GLOWING ~ Julie and the Phant...

By k_storytime

165K 3.3K 3.6K

"You're glowing! How is this possible?" This is how I think season 2 of Julie and the Phantoms should go. The... More

~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Author notes ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Author Notes ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ New story Idea?? ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Authors note ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Collided/ Author's Note ~
Hey :)

~ Epilogue ~

4.2K 94 149
By k_storytime

3 years later....




Reggie: I love tiktok! 

Reggie was sitting on the couch in the studio, just scrolling on his phone cracking up to all of the videos that were coming up on his "For You Page".  Katie sat there watching her ridiculous boyfriend die of laughter to every single thing he saw. She just couldn't help but smile while looking at his giant grin.

Katie: Reg, I really think you should take a break from tiktok. This has become an obsession!

Reggie: It has not, I am simply exploring the creativity of t-

Alex: Don't even finish your sentence.

Alex comes walking in hand in hand with Willie. 3 years ago when they defeated Caleb, Katie and Willie took all of there time rebuilding the Hollywood Ghost Club. It took around a year before ghost started trusting the club again, but now it is thriving. Ghost from all over come and enjoy the club and feel comfortable knowing they are not alone. After they got it up and running again, Katie decided to try and get her father she loved back. It is taking its time but they are slowly making progress. He even apologized to the guys and Julie. Of course Luke didn't forgive him, but he is slowly trying too.

Willie: Oh come on babe, you know Reggie just like to explore this generation's humor.

Alex sent Willie a death glare and turned to Katie who was dying of laughter. Katie eventually made time away from the HGC to go on that date she promised Reggie. They have been dating ever since. Alex was right, they were perfect for each other.

Alex: So does anyone know where Luke and Julie are? We kinda need to prepare to go on TOUR in three days! 

Reggie: Nope haven't seen either of them, but you know what day it is. They are most likely together.

Alex: I know that, but there not in their room. So that means that they are somewhere.

When Julie came back and was reunited with everyone, Ray let the boys continue staying in the studio. And eventually he let Julie and Luke stay in the same room because they were always together anyways. The boys ended up going to school with Julie. It was hard at first, but Ray never told anyone about Julie dying so her going back was easy. It was coming up with the story of where she had gone was the hard part. She decided on saying that she went and lived with the boys in Switzerland for 6 months so they could grow closer as a band, that was also why they had stopped their music. 

Luke: Ok boys, I need your help.

Luke flashed into the studio without anyone noticing. At the sound of his voice everyone jumped. When Julie came back they had figured out that she was half alive half dead. She had all of the ghost abilities, but she also aged and she could die. Once she died she would pass on and be back with her mother. This had also been the case with the guys.

Alex: Luke! Next time announce your presence.

Luke: Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to scare all of you, I was just in a bit of a rush.

Katie: Why?

Reggie: Yeah, and why are you not with Julie? Did you forget what day it is?!?

Luke: I know what day it is, how could I even forget that. Julie is out with Flynn at the moment. And I was rushing because I am on limited time.

Alex: And why are you on limited time?

Luke: Because they will be back in a couple hours.

Reggie: What are you planning?

Luke smirked at Reggie's comment. He had been planning this for a while, he knew he wanted to wait until they graduated high school, but before they went on their long awaited tour. With today being the day it is, he knew it was the perfect day. Today 3 years ago was the day Julie came back to him.

Willie: (gasp) OMG!!! You are going to propose!!!

Luke smiles and scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment. It was true, he was going to propose to the love of his life today. And he just hoped she would say yes.

Alex: Your actually proposing!!? Reggie I told you he was going to do it soon! HA!

Reggie: Fine. Hears your 5 dollars.

He gives Alex a 5 dollar bill and rolls his eyes as Alex does his victory dance.

"I do my little dancy dance"

Reggie: Oops, forgot to turn that off.

Luke: Yall bet on when I was going to propose?

Reggie: Yep, he thought you were going to do it within two weeks after graduation and I thought you would at least wait a month.

Katie: It's funny how you both thought he wouldn't wait a long time before proposing. 

Alex: That was the easy part.

Alex looks at Luke and laughs at the bright color of pink on his cheeks.

Reggie: Yeah, we knew he couldn't wait to put a ring on that girls finger. I'm kinda surprised he hasn't done it already.

Luke: If yall would stop, I could ask you what I wanted to ask you.

Alex: You want are help?

