Serendipity ( Kim Taehyung)

By taestuIip

171K 8.5K 4.1K

"Serendipity is subjective. Not necessarily big things, small things too. Like finding a place to sit amidst... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 : Serendipity
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2
Epilogue - Part 3
Epilogue - Part 4
Epilogue - FINALE

Chapter 34

2.3K 127 83
By taestuIip

"I cleared my schedule for the rest of the month"

Haru's mother, Seo Dasom, looks up from her tea, meeting the eyes of her husband. Her obvious tired eyes flutters at her own words, lips pursed as she traces the mouth of her tea cup with her finger. Her husband, Seo Jaeha, gives a soft knowing look before looking down at the thick storybook in hand, a smile appearing on his handsome face.

"Dasom, you have never cleared your schedule for so many years—10 years I think"

She lets out another heavy sigh, leaning into the wooden cushion chair as she smiles bitterly to herself. "I miss our daughters"

"I know you do"

"What did we do wrong? Why do I feel like I have never done anything right for the girls?"

Dasom lets out a little sob as she stares into her half-empty cup of tea, mind full of nothing but the thought of her dearest girls. She has been too engaged with her job to the extend it really felt like she has forgotten about them. But what heaves her heart the most is of course, Haru. The many times she had seen her in the house over the months, she hated herself for not sparing a few minutes to check on her.

She remembers about 3 or 4 years ago when Haru had innocently knocked on her home office door, wanting to tell her something but she was too busy and asked her to leave. Or that one afternoon Haru came home looking pale and weak—obviously down with fever—she did not even ask anything about her. All she thought about was her work and nothing else.

She admits it is her entirely her fault for not giving herself a break to check on Haru.

"Dasom", Jaeha calls her softly, making her look up. "You did enough for them, please do not blame yourself"

"I am worried about Haru", she sits upright, face twisted in agony. "We know nothing about her now. We did not pay any attention to her while she was busy growing up. She grew up all by herself and—oh god, I completely abandoned her.... what kind of mother am I?"

"Dasom, you did enough", his voice sounds firm this time.

"What did I do? What did I do for Areum? For Haneul? Haru?"

"You did a lot of things—those you are capable of. You sent Areum abroad because you knew it had been her dream to live and study abroad. You supported her from a far, provided everything she needed to live comfortably when she is far from us. You called countless hospitals to search for the best specialist to treat Haneul. You did your research and checked the status of the hospital she is in right now. You made sure she is getting the best treatment—you did that"

"What about Haru...?", her voice trembles, eyes teary. "I did nothing...."

Jaeha sees the look of regret and hopelessness in his wife's eyes. They have been through this conversation a few times before, and it always ended up with them talking about Haru. Dasom is never the one to cry but then lately, whenever she talks about Haru, tears seem to just stream down her face. The pain in her voice aches his heart, making him feel heavy with the guilt he has buried deep in his heart.

"Jaeha....", she wipes the tears on her face. "I am tired of keeping this secret"

His eyes widened at the mention of the word, flinching slightly as he shifts on his chair. "What do you mean?"

"We hurt her once when she found of Areum was adopted", she swallows hardly, gathering her words together. "We are going to hurt again with this secret—I cannot do this anymore"

Jaeha feels his entire body still as he anticipates whatever Dasom is about to say. He knows all of it but every time they talk about this secret, his heart feels like it is about to break with all the overwhelming remorse. The secret he thought he will be able to hide for the rest of his life and Haru's, thinking it could be the best for everyone. But he has cluelessly forgotten the fact that Haru is growing up and, sooner or later, she will find out on herself and that will surely break her even more.

Maybe it is true, all this while, all they have done is hurt her.

"Do you want to tell her?", he asked. "Do you want to?"

"Do you think I have any other choice?", she bitterly laughed at herself, shaking her head in disbelief. "I neglected Haru for years. What was I thinking? I provided her with all the money but...did I give her the affection of a mother? Did I? I just—I don't want to hurt her more—I am tired of knowing that she is hurting inside"

The sadness in Dasom's voice pierces right through his heart, breaking the little patches that has been broken before. True they have everything, money, power and a lavish life. But one thing they do not have is the bravery to do that one thing they should have done many years ago.

"Dasom, I am...I don't want to hurt her again...", he sighs heavily. "I barely know her anymore. I do not even know how she is going to react to this"

"She is going to get hurt. And she is going to despise—as if she has not already. But, she deserves to know about this. We have been keeping this from her for years.... don't you think it is time?"


Jiwoo watches her mother keeps on adding more and more side dishes into the two men's plates. When they arrived a few minutes ago, her mother was over the clouds. Eagerly she invited the two guests to the dining hall, asking them to make themselves at home while she instructs the middle-aged helper to finally bring the freshly cooked dishes to the table.

