Red Butterfly

Galing kay darknessinsideofus

268K 10.1K 4.2K

"The Namikaze clan huh?", Itachi took a step closer, his eyes calm, but fixated. I took a step further back a... Higit pa

Chapter 1, A Long Gone Spark
Chapter 2, The Flaws of Life
Chapter 3, The Drained Spirit
Chapter 4, The Real Deal
Chapter 5, Drowned Hopes
Chapter 6, No Remorse
Chapter 7, Hanabi's Order: Retrieve & Leave
Chapter 8, Shisui of The Body Flicker
Chapter 9, Mangeykō Sharingan
Chapter 10, All-Nighter
Chapter 11, Resurrected Hopes
Chapter 12, One That Appears Once
Chapter 13, Uchiha District
Chapter 14, Why The Flowers Never Bloom
Chapter 15, Longing For Power
Chapter 16, Not Bargained For
Chapter 17, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 1
Chapter 18, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 2
Chapter 19, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 3
Chapter 20, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 4
Chapter 21, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 5
Chapter 22, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 6
Chapter 23, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 7
Chapter 24, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 8
Chapter 25, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 9
Chapter 26, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Final Part
Chapter 27, Untitled
Chapter 28, It Will Change You
Chapter 29, Perplexed Emotions
Chapter 30, The SharinGANG
Chapter 31, Discoveries In Depth
Chapter 32, He's Lying
Chapter 33, Thank You, For Everything
Chapter 34, Dark Ambition
Chapter 35, Till My Blood Starts To Rain
Chapter 36, Upcoming Plans
Chapter 37, Ghost of The Uchiha
Chapter 38, Eye of The Namikaze
Chapter 39, Shouldering The Weight
Chapter 40, It's Been A While...
Chapter 41, The Good Goodbye
Chapter 42, Departure From Home
Chapter 43, Silently Falling
Chapter 44, The Precious Hybrid
Chapter 45, Blow To My Life
Chapter 46, The Epiphany of Death
Chapter 48, Along The Blurry Lines
Chapter 49, Bite Back Your Tongue
Chapter 50, There's A Different Way To Die
Chapter 51, S-rank Mission!
Chapter 52, Sparks of Disappointment
Chapter 53, In Vain
Chapter 54, Final Decision
Chapter 55, First Step To Recovery
Chapter 56, Memories That Consume
Chapter 57, Skipping Heartbeats
Chapter 58, Past My Reach
Chapter 59, Blinding Fireworks
Chapter 60, If Only...
Chapter 61, The Red Butterfly Technique
Chapter 62, Heart To Hurt
Chapter 63, Desperate Prayers
Chapter 64, Secrets Exchanged
Chapter 65, Inclined To
Chapter 66, Deciphered Cuts
Chapter 67, Taking The Leap
Chapter 68, That Very Revery
Chapter 69, The Truth
Chapter 70, Tenchi Bridge
Chapter 71, The Good, The Bad & The Uchiha
Chapter 72, Vengeance Is Mine
Chapter 73, Fire And Wind
Chapter 74, In The Name of Vengeance
Chapter 75, Once And For All
Chapter 76, Ichiko Uchiha and The Token of Affection
Chapter 77, What The Bastard Deserves
Chapter 78, The Village's New Bachelor
Chapter 79, My Tainted Heart
Chapter 80, Tumbling Under The Weight
Chapter 81, Vivid Nightmare
Chapter 82, Calamity Afflicts
Chapter 83, Hanabi's Dilemma
Chapter 84, Hanabi's Resolve
Chapter 85, The Weight of Guilt
Chapter 86, Hopeful Words
Chapter 87, Pill of Memories
Chapter 88, Final Four
Chapter 89, Final Leap
Chapter 90, Spinning In The Void
Chapter 91, Loathe of Disappointment
Chapter 92, There'll Be Plenty of Time For That
Chapter 93, Like Children
Chapter 94, Pinky Promise
Chapter 95, Speed Race
Chapter 96, A Favor From The Distant Past
Chapter 97, Complimentary
Chapter 98, All About Speed
Chapter 99, Curt And Conspicuous
Chapter 100, Have You Forgotten The Crimson Clouds?
Chapter 101, Stigma?
Chapter 102, All That Time Couldn't Heal
Chapter 103, The Sensory Beast
Chapter 104, Grand Glare
Chapter 105, Spiralling Void
Chapter 106, Risk It
Chapter 107, With Grace of Fire and Lightning
Chapter 108, Upon A Crescent Moon
Chapter 109, Epilogue: Itachi's Token of Gratitude

Chapter 47, Who Was Ichiko Uchiha?

2.3K 97 18
Galing kay darknessinsideofus

Itachi's P.O.V


I chinned up to look at my father in awe, his hands folded over his chest as he inspected me intently. I remain dumbfounded for a moment then glanced down at my lap.

...I must've tuned out...

Sasuke laid asleep in my arms as I sat on the patio. Today was the first day where I got to actually have some quality time with my kid brother since a long time. I even helped him train and perfect his Shuriken Jutsu. He'd surprised father with his performance of the Fireball Jutsu.