Luke: If it's not a problem?

Reggie: I want to help!! Your like proposing to my little sister!

Alex: I'm in too, I need to make sure you don't screw this up.

Katie: This sound like a boy thing. I'm going to go find the girls and hang with them. Bye babe.

Katie walks up to Reggie and gives him a quick peck and flashes out. Leaving a flustered Reggie behind in the process. 

Alex: Dude, you look like a tomato, or maybe a firetruck, wait no... definitely like a boy who is whipped!

Reggie: Hey!

Reggie chases Alex around the studio, flashing around trying to catch him. He end up tripping and falling on his face which earns a huge laughing fit from Alex.

Alex: Oh how I wish I had that on video! But Reggie, I was wrong it's not you who's whipped.

Willie: Then who is it babe?

Reggie, Alex, And Willie: Luke!

Luke rolls his eyes and goes over to his couch. He pulls out the ring he has been holding in his pocket for quite sometime now.

Willie: Nice ring Luke, it's absolutely beautiful.

Luke: Thanks, it's special.

Reggie: Where did you get it, cause I know Julie hides the money we make from our gigs.

Alex: What?

Reggie: She hides the money so we don't spend it all. Right?

Luke: No Reg, she just does that for you so you don't go and spend it all.

Alex: Yea, sorry buddy.

Reggie: Really, dang it. I'll have to talk to her about that.

Luke looks to Alex and shakes his head.

Luke: You know she won't give you the money until you actually decide to open a bank account.

Reggie: Banks are dumb, they just steal your money!

Alex: You t- Ok. Luke, the ring?

Luke: Right, i-it's her mothers.

Alex and Willie's eyes go wide. The didn't expect him to have Rose's ring, and they definitely wanted to know how he got it. Reggie didn't even react, he was too worked up about the bank.

Alex: Please tell me you did not steal that from Ray, he lets us live here rent free!

Luke: I didn't steal it Alex, he gave it to me when I asked for his blessing.

(time for a flash back)

Ray was sitting in the living room with his morning coffee. Luke came downstairs tiptoeing. He didn't want to wake up Julie. 1 because she hates the morning, and 2 because he had to do something important without her knowing.

Luke: Hey Ray.

Ray: Hey Luke. Your up early.

Ray could tell Luke was nervous about something, but he just brushed it off. 

Luke: Yea, I have to do something important. And I want Julie to be asleep when I do it.

Ray: Ah, and what are you doing behind my daughters back?

Luke's eyes widen, he didn't mean that he was doing anything bad. He just knew that she couldn't know yet. He was just nervous, and when he's nervous he rambles.

Ray: Relax, I know you aren't doing anything bad. Right?

Luke: Right. I actually need to talk to you. I know you are normally by yourself in the morning, so I figured it would be the best time to talk to you alone.

Ray: Ok...what are we talking about?

Luke: Oh not here, we should go into the studio.

Ray: Aren't the guys out there?

Luke: No, they both slept at the HGC last night. Did they not tell you?

Ray: Oh you boys will be the death of me.

Ray and Luke walked out the door into the studio. Ray remembered when he came out here almost 3 years ago to the happiest thing he could have seen.

(a flashback within a flashback)

Reggie: Ray!

Ray jumps at the sudden noise behind him. He turns and sees a excited face on Reggie and a happy but confused face on Alex.

Ray: Reg, you scared me.

Reggie: Sorry, I just was too excited not to yell.

Ray: And why are you so excited? Is it because Luke just played music for the first time?

Reggie: Better. J-

Alex: Reggie!

Ray look at the two boys confused. He knew they were hiding something. He just couldn't figure out what.

Ray: Where is Luke?

Alex: He's in the studio... talking.

Ray: To who?

Alex: Uh-I

Ray: What are yall hiding?

Reggie: Nothing! Well something, but I don't think we should tell you.

Ray: Why not?

Alex: You should see it for yourself. I think it's been long enough, they should be done by now.

Ray: They?

Reggie grabs Rays hand and pulls him out of the house and down the driveway. They stop at the now closed studio doors and pause before opening them.

Ray: What is going on with you two? Yall are acting more weird than normal.

Alex: I think they are done talking, I don't here anything.

Ray: Who is they?

Reggie: Well if their not talking, then who knows what they are doing.

Reggie acts like he is kissing someone before Alex shoves him and gives him a look that could kill.

Ray: Luke is kissing someone! I will not let him move on like this.

