Love and Potions - Severus Sn...

By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

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Rowan Knight fell in love with Hogwarts when she was forced to transfer in her sixth year. She quickly develo... More

Chapter 1 - Assistant Professor
Chapter 2 - Moving In
Chapter 3 - Hello, Severus
Chapter 4 - Legilimency
Chapter 5 - Late Nights
Chapter 6 - Amortentia
Chapter 7 - Fireworks
Chapter 8 - Home
Chapter 9 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 10 - Bold Words
Chapter 11 - Secrets Unveiled
Chapter 12 - Packing
Chapter 13 - Labelling
Chapter 14 - Hogwarts Express
Chapter 15 - Zabini Manor
Chapter 16 - Interruptions
Chapter 17 - Confrontation
Chapter 18 - Shopping
Chapter 19 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 20 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 21 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22 - Imperio
Chapter 23 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 24 - Returning Home
Chapter 25 - Clean Break
Chapter 26 - Ilvermorny
Chapter 27 - Trouble
Chapter 28 - Staff Meeting
Chapter 29 - True Fear
Chapter 30 - Chaos
Chapter 32 - Birthday Surprise
Chapter 33 - Birthday Party
Chapter 34 - Preparations
Chapter 35 - Yule Ball
Chapter 36 - Grief
Chapter 37 - Mother Dearest
Chapter 38 - Belief
Chapter 39 - Queen's Dinner
Chapter 40 - Powerful Friendship
Chapter 41 - The Real Truth
Chapter 42 - Family is chosen
Chapter 43 - A Mother's Love
Chapter 44 - Building Trust
Chapter 45 - Date Night
Chapter 46 - Separate Paths
Chapter 47 - Loving You
Chapter 48 - Emerald Trio
Chapter 49 - The Malfoys' Ball
Chapter 50 - A New Ending
Chapter 51 - Quidditch and Suspicions
Chapter 52 - A New Title
Chapter 53 - Sly Fox
Chapter 54 - Loyalty and Love
Chapter 55 - Pity Party

Chapter 31 - In A Different Life

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By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

"That's it, all of them. All of the memories I have from that different reality. You two will be able to see them now?" Juniper asked as she took her wand out of the pensieve. It began to swirl with various images, all of which were from Juniper's memories. "We should be able to," Severus answered coldly. He was glad that Juniper was back, but he feared what he might see inside her memories. There was no telling what all she had changed.

"When you guys come back from my- er- that reality, I have something to give you. I promised an old friend I would," Juniper said vaguely with a sad smile. Rowan nodded and grabbed Severus' hand. With a small sigh, they both leaned into the basin and were suddenly brought back to a time they both seemed to remember.

───── ❝In A Different Life ❞ ─────

"Look, there I am!" Rowan exclaimed as she ran over to her younger self, Severus not too far behind her. Rowan could recognize this day like any other, the day she met Juniper. It was during the sorting ceremony. "There I am, watching over you," Severus noted, staring up at himself.

"Why are we- Oh, look! It's Juniper!" Rowan shouted in pure excitement as she watched McGonagall place the hat over her best friend's head. Juniper was mumbling something to the hat, something that Rowan didn't remember happening on that day.

"Not Slytherin, aye? Fine then, better be... Gryffindor!" The hat called out, shocking Rowan down to her core. Rowan had nothing against Gryffindors, but she knew that the Juniper she knew and loved would rather die than be placed into that house. She had grown to love Slytherin.

"This is what she changed. She asked to not be put in Slytherin," Severus said, shock spread across his face. Rowan's mouth fell ajar as she watched her best friend prance over to the Gryffindor table and take a seat beside Hermione Granger. The strangest thing, Juniper was happy.

Suddenly, Rowan and Severus felt themselves being dragged into another memory. They quickly grabbed each other's hands and watched as the world before them morphed into the hallway just outside of the Great Hall.

