{Protector} Hisoka x Male Rea...

By Harley874Quinn

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Its being developed currently. More

To Settle The Confusion
For Anyone Still Reading... READ THIS
Leaving home x And x Meeting friends (Rewritten)
Hanged x And x Sewer Water (Rewritten)
Shot x And x Chased (Rewritten)
Me x And x Him (Rewritten)
Me x And x Cerberus (Rewritten)
Shower x And x Savior (Rewritten)
Me x And x You (Rewritten)
Breaking x And x Building (New Chapter)
Yin X And X Yang
Rin X And X Scars
Toko X And X Hikari
Find X And X Locate
Dream X And X Death
Final X And X Exam
Death X And X Defeat

Team X And X Mates

1K 37 14
By Harley874Quinn

Hey guys, I drew this picture of Deku form mha it was inspired by a Tiktoker name izukupuppy. I recently just stared back drawing this year and I would love to know what you guys think since I haven't really draw in nearly a year lol, but enjoy the chapter!

"Ugh, it's freezing!" Kane yells as he slung his backpack off his shoulder causing it to slide against the floor of the cave.

"No, shit dumbass", Jüo mumbled as he rampaged through his bag pulling a bottle of water as well as other supplies we received, "turn the heat on in your coat if you're so cold."

"Hehe, oh right", Kane giggled.

We had finally, after about 20 minutes of roaming around found a cave for the four of us to settled down in. Of course, we weren't the first people to find it, as another group got here before us and managed to start a fire. There was enough room for all of us to share, but Jüo and Kane decided to instead sneak up on them and threatened to kill two of their teammates. They escaped, but not before Kane cut one of their fingers off with
his dagger filling the cave with the metallic scent of fresh blood.

I groaned as I approached the fire that the other group started, too warmed up a little. Despite how cold it was it reminded me of home. During winter till march, it was below freezing levels, and sometimes it became hard to survive so we usually starved. Since our food came from delivery overseas and crops, it was hard to ration for four months with no vegetations, or animals, but since last year with the new order, we now had the blimps to deliver food on our island during those times. So, I could easily survive this type of climate since I was used to it and could ration my food for at least five days as long as I didn't eat anything today.

I unzipped my coat slightly letting the heat warm my skin before it would soon go out. "Hey, Toko", Rin called out. For a moment I felt my skin throb as I hesitantly looked over towards him. He waved the scroll slightly then threw it my way as I barely caught it. "You'll protect that, right?"

"R-right", I gulped as I clutched the Yin scroll in my gasp. Even though Rin didn't look the scary part, his voice fixed that fault. He looked like the type of guy you would find in a fashion magazine, with a perfect complexion, intimidatingly sex appealing features, and sexy intimating eyes. Even with all those appealing things, his voice was terrifyingly deep, and honestly, it just makes my skin itch, but oddly there was a sense of
familiar comfort when I looked at him. He reminded me of someone, but I couldn't place who.

"I can't believe those guys didn't have a Yang scroll", Kane groaned as he played with the guy's finger he cut off earlier grinning as he held it over the fire. "Finding a Yang scroll shouldn't be hard since theirs so many teams."

"Naturally", Jüo replied, "so go find one."

"Nahhh, I'm tired, maybe later", Kane yawns as he drops the finger in the fire chuckling. I shivered, pulling my attention from the maniac.

"Maybe we should go looking for a group and take their scroll, boss? There are a lot of teams so finding a scroll wouldn't be hard like Kane said. Besides, there aren't many places people could shelter, we could easily finish before the five days", Jüo replies as he glanced over at Rin.

He sat on the far side of the cave going through his bag at the amount of food it held, possibly guessing how much he could ration. After a moment he looks up at Jüo and nods. "You're both right, but even if we were to go out there and look for the scrolls we need, we'll likely die."

I tilted my head as I now stared over at Rin. He tugs at the sleeve of his coat and sighs. "We'll die?"Jüo questioned.

"Yeah, theirs going to be a blizzard tonight, and every night", he mumbled.

"How do you know that?" Kane yawns as he falls back curling his body up as he looked across at Rin.

"I've been here before...that's all you need to know", Rin mumbled as his head fell low.

"Lame!" Kane groans as he throws his hoodie over his head mumbling.

"You didn't want to go out anyway!", Jüo yells, creating a small echo within the cave. I sighed as I lifted my knees up to my chest, clutching them closer as I let the heat of the fire warm my legs.

"Hey, Toko you know, if you're cold we can just rip each other clothes off and snuggle up together," Kane grinned as he tugs on the zipper of his coat teasingly. I felt my throat bob in disgustedly as I pulled my hoodie over my head ignoring him.

"That'll only make you two sick", Jüo scoffs as I watched the finger Kane tossed into the fire burning until it was the color of charcoal.

"I'll be worth it, right Toko? To see each other bodies, to touch each other...", Kane suddenly sniffed the air as his nose twitched slightly as a repulsive hungrily looked overcame his features once again, "Hehe let's tase each other flesh Toko. Come on! Come on!"