Before the guys could stop him he opens the doors and storms in.

Ray: Luke, I know your hurting, b-

He stands their shocked. His daughter was in Luke's arms holding him as tight as she could in a hug. He couldn't believe his eyes. Julie was here. The two heard Ray's outburst and held on for a second longer before letting go.

Julie: Hey dad.

Ray: Julie, Oh my god. Your here. With Luke.

Julie: Yea I am.

He goes up and grabs his daughter into one of his famous dad bear hugs. He hold on as tight as he can and so does she.

Ray: How are you here Mija?

Julie: It's a long story, but the short version is mom. She got me out. I don't really know the details but I'm here.

Ray: Alive?

Julie: Well, half alive half dead. Just like the guys.

Ray looks over to Luke who is still looking at Julie with only love in his eyes.

Ray: Did you know she was out here?

Luke: No, I just felt like I needed to be here, and when I was it's like I had to play again.

Ray: When did you show up?

Julie: When I was up there, I could watch yall. I actually finished the song Luke was writing while I was up there.

Julie looks over to Luke who doesn't look surprised that she finished the song so well.

Julie: When Luke started to sing it, I knew I had to sing the part he couldn't figure out and I guess that was the last thing I needed to get back down here.

Ray: Whatever it was, I don't care. As long as your back.

(end of flashback within a flashback)

Luke: Ray, you ok?

Ray: Yeah, I was just thinking about the night I saw Julie again. I always imagine it when I come out here.

Luke smiles and continues to walk inside the studio. His mind was racing with all the possible ways this could go. The one that stuck out the most was his least favorite outcome.

Ray: Ok Luke, you got me out here so what's on your mind?

Luke: If it's ok with you, I would actually like to sing it instead?

Ray: You know I would love to hear you sing at any time of the day Luke.

Luke smiles and goes and grabs his stool and acoustic guitar. He sits Ray down on his couch and puts the stool in front.

Ray had an idea of what was going on, and he knew Luke was nervous about it. Instead of saying anything Ray went along acting clueless.

"Sir, I'm a bit nervous
'Bout being here today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So bear with me please
If I take up too much of your time"

Luke looked up to Ray who was watching him carefully. He gulped and continued singing looking back to his guitar.

"See in this box is a ring for your oldest
She's my everything and all that I know is
It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side
'Cause very soon I'm hoping that I..."

"Can I marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I'll love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die, yeah"

"I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
When she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter"

With a little more confidence he looks back up to Ray and sees a huge smile on his face. Ray really tried to contain his emotions but was clearly failing.

"She's been here every steps
Since the day that we met                                                                                                                                              (I'm scared to death to think of what would happen if she ever left)"

"So don't you ever worry about me ever treating her bad
I've got most of my vows done so far (so bring on the better or worse)
And 'til death do us part"

"There's no doubt in my mind
It's time
I'm ready to start
I swear to you with all of my heart..."

"I'm gonna marry your daughter

And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I'll love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die"

"I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
As she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter"

"The first time I saw her
I swear I knew that I'd say "I do"
I'm gonna marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I'll love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die"

"I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
As she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter"

Luke finishes the song with a smile on his face imagining Julie walking down the aisle with Ray by her side. All Ray could think about was his daughters face when he proposes.

Ray: Luke.

Luke: Yes sir.

Ray: Don't be so nervous, you know you only call me Ray.

Luke: Sorry, I'm just a little nervous.

Ray: Your song was beautiful.

Luke couldn't tell what was going to happen. He knew Ray liked him, at least that's what he thought, but he didn't know if Ray would want him to marry his daughter. But one thing Luke knew, is that he would keep trying until he said yes.

Luke: Thanks, It flew out of me when I was writing.

Ray: Let me show you something. 

Ray walked over to a locked box in the corner of the studio that Luke had never really seen before. He pulled a key out of his pocket and opened it up.

Ray: Come Luke.

Luke quickly walked to where ray was standing and looked inside the now opened box. Ray grabbed a velvet ring case out and opened it up. Luke let out a small gasp as he saw the beautiful ring inside the box.

Ray: This was Rose's. I gave it to her the night I proposed.

Luke: It's the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

Ray: That's the same thing I said when I bought it. Julie thinks this ring is still in the coffin with her mother.

Luke: Why?

Ray: Cause I told her that, I wanted it to be a surprise when the love of her life pulled it out of the box the night he proposes.

