A new chance

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"So...you're applying for the new teaching position...in English." Millie spoke as she hinted to the form that rested on his bag.

"Oh, yeah. I saw that one of the professors was retired so I decided to come and check out the position." Finn said as he smiled. Millie missed his smile, how he would only show the front of his teeth.

"Nice office by the way." Finn mentioned as he looked around the large room.

"I worked my way up. I started in an office that held 4 people and now I have this office all to myself. Dean Stevens said that if the open teaching position was filled, they would move into this office, since it's big enough for two people." Millie smiled as she thought about Finn working opposite her in his part of the office.

Just as Finn was about to talk, Millie interjected. Moving from her desk to the couch that resided opposite the door, she sat next to Finn, her eyes full of worry and sadness.

"Finn, I wanted to apologise." She began. Finn gave her a confused look as he looked her dead in the eyes.

"What for Millie?" Finn held her hand slightly, having never been this close to the love of his life in such a long time.

"I wanted to apologise for two things, 1. Leaving without saying goodbye, and 2. Ending our relationship the way I did..." Millie felt tears build up.

"Millie...I understand why you did it. You couldn't stay there knowing that Dean McMartin might have told someone. There was no other way for you to live your life." Finn smiled, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"That day...when I broke up with you...I was dreading the moment. I didn't want to end it...but I had to. If I could go back in time, I would've gone back to that day and never ended it with you. My brain told me that one day I would regret my decision to end it and I have. I have regretted it." Millie admitted it as she let a tear slip, her eyes glassy.

Finn looked at her, wiping the tears that had escaped her eyes away. He held her hand, feeling the shaking that she had badly tried to hide. He placed his hand on her cheek, immediately feeling the shaking disappear.

Millie gave him a innocent look, a look he hadn't seen before. She remembered the day they first met, in the worst way possible.

(Identities revealed)
"What's your name?" Millie asked. She was curious as to who she was speaking to.

The boy sighed. She could tell that he was also as nervous as she was.

"My name is Finn. Finn Wolfhard" Finn said, finally revealing his name.

My soulmate is Finn?! FINN WOLFHARD?? Millie was secretly freaking out.

"What's your name?" Finn asked, inching closer to Millie.

"My name is Millie. Millie Bobby Brown" Millie said, finally revealing her name.

"I want to see your face..." Finn said, not holding anything back.

"Your really pushing your luck-" Millie began.

"-Just show me..." Finn said, cutting her off.

Millie slowly put her hands up to her head, trying to delay the reveal as long as possible. She reached for the two pieces of string that held her mask in place. She untied the string, letting the material fall. She removed the mask from her face and placed it on the chair beside her.

"R-Ready?" Millie asked, her stutter slightly showing.

"Yes." Finn said. He was super excited but super nervous at the same time. He had waited so long to find out who his soulmate was and what she looked like.

Millie gracefully turned around, lowering her face. All Finn could see was a beaded head piece that was on top of her head. Millie was now fully facing Finn, her head lowered. In her head she counted to three, lifting her head as she took a few deep breaths in and out.

Finn would astonished. He had never seen a more beautiful girl in his life. Grace was ok...but the girl in front of him was amazing. Millie and Finn gazed at each other before Millie started to panic.

"I-This was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come..." Millie said, grabbing her mask and putting it back on. She picked up the bottom of her dress and ran away from the rotunda, heading towards the gym.

Millie laughed. As she smiled at Finn, he placed his lips on hers, the spark they once had lighting up in their hearts. Their lips moved in sync, as if they hadn't missed a beat.

"Let's go somewhere private." Millie spoke as she got up and left the office with her bag. Finn followed her to her car and got in, them driving to her place.

Getting inside her house, they dropped their jackets and bags, racing upstairs to her room. As soon as her bedroom door was shut and locked, Finn kissed her again, this time, their clothes slowly ending up on the floor. They got onto her bed, Finn doing things that he had imagined doing when they were originally dating.

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