───── ❝In A Different Life ❞ ─────

"Rowan! Hey, Rowan!" Juniper called out, her red robes standing out against her black hair. Rowan turned around, looking surprised and annoyed. "How do you know my name, kid?" She asked with disgust laced in her voice. "Oh, of course. I keep forgetting all of this stuff. I'm Juniper Montgomery and I think we're gonna be great friends," Juniper chimed merrily. "Listen, I don't know you. I don't want to be your friend, freak,"

"What the hell? Why am I such a bitch?" Rowan exclaimed loudly, looking at Severus who seemed to be thinking the same thing. Severus only shook his head and examined the situation. "You walked to the dungeons with Millicent, Blaise, and Juniper on your first day. Look now," Severus pointed out as he nodded toward Rowan's younger self. She had been walking alone.

"C'mon, Juniper. We'll be your friends even if that stupid Slytherin won't be," Hermione mocked, causing a young Harry Potter and Ron Weasley to snicker. "Yeah, okay," Juniper agreed, sadness blatantly obvious in her voice. Juniper walked away with the golden trio, only turning around once to see if Rowan had a change of heart.

"Why am I alone? Where are Millicent and Blaise?" Rowan asked Severus as she looked around. Finally, she spotted them. Except, they weren't together. In fact, they weren't near each other at all. They seemed to be almost strangers. "Blaise is with Draco and Millicent is with Pansy. Millicent hates Pansy," Rowan's voice rose in dread as she watched her whole life unfold in front of her. "I think you know what happened already, my dear. More than I do," Severus said as he pulled her into a hug.

"I never showed Blaise that Slytherins can be good, and that means he never developed a crush on me. Millicent had no reason to talk to me, and we never became friends," Rowan whispered as she slowly began to put the pieces together.

Suddenly, the memory had changed again. This time, Rowan didn't recognize a thing,

───── ❝In A Different Life ❞ ─────

"Juniper, I cannot help you if you don't pay attention! Look, right there!" Rowan yelled at Juniper, who was looking at a potions textbook as if it were going to be any clearer the longer she stared. Rowan looked around and noticed that she had a prefect badge pinned to her robes.

"I'm a Slytherin prefect! I'm a badass in this reality," Rowan blurted, causing Severus to chuckle slightly. Severus looked around and noticed that they were in the potion's classroom, yet he was nowhere to be found. He found this strange as he practically lived in his classroom during Rowan's years as a student.

"I can't get it! Can't you do it for me? You're a seventh-year and you're much better at potions," Juniper pleaded and Rowan's face twisted in disgust. "I see why Severus calls you all insolent children," Rowan hissed as she rolled her eyes and slammed her hand down on the potions textbook. "Read it again," She commanded, causing Juniper to groan in annoyance.

"I called you Severus in my seventh year?" Rowan inquired, looking up at Severus who still seemed puzzled about his whereabouts. "I told you how I felt about the students in your seventh year?" Severus asked in response, which puzzled them both.

"Insolent children. The whole school thinks that perfect Potter has petrified Filch's wretched cat," An angry Severus shouted as he entered his classroom, slamming the door. "What happened?" Rowan asked, turning her attention away from a studying Juniper. "According to the writing on the wall, a chamber has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware," Severus answered as he slowly traced his fingers around Rowan's collar bone.

"Woah, we were together when I was a student!" Rowan gasped loudly. Severus didn't respond, he was too busy watching in horror as his younger self spoke so calmly about the chamber of secrets. It was as he had feared, the dark lord was alive in this reality.

"Enemies of the Heir? Like, the heir of Slytherin?" Juniper piped up, causing both Severus and Rowan to glare at her. Juniper cringed and quickly returned to her potions book. "You are dismissed, Montgomery. I'm sure Potter will fill you in on the drama of Hogwarts," Severus seethed and Juniper jumped to her feet and quickly exited the classroom.

"The dark lord was the Heir of Slytherin," Severus muttered as he moved closer to Rowan. The world began to spin again, and they were once again spinning into a different memory.

───── ❝In A Different Life ❞ ─────

"Juniper, please. I know I was mean to you, but you can't let Potter find out," Rowan begged as she held out her left forearm, uncloaked for the first time in years. Branded upon her skin, lay the dark mark. It seemed to be illuminated by the light coming into the astronomy tower.