Luke eyes widen a little. He looks at the ring then back to Ray who is looking at him.

Ray: You have my blessing Luke. There is no one more perfect for my daughter and I know that you truly love her, and that she truly loves you. You are the man that I want to give my daughter this ring.

Luke: Really?

Ray: Yes Luke.

Luke grows a huge smile on his face. Ray gives him the box with the ring in it and Luke slips it in his pocket. Still smiling ear to ear  Luke pulls Ray into a hug and is surprised when Ray hugs back with a laugh.

Ray: I can't wait until I can call you son!

Luke chuckles and looks down.

Luke: She still has to say yes.

Ray: She will.

(End of flashback)

Alex: That was sweet Luke!

Reggie: Yea, you got in good with the old man. But of course I will always be Rays favorite.

Alex: I don't know Reggie, Luke seems to be in the best p-

Reggie: Nope!!! I will always be the FAVORITE!

Alex: Ok.

Luke: So will yall help me?

Willie, Alex, and Reggie: Yes!

(With the girls)

Flynn: Julie!

Flynn runs over to the girl who was just stepping out of her car. Julie had really wanted to spend the day with Luke but he said that she should get in some girl time before their date tonight. She found it weird that Luke didn't want to spend the whole day with her but she brushed it off.

Julie: Flynn! Why are we yelling? We saw each other yesterday.

Flynn: I know, but I just like yelling.

Katie flashes in.

Katie: Hey girls, what are we doing today?

Flynn: Good your both here, I have decided that we should go and get manicures today. It has been forever since I've got one.

Julie: I don't know, I really just wanted t-

Katie: I think it is a great idea.

Julie looked skeptical, she wanted to just chill out but a manicure didn't sound to bad.

Julie: Ok, lets go fix these awful nails of mine.

Julie turns back around and get in her car. Flynn shoots Katie a wink, both knowing that they need to keep Julie away from the house. Luke had gone to Flynn before hand and told her what was happening. With all of her excitement she knew that this was going to be her best friend best day ever.

Julie: Flynn, you have to get in the car!

Flynn: I'm coming!

(At nail salon)

Julie: I hate nail salons, I just always feel like I'm getting talked about.

Katie: Same.

Flynn gives Katie a death glare which causes her to quickly change her statement.

Katie: But a good manicure never hurt.

The three girls get sat down next to each other. Their nail techs start working on their hands.

Flynn: Jules, what's wrong.

Katie: Yea, your really quite.

Julie: Nothing really, I just really wanted to spend today with Luke.

Katie looks at Flynn knowing that she should act a little clueless to pull this off. Flynn just has to try to keep her mouth shut. Nothing was going to ruin this proposal.

Katie: There are other days to spend with him, I'm sure he is just with the guys.

Julie: Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those girls who always has to be with their boyfriend. I just figured today out of all days we would get to be with each other.

Katie: What's today?

Julie: Luke likes to call it the day I came back to him.

She smiles softly thinking about his dorky smile when he called it that.

Flynn: He didn't forget right?

Julie: No he remembered, but he was just acting so weird. He has actually been acting weird ever since graduation. Always getting out of bed before me, and we haven't really seen each other a lot lately. Like today, he was so set on me having a girls day.

Katie: That does s-sound strange.

Flynn and Katie give each other panic looks as Julie is looking down. They knew exactly what Luke was doing. He probably got in head about the proposal and thought he was going to ruin it if he was around her. Flynn thought about it for a moment. Luke would probably propose in his room if it meant being with Julie forever, but he was smart enough to know that she deserves something better. Even if she would have said yes anywhere he did it.

Flynn: Are yall doing anything today?

Julie smiles remembering that she get to go on a date with him tonight.

Julie: Yea, we have a date tonight. He said it was going to be a surprise.

Katie: Ooo, I love surprises!

Julie: Me too, especially if their Luke's surprises.

Flynn: Don't worry girl, that boy has been in love with you since "finally free".

They all laugh at Flynn's statement. Both Flynn and Katie think they got Julie out of her head, but they were far from right. All she could think about was what was more important to him right now than being with her. She didn't like being this type of girlfriend, but she couldn't help it. She completely trusted Luke, she knew he would never cheat on her and Julie didn't think he was. She was scared that he was avoiding her because he had fallen out of love with her.

(With the boys later)

Alex: Okay, we are almost done.

Luke: Good, The girls should be here soon.