And now, thirty minutes into the dinner, the two men certainly passed her vibe check that all she does is talk to them, completely forgetting her and Haru. 

"Do you think....", Haru leans closer to her. "we are invisible?"

"I can bet we are not even here", Jiwoo replies in a whisper. "If we leave the table, I can bet my mom will not even realize"

Taehyung whom has been listening to Madam Bae's and Namjoon's conversation suddenly turns to the front, spotting Haru looking at him. He raised an eyebrow, silently questioning her for looking at him like that. But then, she gives her the same look before looking away, resuming her meal and leaving him dumbfounded.

Taehyung didn't look away for a few seconds but then he had to when Madam Bae suddenly calls his name. Haru and Jiwoo look up, watching as she wholeheartedly and genuinely wants to make the two men feel so at home. Endless words of gratitude flow out of her mouth, thanking them for being such a great help that very night. She even requested Taehyung to allow her to return the favour anytime soon.

"So your major was Art?", Madam Bae asked Namjoon, looking very much fascinated. "I don't think I have gotten the chance to ask you this before, but, oh my, you took art during college?"

"I did", he replies shyly, dimples showing. "But things took a turn when I finally graduated"

"You both were classmates then?", she looks at Taehyung.

"Yes, we were. That is how we got to know each other"

"From Arts to being an officer. That is such an remarkable change of events. Is there any particular reason you decided to take on this job?"

Madam Bae's question certainly caught the attention of the two girls, head flicking up to look at Officer Kim.

He might have flinched a little to the sudden attention given to him at the table, making him sink into the seat, putting down his chopsticks at the side.

"That's a very interesting question actually" he smiles again, rubbing the back of his neck. "I never really thought people would be interested to know why I chose this profession—but I have an answer for that"

Seated directly opposite of Officer Kim, Jiwoo can see the way he seems flustered when everyone's focus is on him. She studies his gestures, realizing there is a shy side of him she had never really realized he has. Her mother's question might have caught him off guard that he had to look down most of the time, hiding the obvious shyness.

"Actually, I applied to further my studies around a month after I have completed my bachelor's degree. Taehyung was with me too. I remember one night we were hanging out at a restaurant...I think it was a chicken place, and suddenly there was this one drunk man ,out of nowhere, created scene"

"Oh that man", Taehyung scoffs lowly under his breathe, remembering the little memory.

"Yes, that man", Officer Kim laughs a little before he continues. "He probably had drunk too much to even act rationale, so he blindly grabbed someone and starts making a whole lot of noise. Taehyung, me and a few other friends were stunned because it was just too sudden.  One of us even planned to help the lady—the one the drunk man had forcefully grabbed—but then we realized he had a knife in his pocket"

"A knife???", Jiwoo gasped but then covers her mouth quickly. "Sorry—continue please"

"A pocketknife, tucked in the pocket of his pants", he sighs. "We knew it was dangerous if we were to just butt in—so we didn't"

"What happened after that?", Madam Bae sounded worried. "Did any of you get hurt?"

"We did not, thank god", Officer Kim shakes his head. "When the man was yelling nonsense in the restaurant, a middle-aged man, dressed so neatly in a complete black suit, approached him. Of course the drunk man suddenly became defensive, throwing curses on which the man in the suit just laughed at him. So what happened is, that man, out of nowhere, like magic, reached for the drunk man's hand and in a flash, his hand got twisted and the lady was freed. It happened so fast and the next thing I know, he got that drunk man pinned to the floor, hands on his back and his pocketknife thrown to the side—just like that"

"Wow.... he knew the drunk man had a knife???", Haru looks at officer Kim with curious eyes. "That's"

"He did—that's the thing. He was so fast with his movements, and his eyes were sharp too. And then, I found out that he is an inspector. I had no idea at first but when the police came, all of them were saluting him. And that's how I decided to change my direction"

"Were you inspired by his heroic act?"

"I was stunned, completely. So amazed by him. It felt like I just watched an action movie—it was such a wholesome feeling"

"He was overawed that he didn't even take his eyes off that inspector", Taehyung adds jokingly.

"So you joined the force because of that Inspector?"

"Yes, I am glad I did"

All of them did not say anything, looking at him with a look of amazement and also, completely in daze by his story. Haru and Jiwoo didn't even bat an eye as they look at Officer Kim, eyes gleaming with admiration. Madam Bae on the other hand looks at him endearingly and also proudly, complimenting him for being such a good human being and also a very dedicated police officer.

And then there is Taehyung, watching his girlfriend ogling at his friend.  He watches as Haru had her eyes glued at him, still gawking at him even when the topic has changed to a different one. When Haru finally teared her gaze off Namjoon and turned to Jiwoo, she whispered something before both of them turn to look at Namjoon again. Both has the same look on their face—admiration.