"No!" Severus cried out, lunging for the different version of Rowan's forearm. His hand went straight through, and he turned back to Rowan, his face looking absolutely horrified. In a panicked state, Severus walked back to his own Rowan and yanked up her sleeve, and kissed her bare forearm gently. "I'm okay," Rowan whispered as she took ahold of Severus' arm and placed it around her own torso.

"How could you, Rowan? First, you break up with him because he wouldn't date you. Then, you become Professor Lupin's assistant to get back at him and when that didn't work, what did you do? Become a bloody death eater?!" Juniper yelled loudly, seeming to make the empty walls of the astronomy tower tremble. "Keep your voice down!" Rowan yelled, looking downright terrified.

"The Rowan I know would have never done this. This won't make Snape love you, you idiot. The only way Snape will love you is if you become Lily, not the damn thing that killed her in the first place!" Juniper scolded, this time keeping her voice at a whisper. Rowan lowered her head in shame, exhaling shakily. "Severus loved me, Juniper. He took my innocence, he had to have loved me at some point," Rowan seethed through gritted teeth.

"What are you supposed to do now, Kill Harry?! Oh, better yet, how about Dumbledore? Give he-who-shall-not-be-named a nice pathway to kill us all?!" Juniper exclaimed, pinching the bridge of her nose with her thumb and pointer finger.

"Rowan," Severus called out as he tightened his grip on her torso. Rowan didn't reply, she was too horrified watching this version of herself give away everything for a version of Severus that could never love her. "Rowan, I know I love you," Severus whispered, not sure if Rowan had even heard him.

"I'm not going to kill Potter, are you insane? The dark lord tasked me with watching over Draco, and that is what I'll do," Rowan spat, confidence suddenly returning to her body. "You make me sick, Rowan. The person I thought I recognized my first day here, wouldn't do this. That version of you was so much better," Juniper whispered as she backed away from her ex-friend. "Well, I'm not her! I never was! I tried to be her and I did everything you told me she did and look where it ended me!" Rowan screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks as she reached out to touch Juniper's shoulder.

"Don't touch me," Juniper said in a disgusted tone before storming out of the astronomy tower, leaving Rowan a sobbing mess on the floor.

"I think I love you too, Severus," Rowan said, burying her head in his chest. Their world began to spin, but Rowan only wanted it to stop. She would stay to find out what had happened, but Juniper said that she had been there for multiple years. They were only in year three and Rowan already wanted to throw up.

───── ❝In A Different Life ❞ ─────

"Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back! I couldn't leave him; not there!" Harry cried out as he clung to Cedric Diggory's lifeless body. Juniper's hand flew over her mouth as she turned to Fred Weasley and cried into his shoulder. "He's back, Freddie. Did you hear what Harry said? He is back!" Juniper wailed. Tears in her eyes, she quickly looked around and spotted Rowan and Severus Snape running inside looking rather annoyed.

"They did this," Juniper whispered and ran after them. "Juni, wait!" Fred called out, not being able to keep up with her. With a sigh, Fred ran back to his family and awaited Juniper's return. That was all he could do.

"We killed Cedric Diggory? He's that really bright sixth-year Hufflepuff, the one that's dating Cho Chang," Rowan asked in disbelief. She couldn't take her eyes off of the poor boy's body. "I don't think we're capable of killing a child," Severus responded, not completely sure if he believed the words he was speaking.

"That's my son! That's my boy..." Amos Diggory screamed as he fell to his knees in front of his son's corpse. Juniper felt a knot form in her throat as she watched Rowan hold her wand against Severus' throat. Quickly, Juniper hid behind a wall so that she wouldn't be discovered.

"Did you know, Severus?" Rowan accused venomously. "Did I know? Do you think I have had known that the dark lord was going to high-jack the port key, I wouldn't have warned the poor Hufflepuff?! At the very least, I would have made sure he never made it through," Severus said defensively, pushing Rowan's wand away from him.