Luke goes to he couch a dramatically lays down. He put his head in his hands. What he really wanted to do today was spend it with Julie. He missed her, with all of the stuff he was planning for the proposal he had to do it when she was asleep or he would have to sneak around and do it. Luke knew that Julie was also feeling that they weren't spending much time together. All he could think about was her face this morning when he told her she should have a girls day. He made sure to tell her that it was 3 years since she came back to him. He didn't want her to get to suspicious of his actions, but he could tell that she was sad and that made him sad.

Alex: Luke, you good?

Luke: Yea, I'm glad that we have this all set up. It will be perfect and it exactly what Julie deserves, but today I wanted to be with her. I've been so distant trying to put all of this together and I'm afraid she is going to think the wrong things about me.

Reggie: You don't think she would believe you are cheating on her?

Luke: No, she know that I would never do that, I'm scared that she will think I don't want to be around her cause I am falling out of love with her. Which is the exact opposite of what is happening. I fall more and more in love with her everyday, and I don't want that to ever stop.

Alex: Well then you should put that line in your speech. That was romantic.

Luke laughs at his emotional friend.

Luke: Now we wait. Willie, did you put the letter in her room?

Willie: Yep, now we just need her to read it.

The girls arrive back at Julie's house. They get out of the car and walk up the driveway. Julie turns to the studio and walk towards it before getting stopped by Katie.

Katie: Where do you think you are going?

Julie: The studio. Please Katie, I just want to see Luke and I'm sure he is in there.

Flynn: Sorry, but you have to go to your room and get ready for your date.

Julie looks between her two best friends and looks down. Katie feels bad but know it is what needs to be done.

Julie: Fine, but after I will be going in there.

She storms up to the house and walks in leaving the two girls standing there.

Flynn: She is going to feel so dumb after this proposal.

Katie: Oh yes she is.

They give each other a high five, their eyes not leaving the door that Julie just slammed.

Julie walks in the house and slams the door behind her. She goes into the kitchen and finds her dad cooking some dinner.

Ray: Hey Mija, Luke told me you had a girls day today?

Julie: Yea, I did.

Ray: Why were you not with Luke? Today is 3 years since you came back.

Julie: I don't really know dad, but I have a date night with Luke so I got to go get ready. See ya later.

Ray: Bye sweetie.

Ray knew what was happening today, and he could tell by the look on his daughters face that she didn't have the day she wanted to. All he hoped was for that to change later.

She headed up the stairs and went into her room. She was surprised to see the lit candles and the rose pedals on her bed with a letter in the middle. She recognized the hand writing that spelt Julie on the front. It was from Luke. 

Julie: Oh what have you been up too?

Julie still had that dreadful thought in the back of her mind, but it was slowly leaving her mind as she opened the letter.

To my Julie,

I know we have not been able to spend a lot of time together lately, and that is all on me. I can not explain in this letter, but all will be cleared in time. I want you to know that I truly did want to spend this whole day with you, but I had to do something extra special for you which took away my time. I am in the studio, I want you to wear whatever you want and meet me down there. I will be waiting for you

Love,                                                                                                                                                                                           Your Luke

Julie: How could I have ever doubted you?

Julie decided to change into a simple blue dress that cut off right above the knees. She did her make up and left her hair in it's natural curls. She put some white convers on and grabbed the letter and her phone and wandered down the stairs.

Julie slowly walked down the driveway to the studio. She was nervous and she didn't know why. She had no idea what Luke had planned or what was going to happen, but she trusted Luke and that's all that matters. She opened the studio doors with her eyes closed. She hear a soft melody in the back ground that sounded like live music. She opened her eyes and saw Luke standing in the middle of the studio with a white button up shirt and black dress pants. He had the shirt folded up so you could see his forearms. (yes, I had to put him in the perfect harmony outfit) Is hair was is normal shaggy looking style and he had a small smile on his face. Julie couldn't help but stare, what she didn't notice was Luke was staring right back in awe. 

When he saw her walk in his heart stopped. She looked absolutely beautiful, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Reggie and Alex were playing the soft melody that they had written only hour ago.

Julie: Hey.

Luke: Hi. Y-you look beautiful.

Julie saw the blush on his cheeks and she smiled at how flustered he was while looking at her.

Julie: Thanks, you look so put together. I don't see this very often.

He let out a small laugh moved to walk towards her.

Luke: Yea, yell I figured this was a special occasion so I should dress to fit it.

