Tale of a Storm Dragon Hero

By XNisiChanX

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Fairy Tail x BNHA Crossover Olivia Moon, Fairy Tails one and only Storm Dragon Slayer finds herself in a comp... More

Chapter 2. The Entrance Exam
Chapter 3. Let The Games Begin
Chapter 4. Quirk Assessment Tests
Chapter 5. Feeling Safe
Chapter 6. Rivalry
Chapter 7. Emergency Exit
Chapter 8. Welcome to the USJ
Chapter 9. Fight for your life
Chapter 10. Heroes vs. Villains
Chapter 11. To watch them grow
Chapter 12. A New Challenge Ahead
Chapter 13. Growing Stronger
Chapter 14. Obstacle Race
Chapter 15. Cavalry Battle

Chapter 1. A world of Heroes

2.6K 81 24
By XNisiChanX

Hi ^^

Here's already the first chapter of my story. Please enjoy and tell me what you think. 😊


"Don't give up, the beginning is always the hardest, so let's keep on going till the very end." – Natsu Dragneel

Chapter 1. A world of Heroes

After a little while Olivia stands back up from the ground. Determination is burning in her eyes. I don't have time to waste. I need to find my way back to Bubble. It's really not the time to sit around. She looks to her left and right. The dark alley goes both ways. But which way should she choose? Before she can decide she narrows her eyes, because an unfamiliar scent hits her nose. A noise from behind brings her to turn around.

A man stands there with messy black hair, a long grey scarf wrapped around his neck and strange glasses. Are these even glasses? They look really strange. Maybe more like goggles. But still strange goggles. Without wasting another thought Olivia takes a defence stance and looks at him in suspicion. "Who the hell are you?"

He lifts his hands in a non-threatening way, to show her that he means no harm. "I don't want to hurt you. I'm Eraser Head. The Pro Hero. What are you doing here? You're hurt."

The things he said gets her confused. She looks down at herself noticing the bruises she probably got from the explosion of this strange orb. "These are just some scratches. I had worse... What's a Pro Hero?" she asks then, her eyes back on the strange man. Her stand relaxes just slightly. He gives her some Gildarts vibes, which probably means she can trust him. Olivia always feels somehow if a person means harm or not. That's why she felt so on edge earlier with the dark mage.

"You don't know what a Pro Hero is?" his voice holds a hint of surprise, but Olivia can't make out his expression because of the scarf and strange goggles.

She answers honestly. Getting more confused as more time passes. "No. Should I?" Wait a second! This is my chance to ask where I am! "Could you tell me where I am?"

"You don't know that either? Do you have amnesia or something?" he asks, his voice sounding completely serious.

"No." She shrugs, her stance now completely relaxed. "I was in a fight and this guy teleported me here somehow. So, I don't have a clue where I am right now. And I have to go back fast. My friend is still there."

"You're in Musutafu, Japan. Who did you fight?"

Olivia blinks, completely overhearing his question. "Where is that?"

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head? You really don't know where Japan is?" The man gets more and more confused by the girl before him.

"No. I didn't and I don't. I'm from the city of Magnolia in the Kingdom of Fiore which is on the continent of Ishgar." When the man doesn't seem to have a clue what Olivia is talking about, she narrows her eyes again. Her eyes travel over the man again, when she notices something. Her eyes turn big. This can't be. This man doesn't have a magic container. What the hell? Even the people who can't use magic still have a magic container. 

That's when it hits her. Don't tell me I'm in Edolas? She lets a storm cloud surround her hand. A sight of relief escapes her at the familiar feeling of her magic. I can still use my magic. So, it can't be Edolas. Her face turns pale. That means I'm not in Edolas, but I'm not in Earthland, either am I? "Um, Mister." She begins, unsure if she really should ask such a question, but decides that she doesn't really have any other choice. "What is this world called?"

"You want the name of this world?" Now his voice sounds really, utterly lost.

Olivia decides to explain her situation a little bit. "Yeah, I think this guy somehow managed to teleport me into a different world. It's not my first time being in another world either. I'm from a world called Earthland."

He decides to just answer her question. Still thinking this girl somehow hit her head, like, really hard. "You're on Earth."

The Dragon Slayer sights and lets her arms hang down in defeat. "Dammit. How do I get back? Bubble could still be in danger. I hope he got away from this guy." She clenches her fist. "Next time I see that bastard, I'll beat his ass for sure!"

The man lets his eyes travel over the girl once again and stops at her eyes. He sees a fire burning in them. Completely serious and full of fury... like a storm only waiting to be unleashed. And somehow, he doesn't know why he does it, but he believes her. But if she really is from another world, she could mean a thread. Especially since she seems to hold some kind of Quirk or other power. When his eyes don't leave those of the girl who now fill themselves with sadness and he helplessly watches, as tears begin to shimmer in her eyes, he makes a decision. She is still a child, after all. And she was just separated from her whole world and everything she knew. "Why don't you come with me?"