"He had a name, Severus. What was his name?" Rowan seethed as she tried her best to hold back tears. "Diggory. He was never much good at potions," Severus replied quietly as he stared deeply into Rowan's eyes. Rowan had begun to cry silently, her head lowering in shame. "His name was Cedric. He was an amazing student," Rowan whispered, appalled that Severus had only remembered his last name.

Severus went to hug Rowan, but she pushed his arms away from her. "I wasn't good enough to be your girlfriend. I don't want to be your plaything," Rowan said as both her face and tone were void of any emotion. "Rowan, it's not you that isn't good enough. Lily-"

"What do we do? We can't let him kill innocent children," Rowan interrupted Severus with an exhausted sigh. She needed to change the subject for her own sanity. "We... will do nothing. You will do your task and I will do mine. End of story," Severus said as he stormed away. Juniper couldn't believe was she was hearing. "Oh, Ro. You aren't bad," Juniper whispered to herself as she began to return to her boyfriend and his family. She needed comfort; she needed Freddie.

"I am a horrible person," Severus said as he watched himself fade into the distance of the corridor. "You were a troubled person, Sev. A pained and troubled person," Rowan corrected him and the memory began to change once again.

───── ❝In A Different Life ❞ ─────

"I don't think I can handle another dead child, Severus," Rowan gulped as she looked around and found herself in a dark room with Juniper and Harry Potter. It seemed as though they were underneath somewhere, Rowan just couldn't tell where.

"Draco wouldn't kill Dumbledore, Harry. I've seen good death eaters," Juniper whispered, her face full of fear. "Like who, Professor Knight? She'd kill you if Voldemort told her to," Harry snapped, causing Juniper to lower her head in sadness. "She wouldn't," Juniper replied, but Harry didn't seem to hear her. She didn't know if she honestly believed herself.

"Do it, Draco," Bellatrix hissed, causing Juniper to jump. Draco looked down for only a moment, and his eyes met hers. She shook her head violently, hoping that Draco would understand more than Harry could. A wrong allegiance doesn't make a person evil. Slowly, Draco lowered his wand. "Do it, Draco. Now!" Bellatrix screamed.

"That's not the Bellatrix I know, Severus. She was kind to me," Rowan said, a tear falling down her cheek. Severus pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. "That's not the Bellatrix anybody knows, I'm afraid," He replied, turning his attention to an older version of himself, pointing his wand at Juniper and Harry. That version of himself held a finger to his own lips, before ascending the staircase.

"No," Severus said as he entered the room behind Draco. "Severus... Please," Dumbledore said half-heartedly. Severus' eyes filled with tears as he held up his wand to the man who had taken him in. Taught him everything; taught him how to be good. With a gulp, he spoke again. "Avada kedavra," he said sadly and watched as the lifeless body of Albus Dumbledore flung from the tower.

"Oh, Merlin, no. I killed Albus," Severus gasped in shock. Rowan shook her head, turning to her lover. "Severus, when Dumbledore was begging, I don't think he was begging for his life," Rowan said, not taking her eyes off of Juniper, who seemed frozen in shock. "You don't think..." Severus trailed off, looking down at Rowan.

"He was begging for his death," Rowan whispered. Before Severus could respond, the world once again began to twist and turn.

───── ❝In A Different Life ❞ ────

"Severus, where are we?" Rowan asked as she looked around. Juniper was nowhere in sight but Rowan didn't recognize where they were. The place around her looked crumpled and torn apart, lifeless bodies were strewn throughout the entire room. "I fear this is the Great Hall, my dear," Severus whispered in return, his eyes wide as he looked around the room. Children of all ages laid on the ground, some were groaning in pain from their impending death. Others had already succumbed and, strangely, looked at peace.

"Where is everyone?" Harry asked aloud as he, Juniper, and Hermione entered the Great Hall. His question was answered all too soon as he spotted the Weasley's all gathered together. "Why are they here? Do you think someone is hurt?" Juniper inquired, but nobody answered her. They moved together toward the family, and a knot formed in Juniper's stomach.

