
By TabTj011

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In a world were your soulmate chooses what you do and what you say, everything could go right...or horribly w... More

A soulmate
The perfect gown and mask
Masquerade Ball
Identities revealed
The texts
Unexpected friendship
Just a friend...she thought
Run away
New relationship
The truth about Finn
After a long time
An old flame
A new chance
Work/Relationship balance
An annoying ex

Dear old dad

45 0 0
By TabTj011

After what Millie heard about Finn's father, she was worried that something bad might happen if they ever met. Grace was not happy, constantly threatening Finn and Millie, hoping that she could knock some common sense into the two. Finn's father arrived, not happy with Finn. Mr Wolfhard had been keeping an eye on him and Millie, planning something bad.

Millie and Finn had been called to Dean McMartin's office, opening the door to see the Dean and Finn's father already talking. After a while, the situation had gotten worse, with Finn's father now berating Finn over his 'poor judgement'. Millie couldn't handle it, watching as Finn was being berated by his father and just like that every horrible feeling that Millie had been experiencing, every bad thought, every horrible insult or thing she had been told about came out.

"ENOUGH!" Millie shouted, causing the entire room to fall silent.

"Mr Wolfhard...stop treating your son as if he hasn't got a life of his own! Grace is what's best for your business, but I'M Finn's soulmate! I'M the one he's supposed to be with! He loves me and I love him! If you can't see that...then...your clearly blindsided by the world you live in..." Millie expressed her now exposed anger and sadness.

"Miss Brown-" The Dean spoke, shocked at Millie's sudden outburst.

Millie reacted the way she knew she probably should not have. With one swift movement, Dean McMartin was no longer sitting at his desk, but against the wall the had been behind him. She felt a sudden burst of power. She felt like Supergirl.

"Dean McMartinI'm so sorry..." Millie said, looking at her own hands in shock and fear. Not even Finn had any words to say.

Running out of Dean McMartins office, she did the first thing she thought of. She flew. Her feet no longer touched the ground, but she suspended 3 feet off the air, having felt a burst of energy rush through her body. She landed shortly after, running off to her dorm room, scared and worried about what might now happen. Before ordering an Uber, she found one of her work books and wrote Finn a letter before getting out her phone. As she put the letter down, Sadie walked in, looking confused.

"Woah...woah. Mills? What's going on?" Sadie asked, holding me, clearly feeling something wrong.

"I-I have to go..." Millie quickly started to get her bags packed while looking at a very confused and very inquisitive Sadie.

"What do you mean you have to leave? Finn is probably worried sick about you! How did the meeting go?" Sadie asked all the questions that Millie feared her asking.

Millie knew she had to answer the questions she had been given.

"The meeting went ok...until I snapped." Millie spoke. Sadie gave her a confused look.

"Mr Wolfhard spent half of the meeting berating Finn about how him dating me would ruin his family business. Finn started arguing back and I couldn't take it anymore so I yelled..." By this point Millie was on the brink of tears.

"W-What did you say?" Sadie spoke, treading carefully.

"I basically said that I loved Finn and Finn loved me and that if he couldn't see that then he was blindsided by his own little world." Millie said, now crying.

"Please tell me that you walked off...?" Sadie asked, unaware of the damage that Millie had caused.

"Not exactly..." Millie said, now getting her suitcases packed.

"I kinda pushed Dean McMartin up against the wall without touching him before I ran out." Millie said, almost finishing her packing.

"An Uber is waiting for me..." Before Sadie could say anything else, Millie's bags and other belongings had been packed and Millie was now on her way home.

She ran out of the dorm room and on her way off the college campus, she passed Finn's dorm room, slipping the note underneath.
Finn ran out of the Dean's office, completely astonished by Millie's outburst. He ran as fast as he could to find her before she did something irrational. After 30 minutes, enough time for Millie to pack up and leave, Finn reached the dorms, finding Sadie and Millie's dorm room. He knocked, surprised when Sadie opened the door.

"She isn't here..." Sadie spoke, a tear rolling down her eyes.

He ran to his dorm, hoping to find his girlfriend, but nothing. He opened the door and looked down. Finn was all it read.

Dear Finn,

Finn knew that this letter wasn't good.

Millie closed the car door, letting the driver take off after her bags and suitcases had been loaded into the back.

I can't be here anymore.

Finn's eyes began to water, his heart beating faster.

Millie was now on her way to the airport.

When your father was berating you earlier, I couldn't handle it.

Finn had noticed the pain in Millie's eyes as she watched them argue.

Millie had now arrived at the airport, getting her bags and suitcases.

When I yelled, all my emotions were flooding out. My anger, my pain...everything.

Finn watched her struggle earlier.

Millie reached the desks, seeing some nice ladies tapping away at their computers.

When I pushed Dean McMartin without moving, fear washed over me and I couldn't think of anything better to do.

Tears had now escaped his eyes, reading the words on the page.

Millie paid for a ticket before walking over to a flight attendant, smiling sadly.

The best thing for me to do is to leave. I couldn't have stayed there, knowing what people would have done if they had found out.

Finn couldn't believe it...Millie had left and he couldn't stop her.

Millie was now seated in her chair, waiting.

If I ever see you again...which I hope I do...I want you to know that I love you and there is no one else in this entire world that I would rather love.

Finn cried as he read the last part. His heart slowly breaking.

Millie took out her phone and clicked on the camera.

I love you Finn. I love you more than anything.

Your girlfriend and your soulmate,
-Millie xoxo

Finn threw the page away from him, his eyes now stained from tears.

Millie pressed record and spoke to the camera. After a few minutes, she stopped recording and sent it to Finn.

As he cried he got a notification, from Millie. He opened up the message, seeing the video.

"Hey Finn. I know that what I have done is unforgivable-" Millie spoke to the camera.

After a few minutes, Millie stopped.

"Goodbye Finn..." With that, Millie kissed the camera and the screen went black, leaving Finn alone in his room, crying and reading the letter over and over again.

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