The Chronicles of Narnia: The...

By Anna__Bonanno

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It's been 10,000 years since the Last Battle occurred. A new era of Evil has befallen Narnia where a corrupt... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: What Started Out as a Typical Day...
Chapter 2: Five Bodies Fell from the Sky
Chapter 3: Explanations and Chases
Chapter 4: Moving Forward in Hard Times
Chapter 5: The Valiant and The Just
Chapter 6: Unexpected Love
Chapter 7: Princess Ariana Bell and The Phoenix
Chapter 8: Training and Traveling
Chapter 9: Reunited
Chapter 10: Planning
Chapter 11: A King and a Princess
Chapter 12: The First Battle
Chapter 13: The Chase
Chapter 14: Taken
Chapter 15: Eliza's Return
Chapter 16: The Kings and Queens of Old
Chapter 17: Silence
Chapter 18: The Sparkling Lady
Chapter 19: Losing Hope
Chapter 20: The Return of the Kings (and Queens)
Chapter 21: Rise
Chapter 22: The Escape
Chapter 23: The White Stag
Chapter 24: Aethereal Madness and Venenatio Rubra
Chapter 25: Don't Let Go
Chapter 26: Awake
Chapter 27: Penny For Your Thoughts?
Chapter 28: Just a Girl and a Boy
Chapter 29: The Toll
Chapter 30: Anna's Choice
Chapter 31: Adam's Master Plan
Chapter 32: The War to End All Wars
Chapter 33: The Phoenix Rises
Chapter 34: The Victory
Chapter 35: The Old Take Action
Chapter 36: Where to Next?
Chapter 37: The Walk and Talk
Chapter 38: The Kings and Queens of New
Chapter 39: A Royal Ball
Chapter 40: Soulmates
Chapter 41: Leaving Narnia in the Best Hands
Chapter 42: Checks and Balances
Chapter 43: New Limitations
Chapter 44: Zoran's Fear
Chapter 46: Lessons and Politics
Chapter 47: Clones
Chapter 48: A Cake Tasting
Chapter 49: The Return
Chapter 50: A Drop of Rain
Author's Note

Chapter 45: The Proposal

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By Anna__Bonanno

Jackson's POV

It was the middle of winter here at Narnia and Christmas was just around the corner. The first snow was super fun since it doesn't snow that much back at home. We all had fun making snowmen, having snowball fights, and just hanging out in the snow. It was fun at first but now the snow was slightly annoying since it caused trade to be delayed and travelling ridiculous.

I was lost in thought while pacing around my office trying to figure out all the things inside my head, Do I really want to do this? Like is this actually a smart idea Jackson? No. Shut up. Don't overthink this. We said that we were going to do this and that's what we're going to do. No backing down now.... But what if she says no? No, don't think like that you big dummy. It'll be fine. But seriously what will I do if she says no??? Shut up Jackson... that's not going to happen. My thoughts were interrupted by someone entering my office

"Hey, Jack. Anna and Zoran said you were looking for me?" said Ariana as she shut the door behind her

"What?? Oh, shit, heyy Ari... yeah that's right, I was looking for you... how are you doing," I said trying my absolute best not to sound worried or nervous

"I'm doing very well... thanks for asking... what did you need from me?" Ariana said while looking very confused

You are fucking this up, Jackson. Get yourself together I thought to myself as I took a deep breath. "Iwaswonderingifyouwantedtogoonasleighridewithme? Like right now,"

"Sorry I didn't catch that. Are you alright Jackson? You're acting very strange,"

"Me what? I'm fine! Just dandy actually. I asked if you wanted to come on a sleigh ride with me right now?"

"Oh! Umm sure! I just happen to have nothing on my schedule for today which is weird. But I'd love to! Let me go grab my cloak and I'll meet you downstairs!" Ariana said excitedly before she hurriedly ran out of the room to go grab her coat

I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding in. "It's ok Jackson, you have got this. It's just a sleigh ride to her favourite spot by the lake,"

I walked out to the sleigh and sat in it while waiting for Ariana to come out. I was wearing my dark red cloak and thick wool pants to keep me warm. I had on a white dress tunic that was also really warm so I didn't freeze my ass off. The driver of the sleigh walked up to me, "My Lord, would you like me to take you all on the more scenic route? That way you and the Queen get more time alone and the staff has time to set up the hot chocolate and fireplace,"