"W-what...", my tongue caught in my throat before I could manage to speak.  This guy was mentally and overwhelming terrifying. I didn't know rather be threatened by him or humored. On one end he seemed like he wouldn't hurt me, but on the other, I felt like he would use those daggers of his and ripped e apart and devour me as soon as he held the opportunity.

"Could you be more repugnant?", Jüo groans as he throws something that resembled dust into the fire igniting the flames. "He's way out of your league you psycho. Besides...he's dating Hisoka."

"What?" I blurted as I eyed Jüo who rolls his eyes in response.

"Ah, that's right" Kane groans as he rubs his cheek irritated," but Toko can have two boyfriends."

"What!" I screamed.

"Stop saying 'what' idiot!", Jüo growl as he glared at me but I managed to ignore it.

"I'm not dating Hisoka, w-we're not even that close. I hardly know him", I growled.
Kane's eyes seemed to glitter at the news as he stared at me with a look of excitement and what I could only assume was mixing with lust. I instantly regret denying that Hisoka was mine.

"Tsk, right", Jüo mumbled, "so you're always around Hisoka and he's always around you staring at you, but you two aren't dating?"

"W-well yeah. Wait, I'm not always around him and he doesn't stare at me...not always", I felt my cheeks heat up as I tugged on my hoodie, staring out at the fire.

"Aww he's blushing...wait", Kane hummed as he held his chin in his hand.

"Hisoka and I are friends, we're hardly even that honestly. The only reason I'm around him is because he knows something about my father so, I stick around. Not that you two needed to know that."

"Oooh, daddy issues Toko? I can be your daddy if you want?" Kane smiled. Even though it was an attempt that came off  innocently, coming from him it had anything but innocent intentions.

I shuttered in disgust as I lowered my head down on my knees. "You're so fucking disgusting, w-why...how were you even allow to join us?" Jüo hisses.

"Because I'm great at what I do. Besides where else would you find someone as passionate as me?" Kane smirks as he licks his top lip sinisterly.

"At the psych ward in YorkNew", Jüo mumbles as he rubs the side on his head irritatedly.

"You calling me crazy Jüo?" Kane questions.

"I called you psychotic, but hey...", Jüo chuckles.

Slowly a small smile made its way upon Kane's face as slowly it starts to grow wider and wider until his face looked more and more unnatural. He giggled softly covering his mouth slightly as he glared at Jüo. "Wanna see psychotic then...Jüo?"

"Kane...stop." Rin suddenly spoke as he stared over at him from the far corner. Suddenly I realized just how far Rin was from the rest of us. He sat in the far corner of the cave away from the glow of the flames. It was like darkness was surrounding him come to think of it. The way he distanced himself from even his people even seemed weird. Now that I think about it, this is actually the first time I've ever seen him since the exams started, I don't even remember seeing him from the beginning of the exams, but then again there were a lot of people at the beginning then.

I could hardly even see the expression on his face as he spoke. Only the movement of his mouth and the odd glow of his eyes in the dark corner only revealed that he was even here. "R-Rin? aren't you cold over there?"

"No, I'm fine", he sighs as he sank into his darkness.

"You probably shouldn't run your heat so much in your coat, you might possibly run out before it's due".

"Possibly?" He questioned as his eyes slowly shifted towards me. I gulped and pulled my face away as I shook my head.

"Never mind", I mumbled as I rested my chin on my knees.

Rin made a soft grunting sound from his spot and sighed. "Kane, you and I will stay up while Jüo and Toko sleep. We'll switch in four hours."

"What! I can't stay up that long! I'm exhausted Rin", Kane groans.

"You've done nothing but sleep all day on the blimp", Jüo scoffs.

"Don't forget I walked in that freezing hell for about an hour you heartless monster", Kane pouts.

"It was barely fifteen minutes until we found this cave", Jüo sighs.

"I'll stay up in Kane's place", I said. Slowly their eyes turned towards me staring me up and down as if examining display. "I-I'm not tired I could stay up."

"No offensive Toko but you look like shit", Kane giggles.

"What? You scared to fall asleep around us?" Jüo questions.

"N-no that's—".

"Fine, Jüo and Kane will rest while we're up. Get some sleep you two, when morning comes we'll have to come up with a plan to achieve a Yang scroll", Rin replies ending the conversation completely.


I watched as Jüo chest raised and fell calmly as his body curled near the fire where he slept peacefully, unlike Kane who looked as if he was practically running a marathon in his sleep. He laid flat on his back as sweat poured from his face. He would forcefully move his head as he slept and often mumbled something under his breath, but I hardly hear nor had the energy to care to figure out what he was saying.

Honestly, my main focus was staying awake. It took Kane nearly seconds to fall asleep while Jüo was asleep around twenty or so minutes. I was fighting the lack of sleep I received from all the training with Siren. Honestly, I wished I had taken Hisoka's advice and rested as he said.

I sighed as I threw some of this sand-like powder into the flames to keep them ignited. Jüo said to throw some when it looked like the flames were low but the wood and cloth that the other groups used to make this fire was nearly gone so the flames wouldn't last much longer.

