After a long time

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"Goodbye Finn..." With that, Millie kissed the camera and the screen went black, leaving Finn alone in his room, crying and reading the letter over and over again.

Gasp. Millie sat up, her body sweating as she looked around the room, the room she had stayed at for the night until she could return home to her family. She got out of bed, leaving her once occupied spot on the bed empty as she got ready for the day. She planned to get a lift from the Atlanta Hotel so she could stay with her mother. She remembered her days in Atlanta, going to school with Sadie and Noah everyday...and now they were in Vancouver and she was 42 hours away back in Atlanta.
"Goodbye Finn..." With that, Millie kissed the camera and the screen went black, leaving Finn alone in his room, crying and reading the letter over and over again.

Finn jolted up, having fallen asleep again without intention. Finn couldn't stop thinking about Millie...his she left him and returned home, leaving him love-less as he tried to get over his emotions. What would've happened if she had stayed there with him? She would've been bullied more by Grace and her powers would've been criticised. Maybe Millie did the right thing by leaving. Maybe she took the precautions to stop herself from becoming a lab rat. Maybe Dean McMartin would've called the FBI to take Millie away.

You'll see her again Finn. Don't lose he was losing his own mind because of his thoughts.

Finn would wonder if anyone else was aware of the situation.
Getting in a cab, Millie's bags and suitcases by her side, she closed the cab door, telling the driver her destination. Before long, she had arrived to her family home, her mom's car out the front with her dad's car probably still in the garage. Getting out of the cab, she got a text.

Finn: Millie...I miss you so damn much. I love you and I hope that...wherever you are...your safe.

Millie shed a tear at his message, replying.

Millie: I miss you too Finn. I'm home...I'm safe and I love you too. xoxo

Finn smiled when he saw Millie's text. This was the first live contact they have had since Millie left.

Walking up to her front door, she knocked, hoping that her mother would be happy to have her home. Hearing all the locks being unlocked, she smiled slightly.

"M-Millie?" Her mother asked as she gave Millie a hug. Letting her inside, Millie placed her bags and suitcases near the couch before following her mother into the kitchen. For the next hour, Millie explained her life at college, how she met her soulmate Finn and then came the difficult subject. She was forced to explain the reason why she was home.

"I-I could've hurt him...I could've seriously hurt him..." Millie spoke, tearing up as Finn entered her mind.

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