"Severus, we aren't here," Rowan said as she looked around the large room. There was no sign of them, alive or dead. It seemed the massive majority of the deceased had been students. Rowan couldn't tell if that made her sad at the young lives lost, or relieved Severus was presumably still alive. "They're all so young," Severus replied as he looked sadly at a first-year Gryffindor who whimpered in pain. Severus knew that the boy wouldn't last another half hour, his injuries were too severe.

"No! No, come on Freddie. Get up!" Juniper cried loudly as she clung to Fred Weasley's lifeless body. Molly Weasley, with tears filling her eyes, took Juniper into her arms and held her tightly. "He can't be dead! He can't be!" Juniper wailed as she broke out of Molly Weasley's arms and fell right into the arms of George Weasley. That was the funny thing about the Weasleys; no matter how hard you fought it, someone would always be there to catch you."He's gone," George whispered with a small sob.

"No, Rowan can fix this! Snape's the half-blood prince! He can fix anything," Before anyone could stop Juniper, she was already running out into the hallway and out toward the shrieking shack. "Freddie always loved her determination," George whispered to Ron, who was standing still in shock at what had just happened. "She's mad, isn't she? Always claimed to be from another world, especially around Snape. I think Fred's death did her in," Ron said solemnly as he looked around for Harry.

"Not them too," Harry said to himself as he stared down at Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin and Remus Lupin. They had died with their hands intertwined, their love was still apparent to the end. "And what of Teddy?" Hermione asked as she leaned her head against Harry's shoulder. "Juni said he could fix this. We need to get to Severus," Harry answered plainly before running out of the hall, seemingly chasing Juniper Montgomery.

Rowan and Severus couldn't say a word; Nothing felt right to say. Juniper had witnessed deaths that never should have happened and could have been prevented. The world changed in front of them, and Rowan hoped she wouldn't have to see any more death than she already had.

───── ❝In A Different Life ❞ ────

Juniper, along with the golden trio were sat just outside of the shrieking shack, watching in horror as Rowan and Severus seemed to be having a meeting with the dark lord. The dark lord walked, unlike anything that Juniper had ever seen, almost as if he slithered around like Nagini.

"That's him, then? The dark lord?" Rowan asked as she wrapped her arm around Severus' to comfort him. She could tell that his whole body tensed up at only the sight of the man. "That's him," Severus confirmed, not taking his eyes off of the scene in from of him.

"I have been hearing rumors of a traitor among us, Rowan. Would you happen to know anything about that?" The dark lord hissed as he approached Rowan and Severus, Nagini slithering beside him. "Of course not, my lord," Rowan replied simply, refusing to make eye contact with Voldemort.

"Strange, seeing as it is Severus that they speak of. When you joined me, you asked that I make sure he loved you and I gave you my word. I'm sure you wouldn't betray me like this," The dark lord said as he traced one of his long, pointed fingers around Rowan's neck.

"Severus would never defy you, my lord," Rowan countered, her head still lowered. A single tear fell from Juniper's eyes as she connected her two realities. It seems that no matter what is changed, Rowan would always be loyal to that dark-haired potions professor. Even if it meant that she had to lie to he-who-shall-not-be-named. The golden trio- or now a quartet, knew as well as anyone that Severus was a double-spy.

"He would, and he did. Take your wand out, Rowan," Voldemort commanded in a low voice, causing Rowan to jump. Rowan did as she was told, holding her wand out to him. "Prove where your loyalty lies. Kill him," Voldemort ordered, causing Rowan's eyes to snap up and meet his.

Rowan gulped as she looked into the dark lord's eyes, all fear had now left her body. Juniper could only describe what she saw Rowan do as accepting a death that had yet to come. Juniper just couldn't place who's death she was accepting. "My lord-"

"Are you defying me as well? I said, Kill him!" Voldemort snapped, getting impatient with the defiance from Rowan. Rowan nodded turned to Severus, looking deep into his eyes. "Montgomery was right, Severus. Even through different realities, I will always love you. I need you to know that," Rowan said, tears filling her eyes. "Always," Severus whispered back shakily. Rowan quickly turned and held her wand against her own throat. "Avada-"

"Nagini, kill," Voldemort mumbled before Rowan could finish her sentence. Nagini's strike was quick, though it didn't kill Rowan at first. She slammed against the back window, slowly sliding down as her feet gave way. "S-Severus," Rowan gasped, a small smile forming on her face. Her voice had fallen raspy, but it seemed that she was finally free. "D-D-Don't let m-me d-die alone," Rowan was now struggling to speak through the blood rising deep in her throat.