The girl blinks her tears away, only now noticing how she drifted off into her lonely thoughts and the tears in her eyes. She wipes them away with her hand and looks at the man. "I don't really have a better option, do I?" she chuckles, sounding more sad than she hoped. Don't be like this, Vivi. Pull yourself together. You're just pathetic right now. She thinks to herself, to give her some push. Still, she never wanted to be alone again. And now she is more alone than she ever was. 

Vivi takes a deep breath to calm herself down. All right, I won't let myself get dragged down just because I'm alone right now. That's not the Fairy Tail way. I will find my way back home for sure. They are always with me, anyway, right? She touches her Fairy Tail mark, a small smile finally forms on her lips. "I will come back to you. No matter how long it takes. And I won't let myself be buried in sadness while I do that. I will smile all the way and enjoy myself until I'm home and can tell you all about this adventure. I promise this." She smiles to herself as she mutters these words. Completely unaware that she said them out loud and the men before her heard everything.

He doesn't really want to disturb her determination speech, but he doesn't really has all night either. "So, are you coming?"

A big grin forms on her face and she jumps beside him. "Of course! Where are we going? I hope it will be exciting."

He looks at her from the side, her character seems to have made a complete 360 degree turn after her promise. "Who knows? Maybe it will. What's your name?"

She smiles at him, showing her abnormal sharp canines. "I'm Olivia Moon! My friends call me Vivi. What's yours? Eraser Head is not your name right? That would be a really strange name."

"You can call me Aizawa." He simply answers while they start walking side by side.


"Wow." Olivia stares in awe at the giant building before her. Since Aizawa really didn't want to be seen by anybody, he didn't take the fastest way with the girl but went through alleys and empty streets instead.

"Welcome to U.A. high school." Aizawa says and steps through the gate. "Follow me. I'll take you to someone and we can discuss your situation in private."

She nods and follows behind him, a question forming in her mind and she speaks. "What's a high school?"

Aizawa stops in his tracks and stares at the girl. "Now you're kidding me, right? You can't tell me you don't have schools."

"Not as far as I know of. What is it?" Vivi asks, curious.

"It's a place where you learn. U.A. is a high school where you learn to be a hero besides anything else, like math, physics, languages, history and so forth." He explains while they continue on their way.

"Ah, I think I understand what it means. Lucy once told me she was home schooled so she could one day take over her father's company. So maybe it's like that." She remembers what Lucy told her about her life before she joined Fairy Tail. Sounded really boring and lonely. She's really glad that her friend found her way into their guild.

He listens closely, interested in the story's over her world, which sounds completely different from theirs. "And you didn't go to a school of some kind?"

Vivi shakes her head, "No, my father teached me the things I needed to know, which were the basics like how to read, how to write and how to count. Things like that. For the complex academic things we have Levy, Freed and Lucy. I'm more the fighter type, but I'm not dumb either."

While they talk, they finally stop before a door inside of the building on which Aizawa knocks. It takes a few moments until the door opens. Vivi blinks at the strange creature who opened the door. It's some kind of animal hybrid mouse dog man. What the hell? She has seen a lot of strange thinks in her life, but that's a first.

"Shota, what are you doing here at such a late hour?" he asks with curiosity in his voice.

"I stumbled upon some kind of situation while I was on patrol." Aizawa answers simply and points at the girl besides him.

She grins and waves at the strange animal man. "Hi. I'm Vivi."

The animal man looks at Aizawa in a strange way. "Why are you bringing a girl here at night? Do I need to take away you teachers license?"

Aizawa blinks and his eyes go round, now seeing what this could look like. "No! It's not like that. I found her alone in an alley."

"Which doesn't make this any better." points the animal man out, voice dry.

"Damn it, she was lost and covert in bruises, all right?! Would you let us in so we can explain, already? Or do I really need to help her on my own, because that might be really hard." He glares at the principal in annoyance.

"I'm just kidding. Come in and tell me what's going on." The animal man steps out of the way so he can let them into the room.

"Finally." Sights Aizawa and steps into the room, followed by Vivi.

Vivi notices that there is another man in the room. On a couch sits a blond, skinny man who reminds the Dragon Slayer of a scarecrow. Across from the couch, on which the blond man sits, stands another couch with a table between them. After Vivi and Aizawa set down on the second couch and the bear dog man sits down besides the blond man she explains her situation once more. She tells them how she met the dark mage on her job, how she fought him and was teleported to this world in the end.

At the end, her eyes travel back and forth between the animal man and the blond man, who look at her in wonder. Vivi is sure, if Aizawa weren't here to back up her words, they would not have believed her. She folds her hands in her lap and her fingers play nervously with each other while she nibbles on her bottom lip. Impatiently she waits until one of them speaks up.

Finally, after a moment the animal man begins to speak, "So you are from another world. And now you need a way to go back."

The Dragon Slayer nods, "I would appreciate any help I can get, really. So that I can get back as soon as possible. I know it probably won't be easy to find a way. I don't think I will be able to do it on my own."

After her words the animal man thinks once more for some time and then tells her what he thinks. "We will help you. It's what heroes do, after all. I'm Nezu, the Principal of U.A. high school. This is Yagi Toshinori. Another one of our teachers this year. I think we should keep your origin a secret between us four for now. Who knows what might happen if the people find out other worlds with population exist out there in the universe?"

