Love and Potions - Severus Sn...

By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

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Rowan Knight fell in love with Hogwarts when she was forced to transfer in her sixth year. She quickly develo... More

Chapter 1 - Assistant Professor
Chapter 2 - Moving In
Chapter 3 - Hello, Severus
Chapter 4 - Legilimency
Chapter 5 - Late Nights
Chapter 6 - Amortentia
Chapter 7 - Fireworks
Chapter 8 - Home
Chapter 9 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 10 - Bold Words
Chapter 11 - Secrets Unveiled
Chapter 12 - Packing
Chapter 13 - Labelling
Chapter 14 - Hogwarts Express
Chapter 15 - Zabini Manor
Chapter 16 - Interruptions
Chapter 17 - Confrontation
Chapter 18 - Shopping
Chapter 19 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 20 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 21 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22 - Imperio
Chapter 23 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 24 - Returning Home
Chapter 25 - Clean Break
Chapter 26 - Ilvermorny
Chapter 27 - Trouble
Chapter 29 - True Fear
Chapter 30 - Chaos
Chapter 31 - In A Different Life
Chapter 32 - Birthday Surprise
Chapter 33 - Birthday Party
Chapter 34 - Preparations
Chapter 35 - Yule Ball
Chapter 36 - Grief
Chapter 37 - Mother Dearest
Chapter 38 - Belief
Chapter 39 - Queen's Dinner
Chapter 40 - Powerful Friendship
Chapter 41 - The Real Truth
Chapter 42 - Family is chosen
Chapter 43 - A Mother's Love
Chapter 44 - Building Trust
Chapter 45 - Date Night
Chapter 46 - Separate Paths
Chapter 47 - Loving You
Chapter 48 - Emerald Trio
Chapter 49 - The Malfoys' Ball
Chapter 50 - A New Ending
Chapter 51 - Quidditch and Suspicions
Chapter 52 - A New Title
Chapter 53 - Sly Fox
Chapter 54 - Loyalty and Love
Chapter 55 - Pity Party

Chapter 28 - Staff Meeting

1.5K 78 43
By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

!Smut Warning!

Rowan had spent the whole train ride back to Hogwarts worrying herself about Juniper. Severus had decided that he would take the train ride to catch up on lost sleep, and Rowan was left alone with her thoughts. 

At first, the adrenaline had kept on mind on the events of what had just occurred. She had finally stood up to Theo and Ilvermorny; she even got her old potions cup to prove it. However, when she had finally come down from her high she remembered just how much her life was falling apart. 

She and Blaise weren't on speaking terms, she hadn't even received a letter from him when Juniper had disappeared. She just didn't know how to act around him now that she knew that all those 'jokes' he had been saying around her had actual meaning behind them. 

Juniper had gotten herself into quite the mess as well and Rowan feared she would never see her best friend again. Juniper had become like a sister to her. Ever since the day Juniper had gotten sorted, she and Rowan had been close. For the first year, they were inseparable even. Rowan couldn't imagine what Hogwarts would be like without her. 

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"Severus, Rowan! I'm so glad you're back so soon!" McGonagall greeted them as they entered Hogwarts. Rowan smiled weakly at her and watched as McGonagall's brow furrowed in concern. "Are you two feeling alright?" She asked, holding the back of her hand to Rowan's head and looking rather puzzled when she found Rowan wasn't feverish. 

"Severus just woke up, and I'm anxious about the Juniper situation," Rowan explained, nudging a barely conscious Severus. It had taken them all day to get back to Scotland, where Hogwarts stayed safely hidden. "Well, I'm sorry to bring you bad news," McGonagall started and Rowan's heart sank immediately. "What is it, Minerva?" Severus groaned, just wanting to crawl into bed with Rowan at his side. 

"Dumbledore has called a staff meeting. He insisted that if you two managed to get here before it started that you should attend," McGonagall said reluctantly, earning an annoyed huff from Severus. "Alright then, we should go now," He said, storming ahead of McGonagall and heading toward Dumbledore's office. 

Rowan stayed behind, deciding that she would walk with McGonagall instead. She didn't have enough motivation to try and keep up with Severus. "Are you two still together, Rowan?" McGonagall asked as they approached the door to Dumbledore's office. "We are, it's just been a long day," Rowan replied, taking a deep breath. 

It seemed they were the last to arrive, even Filch had beaten them. Rowan heard Minerva giggle and they sat down on a small couch on the side of Dumbledore's office. Severus furrowed his brow, confused as to why Rowan hadn't chosen the empty seat beside him. Before Rowan could try and explain, Dumbledore emerged and began to speak. 

"Hello, I hope everyone is having a fine evening," He said, settling down into his chair and picking up his quill. "Why're we here, sir?' Filch rasped and Rowan could swear that almost every professor glared in his general direction. 

"We have a few orders of business that need to be sorted out. Firstly, has anyone been able to track down the missing student?" Dumbledore read off of what seemed to be a list on his desk. When nobody responded, he shook his head. "Juniper Montgomery is missing and most likely terrified. Professor Flitwick and Filch, I want you to dedicate your time to locating her and bringing her back," Dumbledore ordered. 