"Yes, please. Thank you for thinking of that! You and everyone else that's in on this should get a raise,"

The driver laughed, "With all due respect my Lord, that would be the entire castle. Word travels fast around here and I believe Queen Ariana is the only person that doesn't know what's going on,"

"Ah, well thank god for that. It's been so hard keeping this whole thing under wraps and a secret. Going out to get the ring was hard enough,"

"I hope she says yes my Lord. I think you will make the queen very happy,"

"You and me both," and then I heard footsteps coming closer. I turned around to see Ariana walking towards us. She was wearing a Christmas red cloak with white wool around the edges. It matched the green dress that she was wearing.

The driver bowed to her as he finished checking that the horses were secured, "Good afternoon your majesty,"

"Hello, please no need to bow. I don't see why people need to do that every time I approach,"

I laughed, "It's because you're their queen. But hey, you're not the only one who doesn't like it. Anna hates it," I said as I helped her into the sleigh

"Ah yes, I heard that she would rather be called Lady Anna instead of Queen Anna. Something about not wanting all the attention. But anyway, where are we going?"

The sleigh then started to move forward, "I asked our lovely driver if he would take us on the scenic route around the castle gardens. I just thought that you've been cooped in the castle for the past few days that you might like just some time outside the castle,"

She blushed, "Awe that's so sweet of you! Thank you, Jack," she then kissed my cheek and I wrapped my arm around her.

"It's nothing. You deserve it especially since you probably do the most work out of all of us. You practically run the whole kingdom,"

"Don't say that Jack! We all do an equal part to keep peace and run things smoothly. Don't say that I do more than everyone else!" scolded Ariana

"Ok ok! Geez I was just trying to be nice" I said while laughing

She smiled, "Ok fine maybe I'm being a little too harsh. But in all honesty, Anna does the most out of all of us. I mean did you see how she had Amos, Octavia, Oscar, and Ray running around like chickens without their heads on when she heard that half of the important diplomats she had invited weren't invited to the Christmas Ball? That girl is unstoppable,"

"That I cannot argue with. For as long as I've known her, she's always been able to get her work done in a timely fashion. I mean when we were in the theatre back in the day, she would literally run the whole backstage crew even if it wasn't her job. It was quite a sight to see,"

"Is that how you met her? I don't think any of you have explicitly said how you all know each other except for Anna and Zoran,"

"I actually met her through Zoran. Zoran and I did dance classes together when we were younger. But he quit after a couple of years and we lost touch for a bit since we didn't go to the same school. But then in high school, I was put in an upper math class with Zoran even though I'm one grade younger than him and Ray. He knew I could dance so asked if I knew how to act and then got me to join the local community theatre that his dad was directing. They needed dancers so that's how I got the part and I met Anna there. We bonded over our shared love for music, she found it interesting that I played the saxophone and I found it interesting she played the violin, piano, and cello. So yeah that's how we met. I know Anna met Ray cause she was dating Zoran. Zoran, Ray, and I vaguely knew of Patrick because of the crush Anna had on him. And yeah, I think that covers everyone,"

"It's so interesting how everyone knows each other. But I like that you shared that with me. None of you seems to talk about your personal lives from where ever you came from,"

"I know for me, I don't like talking about one because I get homesick and two because it reminds me that back there is my home and one day I'll have to leave this amazing place and God knows when that is. But enough about me, how are you doing?"

Ariana laughed at my sudden change of topic, "I'm doing pretty well. I'm extremely glad to get some alone time with you. This is our first date in a while. I've just been so busy and I've been meaning to look at schedules to see when we both were free next to plan something but looks like you beat me to it,"

"It's ok Ari, I get you're super busy so I'm glad for even the smallest amount of time with you," I then kissed the top of her head.

She smiled for a quick second then whirled her head around in confusion, "Jack where on earth are we... going..." she asked while trying to figure out where I was taking her cause we had clearly left the scenic route. I just shrugged at her as we turned the corner. Then she gasped "Oh Jack it's so pretty! This is my favourite spot by the lake! How did you know?"

