Woody and Yale Falling Under

By kimmyxad

2.8K 229 28

⚠️ Do not read this book first if you haven't read "I Call Her Blueberry" and you are planning to do so later... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.

Chapter Twenty-One.

47 4 0
By kimmyxad

Yale's Point of View

I could feel her eyes burning a hole in my face as she sat across from me at the restaurant table. I didn't want to look up because that would mean that I would be staring straight at her and I had a feeling she wouldn't look away and that just made me more nervous,

So I'd rather prefer just staring at my breakfast plate. I swallowed and then used my knife to spread avocado on my slice of toast.

I glanced to see Woody seated beside me taking a sip of his black bitter coffee. This restaurant was nice, but this just felt so awkward with his mother being here. Our table was quiet all I could heard was peoples knives and folks clinging against their plates with light chatter in the air...

Is it hot? I'm sweating. No, she's making me nervous. Woody, help.

I took a bite of my toast.

"Yale, how long have you been sleeping with my son?" I heard her speak as I almost choked on my food and then looked up at her with big eyes not knowing how to process what she had just asked me. She was very forward, we hardly spoke at all and she chose to ask me that out of the many things she could have thought of instead.

I coughed, about to speak but then he spoke instead.

"Yo," Woody spoke up and then shook his head at her, staring sternly almost giving her a dirty look. "If you want me to play nice, you will think twice about the things you want to ask her." He took a bite out of his toast and then nonchalantly continued before chewing "It's a nice morning at my favorite breakfast restaurant, don't force me to cause a scene." He glanced down to scoop his fried egg up onto the other slice of toast he had on a side plate.

"It's just a question Quinton. No need to be dramatic. I suppose you wanted to me to get to know her, that's why we're here so I'm doing just that." She said with a thin smile on her face and then he glared at her.

"No, you're here because you showed up at my house uninvited and didn't want to leave, and because I have impeccable manners I had decided to invite you to join Yale and I for breakfast." He took a sip of his coffee "Don't make me regret being polite. I do love you mother but you're really pissing me the fuck off." He said honestly with no expression on his face.

"It's okay." I said to him as I touched his bicep gently, and normally I'm really physically affectionate with him but I had forgotten for a moment that his mother was right there so I quickly took my hand off her son.

I cleared my throat "We haven't..." I didn't know how to tell her that we never had sex, because it was so damn awkward to even discuss this "Um..." I tried insinuating as she made her eyes wide waiting for me to finish my sentence. It's like she wanted me to say it but it was so uncomfortable.

"Fucked." Woody added when I couldn't "We haven't fucked, not that it's any of your business but since you want to know. There you go." He smiled a fake smile and then glanced at me for a moment "I'm sorry," he apologized on her behalf "I hope you now understand why my father was my favorite. Baby, can you pass the salt please?" He asked politely and then I reached for the salt from my side of the table and handed it to him.

His mother rolled her eyes. "I just want to understand what's going on between the two of you." She shrugged and then turned to face him "And before you say it's not my business it most definitely is, you didn't want me anywhere near Maggie and look what happened. Maybe if I had asked her a few questions I would have known she was a snake and warned you." She said matter-of-factly.

He ignored her.

"Yale," she then turned to me and then he quickly cut her off before she could proceed with her sentence.

"Be careful of your next words. You bite, I kill." His smirk hinting frustration.

"Calm down." She sighed.

"Yale, I'm sorry if I'm being intrusive but I'm just looking out for my son. He can be impulsive sometimes." She nodded.

"Woody..." I began to say and then corrected myself and addressed him by his proper name "Quinton saved my life." I said to her since I knew she wasn't going to give up until she knew everything. "I tried to commit suicide and..."

"Yale you don't have to." His thick voice interrupted me trying to remind me that I didn't have to tell her anything as I felt his big gentle hand rest lightly on my thigh below the table.

"It's okay." I smiled small at him.

