grenade at it.

It blows as it makes contact with the monster, it shrieks in pain, snarling, it turns away from Sheva as she places the flamethrower back and locks it in. The monster slithers towards Annabelle and she kept firing at the monster. Then Chris rejoins Sheva and they both fired at it.

It then turns back to them and they quickly ran away. Snarling, it gave chase and hurried after them. Running around the corner it chases. Then once the three were at the end of the next turn. Chris turns back at the monster took the canister in its arm and went to throw.

But Chris fired and makes the canister explode in its arm and it screeches in pain, then Sheva hurried back to the charging station and took the fame thrower off and mounts it up. Then monsters slither towards Chris, but he quickly ran. Then the monster resembles in the center and turns to Annabelle, Sheva ran up behind the monster and flames it.

Annabelle fired grenades at the monster as Chris joins Sheva and fired his shotgun at the monster. It cries and shrieks in pain. Then the flame dies out. "I'll refuel it! Hold on!" she calls out. Annabelle fired at the monster, taking another eye out.

Then only two of the blisters were left. Sheva locks the flamethrower in place and quickly ran off and Annabelle took the opposite direction. It snarls at them as it chases after Annabelle.

Chris fired at the monster, turning its attention away from her as she darts off and meets up with Sheva. He kept firing then dodges the incoming swing of the arm then darts off as well. He found a canister, he pulls it from the wall and drops it onto the ground.

Then he quickly took off and ran meeting up with the twp as the monster resembles back in the center. It then reels its arm back as they were running towards the flamethrower.

Time slowed as Annabelle looks at the monster as it reels its arm back then she looks to Chris as he was the Infected Monster's target. Panic erupts from her as she flash-steps right behind and shoves him out of the way.

The tentacle flung out and hits Annabelle making her smack right into the charging case, the arm was able to make a small cut on the back of the neck. Chris and Sheva stumble forward and look back at Annabelle as she slides to the ground as the Uroboros parasites slither up her body and slither inside her body through the cut. "NOO!!" Chris calls and fires at the Infected monster, pulling his attention away from Annabelle and turns them.

The two took off running and the monster slithers after it after Chris and Sheva, They ran past the canister and the monster stops as it looks down at it. The two were far enough and Chris fires at the canister, making it blow, and the monster shrieks as it lost another blister.

Leaving just one left blister left, it resembles back to the center and charges at the two, but Chris pulls out his shotgun and fired at it, taking out the last blister. It stood there, withering into nothing but then reforms into a weak worm with one last blister. Then slithers after them, Sheva and Chris fired at it, but it swung it's arm down at them, but both dive away from the swung, but it then at Sheva, fling her to the wall. "Sheva!" Chris calls out and the monster swung its arm at him and he flung back at the wall.

Annabelle groans in her sleep, but she jerks awake, feeling the parasite dig into her brain stem, but the viruses fought back and killed off the parasites, but one dug right in and merges with another stored into the base of her brain.

She lunges forward, coughing loudly as she hunches onto her hands and knees and vomits up all the worms that were killed off. But then she pulls away, panting as she grips her head and stumbles back onto her feet. Her vision was burning red as it wobbles back onto the monster as it slithers towards Sheva.

Then her rage busted. "NNNOOO!!" she screams, making the monster freeze right on its tracks, then ripped away and stood right in front of Annabelle. She glares hatefully at it as her eyes were burning red. Then glass on the observation desk shatter as they drop from the ground, Sheva and Chris looked at the monster as the shattered glass drops to the ground and then rose into the air.

The glass then immediately was pointed right at it, she then screams as she thrust her hands forward and the glass slams into the monster, shredding the parasites and the last blister burst and it withers into the ground in a dried puddle of nothing.

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