Julie: Well you did very well.

Luke: Alex picked it out actually.

Julie smiles at her boyfriends inability to chose clothes.

Julie: Nice job Alex.

Alex: Thank you.

Julie looks to her other two bandmates and sees them playing the melody she heard earlier. She didn't recognize it, she assumed they had written it.

Julie: You want to tell me what song they are playing.

Luke: Why would I tell you when I can show you. 

He grabs her hand and moves her to the center of the studio where he was originally standing. He takes her phone and the letter and outs it on the piano behind him. He grabs his guitar and begins strumming matching Alex and Reggie's melody.

"I found a love for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me"

Julie smiles at hearing his voice, one of her favorite sounds. He walks in front of her and continues to play.

"Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine"

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it,
Darling, you look perfect tonight"

He takes off his guitar while Reggie presses the back track of the strumming Luke was doing. He grabs Julie's hands and looks into her eyes.

"Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own"

"We are still kids but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes"

Luke stops singing and lets the boys finish the rest of the song. He grabs the small box from his pocket and get down on one knee. Julie moves her hands to her mouth to cover her gasp as she already let tears leave her eyes.

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress
Looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this
Darling, you look perfect tonight"

   Luke: Julie, I love you. I know I say it everyday, but it's because it's the only thing I am ever really sure of. Ever since I met you, you have been this light in my life. You literally brought me back to life, kind of.

Julie chuckles through her tears as she listens to Luke. He smiles hearing her laugh which is his favorite sound.

"No, no, no"

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

                                                                                                               And she looks perfect, I don't deserve this You look perfect tonight" 

Luke: I have been distant lately, and I know you've been doubting me. But I want to spend the rest of my life with you, however long that is. I want to be the person you can always go to, and I want you to be the girl that I love for the rest of my life. I fall more in love with you every day and I want to continue to do that. So, Julie Rose Molina

He opens the box to reveal her mothers ring. As soon as she sees it, she know exactly what it is.

Luke: Will you make me the happiest ghost alive and marry me?

Julie looks at him and can see how nervous he is. She doesn't even have to think about her answer. She has known that she wants to spend the rest of her life with Luke since the beginning.

Julie: Yes, of course I will marry you!

He lets a huge smile on his face. He picks up the ring and slides it onto her finger. She grabs his face and smashes her lips onto his, with all the feelings going through Luke he picks her up never breaking the kiss and spins her around. He lowers her down breaking the kiss to look in her eyes. All he see is love in her eyes and that is all he feels.

Reggie: Yes!!!! I love weddings!!!

The two see all of their friends in the studio and their family looking at them. All having tears in their eyes and huge smiles.

Alex: Luke, you best believe I am your best man.

Reggie: What! No, Luke I should be your best man.

Luke: Can we not do this right now.

Julie smiles and rolls her eyes at the two and turns to her dad.

Julie: Dad the ring, you told me it was with mom. How?

Ray: I wanted it to be a surprise when the man you loved pulled it out. And guess what, it was.

Julie: Thanks dad.

She hugs her dad and walks over to Flynn and Katie. Ray goes to Luke and raps him in a large hug.

Ray: I told you she would say yes!

Luke: God, I am so happy she did.

Reggie: Oh, me too. I don't think I could handle more sad puppy Luke.

Everyone laughs and enjoys the company of their family. Julie thought back to when she first met the boys. She would have never thought that she would have found the love of her life and her two older brothers that she loved very much in three ghost, but she did and she couldn't be more happy about it.

Luke walks over to her and puts his arm around her back and kisses her temple. She looks up at him knowing that this was all she wanted. To be with the people she loved

Alex: Now that the anxiety of this is over now I can start worry about the TOUR that we still haven't packed for.

Reggie: Relax Alex, we have time.

Julie rolls her eyes at those two bickering and smiles.

Her life was Glowing, and it was going to stay like that.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The actual End :)


This is the end of Glowing. I know I already gave a end of book note on the last chapter but I'm gonna do it again.

Thank you so much for reading this story, and I really hope every single one of you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is one of my favorite things I have done and it kind of makes me sad that it's over, but I am ready to move on.

If you like this (another shameless plug :) ) My new story Collided is an AU where the boys are alive. It will be out soon.

But back to me thanking yall for reading. I do hope you liked this epilogue cause I really enjoyed writing something that didn't make me want to cry. Thanks for reading.

Bye! Love yall!

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