"You're summoned to this urgent meeting as well", he informed, his eyes darting to the sleeping Sasuke.

The Hokage had either postponed or delayed the Anbu duties temporarily. As of now the Uchiha and the higher ups are in good terms. An urgent meeting was held today so we can discuss that night more in depth.

"Understood", I assure and scoop up Sasuke protectively. Father had smiled faintly as I carried Sasuke inside.

I tucked Sasuke in his bed, and couldn't help but think that it's been four days since Hanabi set out on that S-rank mission. Kotetsu and Izumo would assure me that they haven't seen her return back to the village. But that's just how S-rank missions are, they take a lot of time to be completed.

Without Hanabi around, I got a bit lonely and restless.

I'm just thankful I got myself through the private meet up with the Hokage...

2 days ago...

"Listen, Itachi", Lord Hokage looked from under his hat, observing my body language carefully.

I know too well about what he plans to talk about, but I have to play dumb this time.

"Yes sir"

"I'm hoping Fugaku Uchiha filled you in on what's happened recently at the Uchiha's Naka Shrine", he laced his hands together and awaited my response.

Making sure I give nothing away, I say, "yes, it's truly devastating".

"I thought so", he squints his eyes at me then inquired the following, "May I ask where were you when it all happened?".

"Yes", I flatly reply, then I held my breath for a second. I thought it out a bit in my mind then replied in a neutral tone, "since it was my day off, I was busy spending it with Hanabi..."

I swallowed a lump in my throat, and maintained a neutral expression.

"Hanabi? That's new", he remarked, then took out his pipe for a long drag. Once he blew the smoke away he asked, "what's the relation between the two of you? If you don't mind me asking".

"Just two opposites who are hellbent on preventing a civil war in a village where us youngsters are burdened with things the adults should've settled a long time ago".

"We're just two opposites who attract...", I say, hoping he's convinced. That sentence surprisingly came from the bottom of my heart. It was raw and true.

When his response didn't come, I sighed and added, "we spend the day together...", I almost bit my tongue as I divulged the following bit, " was a long date..."

"Oh...", the Hokage said nervously, "I hope the two of you enjoyed it..."

"Yeah", I anxiously scoffed, my hand snaked to the back of my neck.

In my defense, nothing more believable came to mind...


I faintly smiled when I witnessed Sasuke talking in his sleep. He was murmuring about getting stronger than me and making the Uchiha clan proud. I brushed his bangs away from his face then left.

I waved goodbye at mother, assuring her that it's not a mission. I exited the house, and looked up at where father was standing, patiently waiting for me.

"Shall we go, Itachi?", father inquired as I inspected the faces of those who decided to tag a long. They were a few head members of the Uchiha Police Force, which Shisui worked closely with. My eyes had lit up when I saw Shisui.

"Yes", I replied to father and hastened my feet to catch up to them. We began marching our way in silence, the night was dark and gloomy. I chuckled when a small butterfly twirled back and forth around me, demanding to be acknowledged. I extended my hand and let it sit in my palm.

It'd reminded me of Hanabi, making me smile. I looked up at the luminous moon and hoped she was doing fine on her mission. This meeting is critical for the village and the Uchiha clan. Even though Madara had come forth with his confession, we still need to sort out some misconceptions so the village and the clan can co-exist together in harmony.

Deliberately, Shisui and I instinctively loosened our speed so we could purposely fall behind the pack. Once there was a decent distance put between us Shisui stared ahead and asked in a low voice, "How was this even possible?".

I lower my head a bit, my eyes inspecting the mesmerizing wings of the butterfly.

"It's complicated...", I whispered back, my eyes glued to the butterfly which was growing restless in my palm.

"I figured..but I know for a fact that you and Hanabi played a role somewhere in between", his eyes were glued to the pack of Uchiha clan members. I sighed and inched my hand closer to further inspect the butterfly. It was restless and uneasy, which perplexed me.

I recognized it as one of the same white winged butterflies, which would occasionally roam around Hanabi.

"And you're right as usual Shisui", I monotonously replied and raised my hand a little until the petite butterfly flew away.

"Elaborate", he demanded, his expression neutral, but focused at the same time.

My mind had recalled all that's happened that night, "where do I even begin?", I muttered to myself. After inhaling a deep breath I finally decided to divulge nothing but the truth. How I fought Hanabi out, how Madara's words got to me and much more.

"Father decided to hold an urgent meeting at the Naka Shrine, the same time where your day off was cut short when the Hokage assigned you that mission", I began, my eyes darted up where they fell upon heavenly looking creatures.

White butterfly...

"He'd told me that they were finally going to begin the rebellion, which made me panic then".

"What'd you do about it?", he questioned, his tone of voice eager and demanding.

"I told Hanabi, but regretted it immediately...", I drop my head low in shame as I recall that day on the bridge, "...I hit a pressure point, rendering her unconscious...and...and..."

