The texts

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Finn decided to text her. He grabbed his phone and tapped on the number that Sadie gave him.

Millie got a text...from a number she didn't know.

Millie: Umm...who is this?

Unknown: I-It's me...Finn.

Millie: How did you get my number?

Unknown: Sadie...your friend got my number from her boyfriend, my friend, and she gave me your number.

Millie changed the name from Unknown to Finn

Finn: I know you don't wanna talk to me...after...the masquerade ball...but I feel as if I want to get to know you...

Millie: I never said I didn't wanna talk to you.

Finn: Can I admit something?

Millie: Go ahead. Nothing's stopping you.

Millie was secretly rolling her eyes. She couldn't believe that Sadie gave Finn her number.

Finn: Grace and I aren't really dating/soulmates...

Millie: What?

Finn: We aren't soulmates.

Millie: Then why are you two together? That doesn't make sense...

Finn: Caleb gave me the idea. Since I apparently didn't have a soulmate at the age of 16...Caleb convinced me that I should fake date a girl...

Millie: Ok? Why are you telling me?

Finn: I don't want to date her anymore. She's been cheating on surprise...and I want to you know...

Millie: No. No way. We are not dating! You may be my soulmate, but I am definitely not dating the head football player! That could ruin you...and could put labels on me that I'd rather keep away.

Finn: Come on Mills! Please?

Millie: First of all...only my inner circle calls me Mills and your not part of that circle...but secondly...I'm not dating matter how many times you tell me please!

Finn: You just wait Millie Bobby Brown. I'll convince you one day that we are meant to be together.

Millie: I'm not a girl that will just swoon over you! I'm not a girl like Grace...

Finn: Ouch...that's cold.

Millie: Sorry Finn. It's not happening.

Millie put her phone down, rolling her eyes at Finn's attempts to win her over. Millie saw her phone buzz again but she ignored it.

Finn couldn't believe that Millie wasn't going for his idea. He attempted to text her again...

Finn: Please to me.

Millie wasn't even reading her texts. She decided to text...but not Finn.

Millie: Sadie.

Sadie: Hey Mills!

Millie: Not now Sadie.

Sadie: Wha-What's wrong?

Millie: You gave my number to Finn?!

Sadie: I t-thought-

Millie: -You thought wrong! I didn't want to communicate with Finn! I wanted to forget about Finn and everything that happened at the ball! I just wanted to forget!

Sadie: I'm sorry Mills.

Millie: I know your sorry...but I now have to deal with Finn constantly trying to convince me to date him.

Sadie: That isn't a bad thing...right? I mean...I'm dating Caleb and he's on the football team and friends with Finn...

Millie: Don't even try and convince me! I've made up my mind and no amount of pressuring is going to change my mind!

Sadie: Just give Finn a chance. That's all I want.

Millie left Sadie's text on delivered, thinking about what she said.

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