"Nagini, him as well," Voldemort said and Nagini lunged for Severus. She bit into him three times, and Severus fell against the wall beside Rowan. "Such a shame, I actually liked them," Voldemort mumbled before he and Nagini apparated away.

Juniper wasted no time running into the room they had stayed just outside of. Severus was cradling Rowan in his arms, but there was no light left in her eyes. She had died in the arms of a man she loved, no matter what reality they were in.

"No..." Juniper fell to her knees in front of Rowan, crying openly as she watched her friend's lifeless body. "First Freddie, then Lupin, and now you. Not you," Juniper sobbed, as she turned her attention to Severus, who was breathing shakily.

She quickly placed her hand against his neck to try and stop the bleeding. "We can get through this, Professor. We can save them all, you said it yourself. You're the half-blood prince!" Juniper said hurriedly as she turned to the golden trio, who seemed torn about what to do. "Guys, get me something to help him!" Juniper called out to them, but they stayed still.

"A vial," Severus said quietly, causing Juniper's eyes to widen. "Hermione, the vial. Now!" Juniper yelled and Hermione seemed to snap out of whatever trance she was in. She handed Juniper the vial, stepping back to be with Ron. "T-Tears; collect them," Severus ordered as he touched his face lightly. Juniper did as she was told, hoping that this would somehow brew a potion for them to bring everyone back.

"Potter, take them to the p-pensieve," Severus said weakly, as he groaned in pain from his snake bites. Juniper handed them off to Harry, who knelt beside Severus on his other side. "J-Juniper. You say that in your reality, s-she lives? We are happy?" Severus rasped as he reached out and clung onto the side of her Gryffindor robes.

"Yes. You saved her from Lockhart, you sneak kisses in the corridor. You stayed with us on Christmas. When she got hurt, you slept beside her in the hospital wing. You two are happy and inseparable," Juniper explained as she applied more pressure to his neck which seemed to refuse to stop bleeding. Severus smiled, something Juniper hadn't seen in nearly seven years. Severus reached out and grabbed ahold of the time-turner that hung around Juniper's neck, something she had always kept hidden beneath her shirt. 

"W-what did y-you change?" Severus asked as his chest heaved heavily. "I was a Slytherin and I didn't believe that to be the truth; I wanted to be someone else. Being a Gryffindor isn't worth all of this, I see it now. How can I get back? I wanna go home," Juniper answered as she looked over at Rowan's pale face. Severus looked over to Rowan as well, placing a kiss on her head. "Go b-back and make it r-right. I h-have a vial in my p-personal cabinet. It should r-restore your a-age," Severus said as he began to sob.

"You can show me, Professor. I will save you," Juniper tried as she shakily applied more pressure. She prayed to Merlin that the bleeding would stop, but it just kept pouring out of his neck. "When you g-get home, Miss M-Montgomery, give the b-bag n-n-next to the age v-vial to m-me. T-Tell me that I-I said to stop being a ch-child," Severus sobbed as he weakly held onto Rowan's body. "Let g-go," Severus pleaded as he looked into Juniper's eyes.

"No, I can't! I can't let another person I care about die. You can live Professor," Juniper tried, a small sob escaping her throat. "N-Not without h-her. She d-died thinking I love Lily. I n-need to t-tell h-h-her," Severus said and Juniper watched as the light began to leave his eyes. His face had begun to pale as he turned his head over to Harry, who had been silent.

"Look at me," Severus whispered to Harry, who obliged the potions professor. "You have your mother's eyes," Severus said with a small, shaky breath. Severus' body relaxed and with a sigh, the light left his eyes. Juniper stepped away from Severus and looked at the scene before her. Rowan and Severus' bloodied bodies were intertwined, almost like they were asleep. Both of them smiling through their death.