"He saved my life, I almost drowned and he jumped in to save me. Physically and mentally, Quinton saved me." I nodded "We were drawn to each other since then and I have feelings for him," I paused "I know that my situation isn't the best right now, me being pregnant with a baby that isn't Quinton's while also feeling what I feel for Quinton...and I'm still in a relationship with the father of my child." I admitted honestly.

"So you're cheating on your boyfriend with my son?" She seemed a littles pissed off but I'd rather have her hate me for being honest with regards to my relationship with her son, than like me for being fake.

"Yes." I said, she smiled.
Woody let us talk while he continued to eat.

"So what are your intentions then?"

"I want to be with him." I said and then he glanced at me, I could see it in the corner of my eye. "But it's not easy." I admitted but couldn't explain why.

"But you will?" She pressed as she took a sip of her lemon water.

"Stop. You know enough about my relationship with Yale now. She has feelings for me and I have feelings for her. How we choose to move forward or what decisions we choose to make is between us." He said defending me.

"I will." I answered her "I love him." I said aloud feeling the hair on my skin rise as I heard myself say those words,

They weren't in my head anymore. They were here, out into the world and I can never take it back.

I don't want to.

I love Quinton and that's crazy...but I do,

I love him, how could anyone not.

He then stared straight at me as I quickly glanced at him. He had eyes as big as a full moon. He smiled and then stared at me like he never did before, he looked down still smiling small as he cleared his throat, oddly surprised. He was taken back and speechless.

He didn't say anything. I didn't expect him to.

"I..." he tried to speak but then we got interrupted by a waiter carrying a tray with a gourmet waffle placed on it. The waiter smiled while placing it down on the table in front of Woody, It had a note laying open on the tray.

"It's been years. - Cordelia" It read.

"The owner will be out shortly to greet you." The waiter had spoken while Woody looked like he had seen a ghost.

Wait, what is going on.

And who the hell is Cordelia.

Woody's Point of View

Yale had just admitted that she loved me and I was still trying to process that. That must have been hard for her to say but she said it and I believe her,

Should I believe her?

Fuck, I do. But do I love her back? I don't know yet, its too soon for me to feel love. My heart is guarded and she knows that, she knows it will take time for me to be in love again. I cant fucking say it back because I want to be sure when I say it. I want to be sure of how I feel.

I hope she's okay with that. I don't want to lose her. She means a lot to me.

but I'm really fucking happy she said it, it really gives me the assurance I need in order for me to be a little more open.

I mean, I-

I quickly got distracted, hearing a laugh from across the room that I hadn't heard in years.

I watched her struct towards us as she greeted many people with a polite wave on her way to our table. Delia was fucking stunning, she's always been stunning. Her wavy blonde hair floated as if she was moving in slow motion as she smiled at me from across the room with her green eyes.

I hadn't seen Delia in years since she moved out when Maggie and I were getting serious. To be honest I'm fucking taken back, I knew she owned this restaurant like many others all over the world but I never fucking expected her to be in town. She's never in town, not since Denver and I had broken up with her.

I need to tell Yale what's going on but it seems as if I had no time left to, because she was-

"Woody!" She smiled as I swallowed and then I stood up from my seat to greet her. She fell into my arms like we were in some dramatic Bollywood movie. Fuck, I was a little cautious to hug her back but I did anyway. I didn't want to be rude.

I glanced over at Yale as she seemed confused but still kept her composure while my mother couldn't care less about Delia as she only focused on eating her meal as if none of us were here.

"Hey! It's been years." I said as I scratched the back of my neck I'm fucking acting awkward I can feel it, why the fuck am I being awkward.

"Yeah!" She laughed and then pointed her eyes at the note she had sent with the dessert.

"Delia, this is Yale." I said to her as she quickly shifted her vision to see Yale seated beside me at the table. She smiled sweetly.

"Nice to meet you! You are gorgeous!" Delia was her bubbly polite self, as she gushed.

"Thank you!" Yale was sweet "It's nice to meet you too."

"And that's my mother." I referred to the wicked witch of the west at our table and then Delia greeted her.