"But sir-! My classes are of utmost importance. I am sure that someone with a less important class can take the role, like Sybill!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed loudly and Professor Trelawney scoffed back at him in response. "Excellent idea, Fillius. Sybill will also join you two in search for the girl," Dumbledore said monotonously as he glared at Professor Flitwick. 

"That's settled then. Each of your classes shall be canceled until the girl is found. Next order of business, the potions classroom," Dumbledore said turning his attention to Severus. "Shit," Rowan mumbled under her breath. In all of the commotion about Juniper and Ilvermorny, she had completely forgotten about the destruction of the potions classroom. 

"What's wrong with my classroom?" Severus asked angrily. Dumbledore glanced at Rowan, who smiled apologetically. "I think you and your assistant should speak about that outside. The rest of the meeting is about the yule ball, and I can catch you up tomorrow," Dumbledore said, dismissing both Rowan and an angry Severus. 

At first, Severus and Rowan walked toward the dungeons without saying a word. While the silence was deafening, Rowan really didn't want to be the one to break the news to Severus. When they had gotten back down to the first floor, Severus spoke first. 

"Would you like to tell me what happened to my potions classroom?" Severus queried, raising his eyebrow daringly at Rowan. Rowan chuckled nervously before responding quietly. "Lockhartblewitup," 

"Darling, I know you can be louder than that," Severus said as he slowly approached Rowan, backing her into a wall. Rowan, both confused and excited at his behavior, gasped in response. "I'll ask you again. What happened to my classroom?" He growled, lightly blowing on Rowan's neck. She shivered against him and bit her lip. 

"Lockhart blew it up," She whispered hesitantly. She felt Severus' body tense up against her own. "And you didn't tell me?" Severus seethed, biting Rowan's neck rather roughly. "Severus, I can explain-"

Before Rowan could finish her sentence, Severus had grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. "Severus, what the hell?" Rowan exclaimed, trying to wriggle herself out of his grip. Much to her surprise, she received a firm slap against her ass, causing her to yelp loudly. "Language, Miss Knight," He said lowly as he walked down toward the dungeons. 

"My apologies, professor," Rowan purred, knowing what the name did to Severus. "Fucking hell, Rowan," Severus growled and placed her back down on her own two feet. Before Rowan asked any questions, Severus grabbed her wrists and pulled her into an empty supply closet. 

"How is it we find ourselves in these situations, Miss Knight?" Severus asked as he began to attack Rowan's neck with passionate kisses. "Is this you telling me that you aren't mad about the classroom?" Rowan breathed, tilting her head so that Severus could reach more of her skin. 

"Certainly not," Severus said, leaving a small bite on her earlobe. "No?" Rowan asked in confusion, arching her back when Severus started to leave small bruises all over her neck. "I'm absolutely livid, darling," Severus said, pulling away and beginning to unbutton Rowan's jeans. Rowan was confused, but she wanted this just as much as he did so she decided she wouldn't press him any further on the subject. Giving him a small nod, Severus continued.

"Remove your shirt," Severus commanded, stepping away from Rowan. He began to palm himself through his pants and Rowan couldn't help but watch. She quickly removed her shirt, placing it on one of the supply closet's shelves. "Good girl," Severus cooed as he quickly pulled down his pants, letting them fall and pool around his ankles. 

"Turn around," Severus ordered as he began to jerk himself off. Rowan, beginning to become more confused, did as she was told. She felt exposed, left only in her underwear. "Severus, I am not sure I understand-"

Severus roughly pulled down Rowan's underwear, causing Rowan to gasp loudly. "Do you want this, Rowan?" Severus asked, nearly panting at how much he had been jerking himself off. "Yes," Rowan replied, gulping at the uncertainty of what Severus was about to do. Strangely, it was exciting.

Suddenly, Severus slammed himself deep into Rowan, giving her little time to adjust. Reaching around, Severus slowly began to trace circles around Rowan's clit. "Fuck!" She screamed, causing Severus' free hand to fly over her mouth. "I'm gonna need you to keep it down, beautiful. Wouldn't want to get caught," Severus groaned before he began to move, rather quickly. 

Rowan nodded, not completely sure she could comply. This type of sex was different than what she and Severus had shared before. It was more raw and angry than Severus usually was. Finally, the events connected in Rowan's mind. She was being punished

Rowan bit down on her lip so that she could keep herself quiet, but the sound of Severus slamming into her echoed around them. "Sev- Severus!" Rowan gasped, losing control of her own voice. She was close to gaining a release she desperately needed. "I'm gonna-" Rowan began, but Severus' hand was soon back over her mouth. 

"Don't you dare cum, Rowan," He hissed. His tone was less threatening and more daring. Rowan whimpered as she felt a knot begin to form in her stomach. Severus felt her tighten around him and that only encouraged him to go harder. Rowan was sure that the Ravenclaw tower could hear them. 