Vivi nods in understanding. Completely fine with this decision. She remembers Edolas and what the king wanted to do with them and their magic after he found out about it. Then she narrows her eyes. She looks at Aizawa, who took his strange goggles off when he sat down. "You used that term before too. What's a hero?"

Nezu explains the term to her. "A hero in general is a person who is allowed to use his or her Quirk to protect civilians from danger of any kind. A Pro Hero is someone who does it professional and has a license for it. Aizawa and me are both Pro Heroes."

"A Quirk?" she questions, wondering what it means.

"It's a superhuman ability that a person can have and is unique to them. Roughly 80 % of the population has a Quirk. Since you didn't know that I take it, you don't have a Quirk. But you still have some kind of ability, don't you?" questions Aizawa, remembering how she formed a cloud with her hand back in the alley.

Vivi beams at that and explains in excitement, "What I have is magic!"

"Magic exists in your world?" asks the blond man now.

The Dragon Slayer nods. "Yeah, everyone in my world has a magic container in their bodies which is filled with Ethernano, which is the source of all magic power. But only ten percent of the population can access this power and use magic. The people who can do that are called mages or wizards. Magic is used in everyday life by everyone in the form of magic crystals called Lacrima. They are used for cooking, distant communication and a lot of other thinks. Mages usually join a magic guild. I'm part of the number one guild in Fiore, Fairy Tail." A proud smile takes over her face. She touches her guild mark once more. "A guild is much more than a place where you work. It's a family."

All three of them look interested at her explanation. The blond man speaks up once more. "You work there, huh? What kind of work do you do?"

"We go on different jobs to make money. Most go on jobs in teams. You can do anything, from working at a café to slaying beasts or lifting curses."

"And you go on those jobs? They sound dangerous." Wonders Nezu while his eyes travel over the girl, noticing how she looks rather young. Not older than someone in her teens.

"Of course, I do. I'm part of Fairy Tail since I was seven. I fought in a lot of battles with my comrades before. A war that decided the fate of the world took place just some months ago. I fought our enemy with seven others who share my type of magic, because it was the only type of magic that could harm him. Many of us barely got out alive of this fight. But we won in the end and gladly no one of my guild mates died."

They stare at her in awe after she said that. Aizawa is the one who asks the question that bothers all of them. "But your still so young, aren't you? How old are you?"

She blinks at the question. "Like mentally or physically?"

"There's a difference?" questions the blond man.

"Yeah, I was kinda thrown into the future five hundred-some years and later trapped in time for seven, soo~ yeah there's a difference." She explains while she rubs the back of her head and grins at them.

Once more they stare at her like she just grew herself a fish's head or something. Seems like the things magic can do sound really strange to them. After Nezu asks for her physical age she answers him. "That would be fifteen. I'm gonna turn sixteen on July twenty-seventh this year."

"You're just a child." Aizawa shakes his head in disbelief over the fact that a child had to fought in an actual war where she came from. Don't they have adults for that?

Vivi grows a little annoyed at them because they seem to underestimate her and think she was forced to fight in the war. "I may be young, but I'm fully capable of taking care of myself and I'm strong. I'm not even the youngest who fought in the war. And I will always fight for my comrades if I have to. My age won't hinder me. I'm by far not the strongest mage in my guild, but I'm still one of the strongest once. I fought in the war completely of my own choice."

Nezu nods in understanding. "We're sorry. We didn't want to offend you. But the idea that a child had to fight in a war just doesn't sit right with us. It seems there are a lot of differences to or worlds. Be it laws, the way of life or the powers and society."

"I understand that. I think civilians in our world probably would say the same when a civilian child my age had to fight somehow. But as a mage your life is simply different. Even more so when you're a mage from Fairy Tail. We're not really known for being laid back or restrained. Fairy Tail always had a pretty bad reputation with the Magic Council. We attracted Dark Guilds a lot and are known to be really destructive. Gramps is always crying over all the costs and paperwork we cause him." Vivi chuckles when she thinks about that. "But they turn a blind eye most of the time since we totally saved the world at least three times."

Yeah, they stare at her again like she just got crazy. "You... will have to work on being destructive if you're here. I don't think or government would handle that well." Says the blond scarecrow.

Vivi nods in understanding. She'll try her best, but she really can't promise anything. Being destructive is just kind of in her nature.

"Besides all of that I think I came up with an idea." Begins Nezu. "In three months starts the new school year at U.A. high school. I think you should try to join the hero course. We can have an eye on you, since you're still an unknown force to us, and we can stay in contact if we find anything on how to get you back home."

The Dragon Slayer leans back and thinks about his suggestion with a hand at her chin. Being a hero doesn't sound that bad. It's probably the nearest thing to a guild mage there is in this world. And it's far better than doing nothing. Maybe it will be a lot of fun, too, who knows. Vivi smiles and nods to herself. "I'm in!"

The three man smile at her at the excitement she shows. The new school year promises to be really interesting with her there.


They don't have a clue what they just jinxed on themselves with a Fairy Tail mage as a student.

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