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Back to school. Millie was a little nervous but she could get over it. She got up and got dressed, leaving early in the morning. By the time she got to her first class, science, she was 5 minutes early.

"Morning Mills." Finn said, walking by her desk.

"Hi." Millie replied. She had 3 classes with Finn. She had 5 classes. Once the bell had gone, the classroom was almost full of students ready to learn.

"Good morning class" Mrs. Heaton said as she placed her bag down on the table.

"I have a...shall I say...interesting class for you today" Mrs. Heaton said, grabbing a marker for her board.

Mrs. Heaton is one of my favourite professors since she is actually nice to me. 6 months ago she was Ms. Dyer, but she got married to her soulmate Mr. Heaton. She obviously took his last name. Mr. Heaton is my maths teacher.

"For the next 3 weeks you will be in pairs, conducting science experiments. I have chosen the pairs ahead of time. If you don't like your with it." Mrs. Heaton spoke, grabbing her laptop.

Millie could see Grace eyeing Finn, hoping that she would be paired with him. For the next 2 minutes, Mrs. Heaton called out 2 names at a time, giving everyone their partners. There were 4 people that hadn't been called out yet. Grace, Casey, Finn and Millie. Millie became very worried, seeing as she could potentially be paired with Grace.

"Grace is working with...Casey" Mrs. Heaton spoke.

Phew...wait...Millie was confused. If Grace was paired with Casey...that means...oh no...Millie's body drowned with dread as she looked over at Finn.

"That leaves Finn and Millie as partners." Mrs. Heaton spoke.

"Hey partner..." Finn said as he sat next to Millie at her desk. I could feel Grace's evil stare on me. I ignored it.

"Being partners doesn't mean anything Finn." Millie said.

For the next 45 minutes, Mrs. Heaton discussed what they would be doing.

"I expect that you and your partner would be working on your written assessments of these experiments outside of class" Mrs. Heaton spoke.

"Don't even try Finn" Millie said just as the bell rang. She grabbed her bag and walked out of class, making her way to maths.
Millie walked to her History class, being followed by Finn. History was her 2nd class with Finn. Mr. Keery taught history.

"Take a seat everyone. Now. For the next 2 weeks, you will be in pairs." Mr. Keery spoke. Millie immediately regretted ever stepping foot in the class room.

"You and your partner will create a 20 minute presentation about a famous event that occurred in history, ranging from the first world war to the battle of Gettysburg." Mr. Keery spoke.

As Millie feared, she was once again paired with Finn, luckily Grace wasn't in History other wise she would have flipped her shit.

Millie sighed. This day can't get any worse...she sat next to Finn.

After 40 minutes, the bell went.
Millie headed to her 3rd and final class with Finn, Outdoor Ed. For the past week, everyone had been learning about different outdoor environments.

She walked into class, being greeted by her teacher, Ms. Hawke. Each desk had a sort of barrier, blocking her side and top views of the environment around her. Each desk fit two people.

"Everyone please walk to the desk that has your name posted on it." Ms. Hawke spoke.

Millie walked over to the desk with her name posted on it. She placed her bag down and sat down at the desk.

"Once you are seated, place your head inside the box so you can't see what's around you." Ms. Hawke spoke.

Millie did what she was told.

After 5 minutes, Ms. Hawke spoke.

"I will come around and remove the boxes. The person you are seated next to will be your partner for the next 3 weeks." Ms. Hawke said, walking around the room.

One by one each box was removed. Finally, Millie saw light around her and she noticed that the box was no longer on her head. She slowly opened her eyes and looked beside her. Her partner was none other than Finn. Great. Millie though as she rolled her eyes.

"You will choose an outdoor environment and create a 20 minute presentation about it." Ms. Hawke spoke.

Millie chose the environment.

"I expect that each pair work on the presentation outside of class." Ms. Hawke spoke once again.
After the class was over, Millie walked out, followed by Finn.

"This wasn't just a coincidence. The universe is giving us a sign! We are meant to be together!" Finn said as Millie walked further away.

Millie walked back to her dorm and unlocked the door, seeing Sadie and Caleb watching the tv.

"Hey girl!" Sadie said, smiling. She noticed Millie's expression and immediately looked sad.

"What's wrong?" She asked, walking over to Sadie.

"I have 3 different assignments in which I have to work with a partner..." Millie said.

"Is Grace your partner? I'm so sorry..." She asked.

"Worse. Finn." Millie said, chucking her bag down on her bed.

"How is Finn being your partner a bad thing?" Sadie asked.

"He's trying to convince me that we should be together. I hate it!" Millie said, getting upset.

"He does talk about you a lot when we are alone..." Caleb said, adding to the conversation.

"Shut it Caleb!" Millie said, shouting. She pointed to the door.

"Sorry for shouting Caleb." Millie said as Caleb got up.

"It's ok Millie. I understand what you're going through. He can be annoying when he wont shut up." Caleb said, laughing.
For the next 3 hours, Sadie and Millie talked about Millie's situation.

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