Severus quickly flipped Rowan around so that they were facing each other. Suddenly, he slammed their lips together. Rowan was sure she would have some bruising along her lips. Severus kissed her hungrily as he slammed into her harder. "I c-can't- Professor!" Rowan exclaimed loudly, watching as Severus threw his head back and groaned at the title. "Again," He panted, biting Rowan's ear slightly. 

"I need to cum, Professor. Please!" Rowan whined, barely being able to hold it back. Severus groaned and nodded, giving her permission. "Fuck, Severus!" Rowan exclaimed loudly, cumming all over Severus' cock. Severus' thrusts got sloppier as he came undone, his knees buckling from pure ecstasy. As Rowan came down from here high, she watched as Severus did the same. He was leaned against the back wall, panting wildly.  Only then did it become apart that he hadn't pulled out, but that was nothing magic couldn't fix. The image of Severus coming undone within her was something she wished she could see over and over again. 

"That was ama-" Severus began but Rowan's hand flew over his mouth. At first, he was confused. That was only until he heard approaching voices in the hallway. "I'm telling you, Sybill, I heard voices coming from over here," He could hear McGonagall say. Severus' eyes widened in panic. 

'What do we do?!' Rowan mouthed, quickly finding her clothes and redressing herself. Severus quickly did the same, trying to think of a way out of this. His mind was completely blank, dealing with the mental fog that followed sex. 'I got this,' Rowan mouthed and quickly stepped out of the supply closet. 

"It should be right there, Severus! The... thingy... that we need for that other... thing," Rowan said loudly, winking at Severus. He mentally facepalmed at her plan, wishing he would have never let her choose the plan. "Ah, yes! Here it is, thank you, Professor Knight," Severus replied theatrically, picking up a random box. He wasn't even sure what was in it. 

"Ah, Rowan! Severus! Did you two happen to hear anything down this way?" McGonagall asked, eyeing Rowan intently. "Nope! Just looking for some-" Severus looked down at the box and his face turned red. He had picked up a box of spare sheets. "...Sheets," Severus finished, hoping that his pause hadn't given them any ideas. 

"See, Minerva! No students are out of bed," Professor Trelawney said with a small roll of her eyes. "I am tuckered! Goodnight dearies," She added, turning around and rounding the corner she and McGonagall had just come from. 

"What are you doing with sheets, Severus?" McGonagall inquired suspiciously. "Am I not allowed to change my sheets for good hygiene, Minerva?" Severus accused, hoping to weasel his way out of this one. McGonagall chuckled in response, shaking her head. 

"It's not that, Severus. I just wouldn't have thought you're a..." Minerva began, squinting her eyes at the box. "Single bed...Gryffindor...type Severus," She finished, shrugging her shoulders at the pair. Rowan could barely contain her laughter. "Perhaps I'm wrong, who knows," Minerva said as she began to walk past them. Before she was completely gone, she turned around once more. "Rowan, dear. Your shirt is inside out," Minerva added, walking away with a small giggle. 

Rowan looked down and scrambled back into the closet, fixing her shirt in panic. Severus just stood, frozen with the box of sheets in his hands. "Severus?" Rowan asked, taking the box out of his hands and placing them back into the supply closet. "Yes?" He gulped, looking like a dear staring into a headlight beam. 

"This may not be the best of times, but does this mean you aren't mad at me?" Rowan tried, placing a small kiss on his cheek. Severus busted out laughing loudly, something Rowan hadn't ever really seen. Rowan joined in nervously, confusion spread on her face blatantly. 

"My dear, I always knew about it. I was only mad you hadn't told me yet," Severus explained, causing Rowan's jaw to hit the floor. "You little..." Rowan began and Severus shook his head. "I suppose it's time I run now, yes?" Severus asked, still laughing. "Oh yeah, definitely time to run," Rowan playfully seethed. 

Severus quickly sped down the hallway and down toward the dungeons, Rowan not far behind. He could hear her gaining speed the closer he got to his office. He might have gotten away, had it not been for the fact that he fumbled around for his wand so that he may unlock his door. Before he knew it, Rowan had snatched the wand right out of his back pocket. 

"You aren't mad at me, are you darling?" Severus asked, pulling his best puppy-dog eyes. Rowan only crossed her arms in response, shaking her head. "My dear, what can I do to repay you?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her. "I want a kiss," Rowan pouted, barely audible through Severus' chest. "A kiss? Maybe I should fu-"

"Severus!" Rowan exclaimed, swatting him on the arm playfully. "Alright," Severus chuckled as he leaned down. Their lips collided and Rowan smiled through the kiss. She wasn't even mad in the first place. If anything, she was elated at the events that had occurred. Almost immediately, the kiss turned into something more impatient than passionate. They hadn't even stopped to get in the door. Soon, Severus was over her on his bed.

"I think I love you," Rowan whispered against as she laid her forehead against Severus' when they parted. "I know I love you," He replied, placing one last peck against her lips. 

Severus flopped down beside Rowan, his body suddenly becoming more exhausted. "Always?" Rowan asked, placing her arm over Rowan's torso. Severus kissed her forehead and muttered a spell that made the lights go off. He replied with his heart full of hope. 


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