Since Kane, and Jüo finally fell asleep Rin hasn't said a thing. He was amazingly quiet. I wondered if he had fallen asleep? I knew he was behind me, but I feared turning around to find out. I waited and listened to him for a few more minutes. I hardly heard him move an inch from behind me. I sighed gulping my fear down and slowly turned my head to face him.

When I finally did, I realized that I couldn't see his face from his corner. I tried focusing my eyes to adjust to the darkness where he sat but gave up after my eyes started to become dizzy staring at the darkness. I sighed as I leaned back on my elbows and stared at the fire. Good thing the blizzard wind was out of reach from the fire we had, or it would have been blown it out in seconds.

"Looks like the winds are picking up out there", Rin hummed as he shifted slightly from behind.

I stiffen almost immediately at his haunting voice as he suddenly spoke out. I turned my head slightly to look at him from the dark corner but immediately I stopped as I saw his full face within the reach of the glowing flames. I gulped and turning my face away as I attempt to fight the fear in my voice.

"Yeah, I guess you were right about that blizzard," I said clutching my fist slightly as I kept my composure.

"Yeah...", he mumbled softly. For a moment it was silent until suddenly there was a soft scrap from behind me than soft footsteps as Rin was up and headed over towards the entrance of the cave. He stood near it for a second slowly unzipping his coat then threw it aside as he head out the cave.

"Y-you're not about to leave are you?" I questioned.

"If so?" He asked in reply.

"It's in the negatives out there you'll die probably or—".

"Why are you worried?"

"What?", Rin sudden questioned completely caught me off guard. He didn't look at me as he spoke he only stared off beyond the snow and mountains seeing something I couldn't imagine seeing.

"I said why are you worried? You shouldn't even care what happens to me. I didn't about you when I wanted to kidnap you. Shouldn't matter what I do, should it Toko?" He questions looking back at me slightly. His icy blue eyes were like needles looking at me, but he also had the most innocent eyes I've ever laid my eyes on, and I felt guilty somehow looking.

"Yeah, you're right...I shouldn't. Now is different though. You're my teammate and I need you alive until the fourth phase, because if you die who's gonna control these two hotheads?" I scoffed as I looked over at the two sleeping and sighed, "they're like fireworks waiting to ignite, so you'll have to make sure that doesn't happen...Rin."

"Tsk", he scoffs as peeks from behind him and grins slightly towards me. I managed to keep my face unfazed but on the inside, I was shaking. This guy could kill me if he wanted to. He already admitted that he was the one that wanted me kidnapped. Even though I doubt that he would kill me because he thought I was close to Hisoka he could torture me just as easily instead. "I see why Hisoka's fond of you. I'm invested now...", he slowly retreads from the entrance of the cave and picks up his coat as he suddenly approached beside me and sits down. I shifted slightly as he suddenly sat beside me. It was weird seeing him up close now compared to the darkness he was in. I couldn't help but stare at him seeing as how close he was now. It felt unrealistic honestly. "You're starring."

"Y-yeah, sorry", I moaned softly turning my face away as I stared at the fire in front of me.

"It's fine...honestly I don't think I mind."

"You don't think you mind?" I questioned.

He chuckled slightly as he looked up at me his eyes suddenly brighter now than before. "I don't."

I smiled softly as I looked over at him slightly and then my smile quickly fades as I remembered him having Kane, Jüo, Eiichi, and Hideyori all kidnap me. I managed to move my hand towards my back and felt around for the scar of Kane's dagger and groaned. "Why did you do it?"

"Huh?" Rin questioned. He looked up towards me suddenly and immediately he realized what I meant. He sighs slightly as he leans back on his elbows staring out into the flames. "Don't take it personally Toko. Really, it's not about you."

"Of course I know it's not about me. It's Hisoka you're after, but why? Why use me? He...he doesn't care about me the way you guys think he does."

"He doesn't, huh?" Rin hums.

"No...he doesn't." I said.

"He should then", Rin replied.

I frowned slightly as I looked over towards Rin but he was out in his world as his eyes stared at the fire with such envy that it burned to watch. I wanted to question him further but I resented the thought. If he was anything like Hisoka he wouldn't tell me what he actually meant, but he wasn't him, so maybe he would answer this.

"Rin can you answer me this?"

"Mmm?" He questioned never leaving his eyes from the fire as the flames dance an endless dance of inferno.

"Why are you trying to hurt him? What did Hisoka ever do to yo—".

"Don't ask me that cause I won't tell you," Rin says as he looks up towards me and frowns. "This has nothing to do with you."

I scoffed," you say that but even so it kinda feels like it does. At least a little I'm involved too."

Rin chuckles as he pushes himself upward. He grins slightly as he looks at me eyes piercing into me as Rin stares at me. Oddly it felt as if I was starring into the eyes of Hisoka's. Just a colder and unsettling version of him. Admiringly it made me miss him.

"You...involved? Never", Rin smiled to himself as he shakes his head slightly. He mumbles something unheard underneath his breath but I could hardly understand from Kane's loud mumbling in his sleep. When Rin finishes whatever he just said, he smiles sadly staring back out into the fire. I decided to not question him farther.

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