"You what?!", Shisui whisper-yelled as he whipped his head in my direction.

My heart felt heavy just thinking about these memories. It's no good telling him about, instead, he needs to see what happened that night.

Discreetly, I made sure no one witnessed our exchange as I activated my Sharingan and turned my head to face Shisui in the eyes. That's when I saw his mouth part as I showed the flashbacks that executed back and forth in my mind. I'd let him see how Madara and I planned the coup and how we'd meet in secret.

How I'd let Madara's words manipulate my emotions . How Hanabi offered to fight me in hopes of saving everyone. How I'd wounded her palms with the sharp blade of my sword. All in all, his facial features grew contorted with shock and fear.


"Don't mention're not the only one I owe and explanation to...", I deactivated my Sharingan before anyone else could see it.

He stared ahead of himself again and muttered, "yeah I figured.."

We'd closed the subject for now and fell into utter silence as we caught up to the Uchiha pack again. I'd look over at Shisui from time to time, only to see his somewhat disappointed expression.

What did I expect?

Through my endless train of thought, it'd took me a moment to realize what I was looking at, all the while tuning out. I squinted my eyes to concentrate better.

A member of the Uchiha Police Force was waving away at the string of white winged butterflies that'd suddenly gathered around.

"Go away", one of them hissed under his breath. I observed our current surroundings, the butterflies were gradually growing in numbers around us. I'd almost flinched when one of them took landing on my shoulder, another landed on the back of my back of my hand.

"What's up with these butterflies?", another member of the police force asked no one in particular as he kept pushing them out of his vision.

I looked over at Shisui and he just seemed as perplexed as the rest. The butterflies were growing in number, making a pit form in my stomach.

What's going on?

My attention suddenly snaps to the restless creature on the back of my hand. It's wings were trembling uncontrollably, rendering me confused. The butterflies everyone else pushed away, had landed on different parts of my body. I grew more silent than usual and studied their behavior carefully. We were approaching the place where the Hokage summoned us for the meeting.

I felt the tiny butterflies brushing their touch against my skin like it was...trying to catch my attention?

That was far-fetched...

"We've arrived"

I halt in my tracks and forget what I was thinking about a second ago. We've arrived at the place finally, but the butterfly persistently tucked at the back of my hand. I swallowed the lump in my throat and began entering the meeting place along others of my clan members.

A few butterflies followed us inside, but the one on the back of my hand remained cemented in place. It was persistent to everything. I decided to disregard it for now and focus on the higher ups that were sat around the wide table.

"Shall we begin the discussion?", Lord Hokage inquired as everyone took a seat in their assigned chairs. I was sat between my father and Shisui. I glanced down at my hand to check whether the butterfly was still there, and sure enough, it was.

"The Uchiha clan is now on good terms with the Leaf village", Lord Third announced, earning all ears, "and I couldn't have been more elated".

"Hiruzen, if the exhilaration could just wait a bit more", one of the Hidden Leaf village's councilmen chirped in, dulling the atmosphere, "while there is a possibility that the masked man is saying the truth, but for all we know he might be a stand-in or just bluffing all together".

"According to several witness accounts, including the the Hokage's, the masked man had admitted to unleashing the Nine-Tails seven years ago. He could supposedly remain unscathed when something as sharp as a shuriken was aimed at him", the other inserted.

There was a round of silence, which allowed me to closely watch other members that've been summoned here. Some were even Anbu just like me.

I was snapped out of my train of thought when my father spoke, "I understand if you still have doubts about that night, but given the facts and the witnesses, I can assure you that that man is not a part of our clan", father laced his hands together and added, "we don't claim the likes of Madara Uchiha as our own, nor those who support him".

The last bit left me breathing heavy.

Those who support him...

"Fugaku Uchiha", one of the councilmen began, earning silence all over the room, "I still believe that Madara Uchiha perished at The Valley of The End, along Hashirama Senju. Even if he were to be alive like that stand-in claimed, he'd be an old hag".

"Yes, but let's not forget who we're talking about here. It's Madara Uchiha, it would make sense if it were him, he alone posses the visual prowess for such evil purposes. Remember, he utilized the Nine-Tails before to battle Hashirama Senju".

"No", Lord Hokage chirped in suddenly, lacing his hands together, he stated, "we've not seen any kind of power like this before, but we all know of someone who possessed the same visual prowess that enables the user of such things".

Abruptly, the entire room seemed to have held its breath in recall. No one dared to speak. It was as if it was an inside thing which they never let anyone else know. Eventually the silence would be broken by one of the council members.

"Ichiko Uchiha", the council member said it like it was a curse.

Dumbfounded, Shisui and I exchange a glance before we ask in unison, "who was Ichiko Uchiha?".

A round of silence suddenly washed over everyone, before Lord Hokage broke it by saying, "The Red Butterfly".

"Red Butterfly?", I echo back in confusion.

Lord Hokage lowered his face and squinted his eyes before saying, "Hanabi's mother".


A/N:- Next chapter, you'll be wheezing

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