We had arrived at her favourite spot by the lake near the castle. There the staff had made a standing table with freshly brewed hot chocolate. The bench that was right by the water had also been dusted off and dried so we could sit on it. There was also a little fire going by the little table to keep us warm. I turned to her grinning. The nerves I had, had gone away during the ride but some of them had returned. I got up and helped her out of the sleigh. The driver then went and took care of the horse. But before he did, he quietly passed me the ring I asked him to hold on to until we got there so Ariana wouldn't see it.

"Do you like it? I- umm I thought that this was a good idea to put together. I-I, of course, had some help but I wanted to do something nice for you," I sheepishly said, I stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked towards her and the hot chocolate. I then got into my head Oh god. I'm gonna make this so awkward. What if this freaks her out? At least she likes the setup. I have the ring, somewhat of a speech in my head, and we're here. So that's good. Should I really be doing this? Calm down Jack you got this. You got-- I had gotten so into my head that I didn't realise Ariana was talking to until she snapped her fingers in my face.

"Umm Jack? Are you alright? You're acting weird again. Is something wrong?"

"No no! Nothing's wrong. It's nothing. I'm fine you're fine. I'm just so happy you came here with me,"

"Ok good. I was beginning to get worried for a second that something was wrong and..."

She kept talking and I got back into my head. But this time I was able to suddenly get past my nerves and so well that I startled Ariana, "ARIANA!" She jumped at my words. "Shit I mean Ariana," I then took her hand and led her to the dust off the bench. "There's something I want to say to you and I want you to listen,"

"Ok of course. But you're scaring me. What the hell is going on?"

I let out a small breath before words just started coming out of my mouth, "I love you, Ariana. I-I somehow managed to fall in love with this amazing girl that just so happens to be a queen," She tilted her head in interest at what I was saying and was trying to figure out where I was going with this.

"When I first met you, I was speechless because I had never seen someone as pretty as you. I was taken away at how you handled yourself and at your intelligence. The more we got to know each other, the faster I began to fall in love with you. Watching you lead your kingdom and win a war was amazing and I'm so glad I got to take part in it. Hearing you say that you wanted to spend time with me and date me made me one of the happiest people. But it wasn't until the first ball that I realised I wanted to spend the rest of my life and time here with you. You make so happy, Ari. I never want to picture or spend a life without you in it. I just love you too much to do that," by now Ariana was standing up in front of me crying what I hope were tears of joy. I took her hand and then got down on one knee. She gasped in shock and with her remaining hand covered her mouth. "I don't care about the fact that we haven't even known each other for a whole year yet. I really don't. I love you with all my heart and want you to be in my life forever. I know our love is strong and will last for an entirety. Even if I have to leave Narnia one day and never see you again I know our love will survive. So with that said, Ariana, will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the amazing honour of marrying me?"

By this point, she was sobbing uncontrollably. But she nodded and she said "Yes. One thousand times yes! I will marry you!"

I slipped the ring on her finger then I stood up, picked her up, and spun her around. She laughed with joy. I put her down and then kissed her. It was a kiss filled with so much passion and love. When we broke apart, I was grinning like a mad man. She laughed and then the driver stepped out from behind the tree clapping. He walked over to us, "Congratulations your majesty. I'm extremely happy for you and honoured that I got to be a part of it! I also got the pictures you asked for Lord Jackson,"

"Thank you so much! Now let's go back to the castle before Ray and Anna march out here to see what happened,"

We arrived back at the castle and outside practically everyone was waiting to see what Ariana's response was. "Well, Jackson isn't walking back so that has to be a good sign, right?" I heard Patrick say to Anna. She shrugged. They then walked up to us.

"Well??? Are you gonna keep us in suspense any longer?" said Ray

I turned to Ariana as she paused before smiling, "I said yes!!!" she said while showing off the ring to everyone

"Ayyy congrats! I knew you could do it, Jack! I had full confidence in you," Patrick said as he patted me on the back

Ariana then stopped showing off the ring and asked, "Wait... did everybody know about this except me?"

"Yeah pretty much. It was weeks in the planning and I had to secretly redo your schedule twice," Anna said as she came over to hug me. "Now I'm super happy for you both but can we go inside now? It's super cold out here and inside there's champagne and a nice warm fire,"

We all laughed and then followed after Anna as she was quick to get inside. I threw my arm around Ariana's shoulders. I was happy that everything had gone to plan and I could now call my girlfriend, my fiance. It was a nice feeling and I was excited to see where the future would take us.

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