"It wasn't worth this. Freddie, Lupin, Rowan. Now, Snape. I can make things right, I just need to get home," Juniper cried out as she fled the shrieking shack. "Juniper!-" Ron called out and tried to chase after her, though Hermione caught his arm. "She never belonged to us, Ron. We weren't her true home," Hermione said and the golden trio watched as their lifelong best friend fled back into a warzone.

Rowan and Severus stood still, whether from shock or from grief. It's one thing to watch yourself die, but to watch someone you love die, is something that neither of them had been prepared for. The world began to spin once again, and Rowan hoped this would be the last time.

───── ❝In A Different Life ❞ ────

Rowan and Severus looked around and found themselves in a practically destroyed potions classroom. Half of the front wall had been blown off from a mysterious explosion, one that Juniper presumably hadn't been present for. 

Juniper sat alone in the potions classroom behind Professor Snape's desk, something that she knew would anger him if he were still here. It looked to be a few hours later than before, as the sun was just starting to rise. Just as Juniper was about to open the desk and retrieve the vial, Professor McGonagall, looking both tired and determined walked into the room.

"I was expecting to find Professor Snape here, not you Miss Montgomery. The war is over, you should be with your family," McGonagall said as she walked over and pulled up a chair beside Juniper. Juniper didn't find it possible to shed any more tears today, she just looked at McGonagall sadly. 

"Rowan was my family, and in some twisted way, so was Professor Snape. If you're looking for them, check the shrieking shack. That's where their bodies were left," Juniper's grieving tone was enough to make McGonagall's eyes begin to water. "May Merlin bless their souls," Juniper finished in a small whisper. 

"I have lost my family today, too. I never had any children of my own, but you all become my children the day you walk into Hogwarts," McGonagall began as she pulled Juniper into a hug. It had been so long since Juniper had felt a mother's love that she had almost forgotten what it was like. 

"You say you lost all your family today, dear. However, Molly Weasley hasn't stopped asking where you are. I knew the day you arrived with that time-turner around your neck that this wasn't supposed to be your life," McGonagall finished, taking Juniper's time-turner that hung around her neck over her head. McGonagall looked at it and was surprised to find it was just like the one she owned. 

"When are you planning on going back? Or- are you planning on returning?" McGonagall asked, returning the time-turner to Juniper's neck. "I don't know if I am. The Weasleys need me," Juniper said and reached down to a drawer on the old potions professor's desk. Slowly, she opened it to find a vial, a piece of paper, and a small bag. She smiled sadly at the belongings before pocketing them.

"Have you told them of how you got here?" McGonagall asked as she rose from the chair, holding out her hand to Juniper. Juniper, who gladly took her hand, stood up and the pair began walking back toward the remains of the courtyard. "I have and it always bothered Freddie that I wouldn't go back. How can I, now? Mrs. Weasley will be heartbroken," Juniper tried as they entered the light to see Mrs. Weasley frantically scanned the ground. Juniper knew she was looking for her. "She'd be more heartbroken if you stayed," McGonagall said with a small smile before leaving to attend to an injured student. 

"Juniper! Oh my goodness I was so worried!" Molly Weasley exclaimed as she hugged Juniper. Juniper smiled sadly as she wrapped her arms around the wailing woman. "I couldn't save them. I'm sorry," Juniper whispered. Molly pulled back and placed both of her hands on the side of Juniper's head. 

"I knew you couldn't, Juni. Magic can only go so far," Molly comforted her as she smiled through tears. Juniper hated to see Mrs. Weasley like this, she was always so bubbly. Juniper tugged on the time-turner sadly, her heart torn between two realities. Molly seemed to notice Juniper's internal struggle. Molly sighed and took both of Juniper's hands into her own. 

"How much longer can you stay before you must leave again?" Molly inquired. Juniper shook her head as she turned to look in the direction of the Great Hall. She wondered if Freddie was still in there. "I can't leave you guys, Mrs. Weasley. You need me,"  Juniper said, a single tear falling down from her eyes. 

