Just a friend...she thought

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Millie was not happy for today. All of the presentations that she was to present with Finn were due today. Luckily, Millie and Finn had organised everything they needed. They made their way to the first class.
After the day was done Millie and Finn walked back towards their dorms.

"Great job today! You did amazing!" Millie said, smiling as she grabbed some chocolate out of her bag.

"Here's a treat for you!" She said, handing the KitKat bar to him. He jumped with joy as he opened it up and took a massive bite which made her anxious.

As they walked, Finn stopped and kissed her. She quickly pushed him away.

"I-I'm so sorry..." Finn said, not knowing why he did it.

Millie walked off...shocked. Finn looked at her as if he had just broken her heart. He walked back to his dorm and sat down, not knowing if he would text her.

Finn: Millie...I'm so sorry. I didn't know what came over me.

Millie: I-It's ok Finn. It was a spur of the moment thing...nothing else...maybe.

Finn: You felt something didn't you...?

Finn: I know you saw my message Millie...

Millie didn't know. In that split second...she felt a spark. Something lit up in her heart that she couldn't ignore. She wasn't going to say that though.

Millie: I have homework to do Finn. I'll talk later.

Millie placed her phone down, spending the next hour thinking about it. Would she tell Sadie and Noah? Or would she leave it and keep it between her and Finn.

An hour later and she had come to a decision.

Millie: I don't know how I feel about it. Please don't say anything to anyone. I don't want unwanted attention...especially not from Grace. You can talk to people about it when I have told Sadie and Noah...which might be a while.

Finn: Understandable. I totally agree.

Millie: We can talk more tomorrow.

Millie once again put down her phone and ignored any texts that appeared on her screen. She got several texts, either from Noah, Sadie or Finn.
It had been 2 weeks since Millie was kissed by Finn. She had talked to Finn about keeping it a secret until she wanted to tell someone and she knew that it was time.

Millie: Sadie...Noah...I need to talk to you.

Sadie: What about?

Millie: It's best for me to tell you in person.

Noah: I'm in class but I'll skip maths and come back to the dorm.

Sadie: I'll come back to the dorm during my free period.

Millie: Ok...see you soon.

Millie put down her phone and waited for another 30 minutes. Once she heard the bell go, she got ready to tell her friends.

After 30 minutes, Sadie had arrived followed by Noah. They walked in, placing their bags down on the bench as they looked at Millie.

"So? What do you need to talk to us about...?" Noah asked, slightly worried that it was some sort of "friendship intervention"

"If I tell you...you have to keep it a secret..." Millie said, not revealing anything.

Millie began to tell Sadie and Noah everything that happened on the day of the kiss. As Millie talked, none of them were aware that a girl named Sarah had been listening to the entire conversation.

Sarah was one of Grace's many friends. She was nothing like Grace though. She was the complete opposite to Grace. Sarah was a nice girl, who didn't like conflict. You would never see her with Grace, but you would know that she was friends with her. Sarah was nice to everyone.

Hearing Sadie and Noah getting up, she retreated to the stairwell, waiting.

"Enjoy science!" Millie said, giving Noah a hug as she let him leave.

"Enjoy being here alone for the next 2 hours." Sadie said, following Noah.

As Sadie and Noah walked off towards their classes, Millie walked out as well, holding her phone and her purse.

"So...you and Finn kissed..." Sarah spoke, startling Millie as she locked her dorm door.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you..." Sarah said, inching closer to Millie.

"You didn't scare me...you startled me-" Millie said.

"-Wait...how did you know that Finn and I had kissed?" Millie asked, confused.

"I overheard you, Sadie and Noah talking as I walked past." Sarah said.

"Please don't say anything..." Millie said, worried.

"Don't worry...I won't tell anyone. You can trust me...I promise." Sarah said, giving Millie a hug.

Sarah walked off, not wanting to break the promise she had just made with Millie. Grace did deserve to know since she and Finn were together but she didn't want to tell Grace at the risk of ruining Millie's life for the rest of her college years.

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