A soulmate

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Today was Millie Browns Birthday. She is turning 16, lucky girl. But Millie wasn't necessarily excited for today.

"So? Are you excited that your 16 today??" Sadie asked as Millie put her bag in her locker.

"Yeah!" Millie said with excitement.

In actuality, Millie was nervous. You see, when a boy or girl turns 16, they get a soulmate. The boy and girl can choose what their soulmate does or says and their soulmate can choose what the boy or girl does or says. Usually, they discover their soulmate after a month or two.

"Have you gotten a soulmate yet?" Sadie asked.

"No...not yet," Millie said, sighing.

"Well...you have the rest of the day to get a soulmate," Sadie said happily.

Sadie turned 16 four days prior and her soulmate was Caleb McLaughlin, who was a friend of Finn Wolfhard, so they decided to date in secret.

"I hope my soulmate is Lila Woods," Noah said, giggling. Noah hadn't yet turned 16. His birthday was in 3 days. Yeah, their birthdays were not so far apart.

Millie, Sadie and Noah walked to class, with Millie worrying about not getting a soulmate.
Finn sat in the study room, doing his homework. He is 16 as well, but he turned 16, 2 days before Millie.

"So....you don't have a soulmate?" Gaten asked.

Finn shrugged his shoulders. "Nope.." He said, getting back to his homework.

Gaten's soulmate was a girl named Maddie and Caleb's soulmate was a girl named Sadie.

"I have an idea..." Caleb said.

"What is it?" Finn and Gaten asked.

"Why don't you pretend to have a soulmate? Start dating a girl and pretend that she's your soulmate..." Caleb said.

"Great idea!" Finn said.

Within 48 hours, Finn started dating a girl named Grace Vanderwaal. Grace had been dating a guy named Romeo, but as soon as Finn wanted to date her, Romeo was dumped. The thing is...Grace isn't popular. She only became popular when Finn and her started dating. When she became popular because of Finn, she was cheating on him with most of the other guys at their school (unknown to Finn).
Millie's day went normally...except the fact that she still didn't have a soulmate.

"Maybe I wasn't meant to have a soulmate?" Millie asked.

"That's ridiculous! Everyone was meant to have a soulmate." Noah said, grabbing his bag.

"Well apparently I wasn't because I haven't heard anything from my soulmate." Millie said.

"Caleb told me that I had to either dye my hair blonde or wear thin panties to school. I was not doing to dye my hair blonde as you can see..." Sadie said.

"That's why you look like you're in pain..." Noah joked, smiling.

"Hahaha...very funny." Sadie said, not laughing.

"What should I choose for Caleb?" Sadie asked.

"Either...shave his head...or-" Noah was cut off by Millie.

"-or wear makeup to school" Millie finishes.

"...let's make him...wear makeup to school!" Sadie said.
Millie, Sadie and Noah made their way to school. Sadie stopped when she saw Caleb at school.

"Oh...my...god..." Millie stopped when she saw what Sadie was looking at.

"Everyone is looking at him." Sadie said. As they walked towards the front of the school, Caleb was now in sight of the three. He obviously chose to wear makeup.

Caleb was wearing everything a beauty guru would wear. The worst part was the red lipstick and vibrant orange and yellow eyeshadow.

"Dude...your soulmate made you wear makeup??" Caleb's friend said, making fun of him.

"Shut up dude!" Caleb said, walking faster away. Caleb looked at Sadie and gave her a menacing yet kind look. Sadie just giggled and waved slightly.

"You really are a smartass..." Noah said, giving Sadie a playful nudge.
The day went by and Millie still didn't have a soulmate. She headed home, going straight into the kitchen, where her mother was.

"Hey mom? Can I ask you something?" Millie asked, sitting at the bench.

"Sure sweetie. What's up?" Mrs. Brown asked, smiling at Millie.

"Why don't I have a soulmate?" Millie asked. She was genuinely curious.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Brown asked, confused.

"Well...I turned 16 yesterday and I haven't gotten a soulmate yet..." Millie said, grabbing her phone.

"Well...that is certainly odd. I met my soulmate, your father, 2 hours after I turned 16. Your sister Paige found her soulmate 30 minutes after she turned 16 and your brother Charlie found his soulmate the same time as me." Mrs. Brown said, putting her spoon down.

"Is it possible that I wasn't meant to have a soulmate?" Millie asked.

"No. Everyone is meant to have a soulmate. We wouldn't have soulmates if that was the case." Mrs. Brown said before walking off.

Millie ran up to her room and plopped down onto her bed, about to cry. Why don't I have a soulmate? Am I not attractive? Millie asked herself. Eventually, she went to bed, not wanting to do anything else.

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