"You will leave. You will go home, back to where you belong. I need you to be happy, Juniper. If that means I will never see you again in my reality, make sure I see you double in yours,"  Molly said in a determined tone. Molly had lost a child today, and she refused to see another one of her own suffering. No matter what reality Juniper was from, she would always be a Weasley in Molly's book. 

"I'll stay for Freddie's funeral if that's okay. I need to say my goodbyes," Juniper said shakily, the memories of her dead friends and family still flashing through her mind. Molly nodded and placed her arm around Juniper's shoulders. "Of course it is, dear. You're a Weasley after all,"

───── ❝In A Different Life ❞ ────

Rowan and Severus leaned their heads up, each gasping for air. Rowan's eyes were bloodshot with tears, and Severus looked as though if he ever let go of Rowan, she might disappear forever. Rowan turned to Severus, and without words, brought him into a slow and passionate kiss.

This kiss was much different than any other kiss they had shared before. Their usual kisses were out of love or of pure and complex hunger. This was a kiss of mourning, a kiss of never letting go. Severus pulled away and placed his forehead against Rowan's and he used one of his thumbs to wipe away her tears. "I know I love you," He whispered, his heart begging to hear her voice.

"I know I love you, Severus Tobias Snape," Rowan began, pulling him into a tight hug. "I know I love you and I will love you forever. No matter what reality we're in," She finished, not yet ready to let him go, but knowing she needed to speak to Juniper.

Reluctantly letting go of Severus, Rowan turned around and saw that Juniper had a large smile across her face. "I never thought I would say this, but I would kill to see that again," Juniper chuckled as she ran over and, passing Rowan, gave Severus a hug.

"Oh-! Um-" Severus chuckled in confusion as he awkwardly hugged Juniper back, his whole body stiff. Juniper pulled away and reached into her Slytherin robes, the green lining earning an entirely new meaning after today. She pulled out a small, black, and velvet bag and placed it in Severus' hand. "I didn't look, it wasn't for me. It had a small note beside it saying 'When you know," if that means anything to you?"

"I'm not sure it does, but I'll examine it later. Thank you," Severus said with a lingering smile. "Welcome home, Miss Montgomery," He added as he strode over to Rowan and took her hand into his, almost as if he would never let it go again. "I never thought I would be so happy to be part of the silver trio again," Juniper said with a smile. "Kinda bummed Hermione hates me again, but I got amount good years with her. I'm sure she'll understand," Juniper sighed softly.

"How long did you stay after that last memory? The one in the courtyard, I mean-" Rowan asked, not sure exactly how old Juniper was within her own mind. Physically, whatever potion was in the vial Severus had in his desk, made her fourteen. "I stayed until Fred's twenty-first birthday. So, around another year. He died on May 2nd, and I stayed until April 1st the following year," Juniper answered, her eyes glassing over at the memories of her last year. 

"What made you leave? After staying another year, what was the point?" Severus asked, his words coming out more venomously than he had meant them to. He was still recovering from what he had seen, and he wondered how long it would take him to forget. Juniper didn't seem to notice his tone, as she too was plagued by what she had seen. 

"Molly Weasley. She had a clock that told her where her children and husband were, and Fred's hand had stopped moving the day he died. It was stuck in between two places, and George refused to let anyone touch it," Juniper began as she stood up and began to walk toward the door to Dumbledore's office. "Fred's hand fell off the clock on his birthday, and when I broke down, she told me I needed to go home. They all cried when I left, but I knew it was time. I missed you guys," Juniper smiled sadly as she opened the door and began to leave. 

"Where are you going, Juni?" Rowan called out, and only received Juniper's fading voice as a response. "To see Fred. He deserves to know what happened!" Juniper screamed back, a small evident within her tone of voice.

Severus and Rowan left the office and walked side by side. They passed groups of students who seemed to notice that Rowan no longer walked behind Severus and began to mumble amongst themselves. Rowan didn't mind and it seemed neither did Severus.

If Juniper's mishap taught them anything, it was this; Life was way too short to have regrets. The alternate version of Rowan had died at the young age of twenty-four and Severus at the age of thirty-eight. They still had four years until they got to that age, but they all knew it would be different this time.

Together, they would live. 

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