"Ah! The woman we all need to thank for Woody's existence." Delia was playful and then my mother smiled.

"She's nice." My mother said to me and then I responded with a grim smile.

I sat down and then asked if Delia was going to join us at our table because I didn't want to be rude,

But I had a feeling that me being so polite is going to bring up a lot of questions from Yale later, who sat there awfully quiet, this is bad.

I don't know why this is bad, but I just know it fucking is.

"No no, I couldn't impose. I have to meet Denver in an hour anyway. Also congratulations to you both on your baby. Denver failed to mention that you were in a new relationship and that you were going to be a dad!" She seemed excited but I wasn't too trilled, not because of her congratulating Yale and I but because she was meeting up with Denver!

Why the fuck was she meeting up with Denver, that's fucking sus.

"Wait, what!? Denver!? You're meeting up with Denver?" I was curious.

"Yeaaah." She cocked her head back as her eyes hinted confusion. "You didn't know? I've been in town for a week now and I've been meeting up with him almost everyday." She said as she searched my face for answers.

I'm going to fucking kill him. I could feel the rage pipe through my veins but I tried to keep cool.

I wasn't jealous I never liked Delia in that way, I was just concerned because Denver had a whole fucking girlfriend which I happen to love with my whole heart.

"No, he didn't mention you once." I said seriously.

"Why the fuck are you hanging out with Denver? He's still dating Kelly." I said informing her in case she didn't know.

This felt strange Denver was in love with Kelly, he would never cheat on Kelly. I knew my boy and this wasn't my boy. What the fuck is he doing! He didn't even have feelings for Delia. In fact out of the two of us, he cared about her less.

I swallowed.

"So he didn't tell you, you don't know anything? Look, I know he's still with Kelly, but..."

"Nah, the fuck!? You need to stay away from him, Kelly will fucking kill you." I said with no expression on my face.

"It's not like that!" She said defending herself.

"Then what is it like then? Does Kelly know that you're in town or that you're hanging out with her boyfriend?"

"No, Denver said..." She tried to speak but my anger and frustration wouldn't let her.

"I don't give a fuck what Denver said. You need to stop seeing him. He is in love! What the fuck are you doing!?"

"Woody! I know that!" She said and then glanced around to notice people were beginning to stare and then she began to speak softly "You need to talk to your friend! You and Denver need to have a conversation. Maybe if you hear him out you will understand, because clearly you're not listening to me." She paused "2 years together and many apart, and...you're still as stubborn as you've always been!"

"2 years together and you're still fucking Denver after he had already found love, he doesn't love you, move on!"

"I didn't love him!" She said with tears about to push from her eyes as she stared into mine softly with a look I knew all too well.

She...loved me. I knew she did, back then...but I couldn't and didn't feel the same.

"I think this is a little too much for me." I heard Yale's gentle voice interrupting us "I don't know what's going on here, but I think I should leave." She said as if she's had it and attempted to get up from her seat.

"Nope. You're not going anywhere baby, after you hear me out." I said as I placed my hand on her thigh pushing her back down into her seat. She glared at me "We're going to talk okay, and I will explain everything. I promise." I said assuring her as she sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I had no intention to." Delia spoke to Yale and then Yale shook her head "Its okay, this is between Quinton and I. We just need to talk."

"I think I should leave." She swallowed. "Talk to Denver. Okay?" She said to me sincerely.

"Ima do a lot more than just talk." I spoke confidently, she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry for the inconvenience and disruption Yale and Mrs. Wood. I didn't mean to upset anyone or ruin anyone's morning. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay dear, Quinton is stubborn. He has a lot to learn. It was nice meeting you." My mother was kind to her and then she smiled small while Yale didn't say anything.

Delia then stared at me as she inhaled deeply and then exhaled while she shook her head and didn't say a word. I stared at her blankly. She then swallowed and rotated herself before her heels carried her away across the restaurant floor, disappearing through the tables, leaving us all speechless and in thought .

I'm going to fucking kill Denver.

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