Taehyung didn't look away, purposely watching her as he waits for her to finally look up at him. And when she did, he raised an eyebrow at her.

Haru looks at him blankly, reading his eyes just to find him narrowing his eyes at her before he looks down and continue eating.

"So, does anyone want desserts? I baked a banana cake earlier"


"I wouldn't be surprise if your mom suddenly wants to adopt Officer Kim"

Jiwoo turns around abruptly, watching as Haru walks into the kitchen. She cranes her neck to watch her mother happily engaged in a conversation with the two men. Sighing to herself, she turns to the sink and continue washing her hands.

"Well, I am glad she gets along with Mister Kim as well"

"Does she know.....?", Haru hops on the island table, grabbing the opened packet of strawberry pocky.

"She doesn't. Well, the only person who knows about you and Mister Kim is me, the two boys and....I assume....Officer Kim too?"

Haru watches as her friend walks to the snack cabinets, picks out a few packets of chips and puts them into a paper bag before handing it to her.

"Take these home. My mom bought them for you when she went to Jeju last week. I don't what those are but I am guessing they are all local chips—all yours. Maybe you can share it with your beloved boyfriend tonigh—"


"It's the weekend tomorrow?", Jiwoo crosses her arms together, eyebrows raised. "Aren't you supposed to spend the night together? Catching up? Hello?? You both haven't even gone out for a proper date? Do I have to set the date for you as well???????"

"Oh", that was all Haru could respond as she stands there, looking a little bit lost. "Ohhh??"

"You need to work on your relationship", Jiwoo adds as she stares at her bandaged hand. "Oh god, I can't believe this happened"

"Well, you know what's weirder?", Haru chuckles as she turns to the living room. "I can't believe that is happening"

Both of them watches as Madam Bae and the two other men look very much immersed in their conversation, frequently laughing at each other as they exchanged smiles. Looks like they are getting along a little too well to the extend they have completely forgotten Haru and Jiwoo's existence for the night.

"Your mother looks happier these days"

"I know right", Jiwoo smiles to herself. "She looks so much relaxed and happy after she won the case. And when we moved into this new house, she was so excited"

"I am so happy to see her happy like this. She suddenly looks younger", Haru chuckles lowly. "Oh, what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Still not admitting you got a crush on him?"

"Excuse me??????"

"Bae Jiwoo", Haru sighs heavily. "You can't be denying that look in your eyes. You definitely crushing on Officer Kim"


Pressing on the combination of her door, Haru suddenly halts midway and turned around.

"What's wrong?", Taehyung looks worried. "Is it not work—"

"Mister Kim", she turns to him completely this time. "You have been really quiet"


"Yes", she crossed her arms. "You didn't talk much on our way here, and also in the lift. You are strangely quiet"

Cocking an eyebrow, Taehyung crosses his arms as he mischievously smiles at her. "Oh, you are suddenly worried about me?"

"What do you me—"

"I thought you were still in awe with Officer Kim—was giving you some time to be in complete daze by him". His tone was completely playful, a glint of teasing in his eyes. "Are you done?"

She looks at him for a few seconds, letting the words sink in before the realization hits her. A slow smile appears on her lips once she finally got the meaning behind his words.

"Oh, is my man jealous of his friend?"

Taehyung swore his heart flipped when Haru addressed him as her man, making him almost break into a big flustered smile but he managed to hold it in. Instead, he clears his throat, wanting to stay in character to that he can tease her more.

"Oh, your man? Who is this man?"

"Hmmm, I wonder too", Haru nods to herself, acting as if she is deep in thoughts. "But I think my man is jealous because I was so interested in his friend. But, I think he forgot I have my eyes on him. Only him. So, what do you think I should say to him? Do you have any idea?"

Taehyung tried to keep up a straight face but alas, he gave in. Not when Haru is looking at him with such playful eyes as she stands there in front of him. Something about her that seems to always tug the strings of his heart, making him feel things—all sort of things.

Slowly, he breaks into a shy smile making her smiles too.

"Get over here", he pulls her to him, wrapping his arms around her. "How am I so weak when it comes to you?"

"Oh, am I your weakness now?", she lets him push herself deeper into his embrace. "I should use that as an advantage in the future"

Taehyung says nothing as he hugs her, taking in the faint smell of her vanilla perfume. In fact, both of them stays silent in the hallway, the surrounding insignificant as they hold each in other in such gentle embrace.

Haru loves it when he hugs her like this. There is this certain tenderness in his hug. His hug makes her feels safe in a way she had never felt before. It feels like there is not a single thing in this world could get to her whenever she is safe in his arms. All her worries seem so distant whenever she is with him, like a magical spell. And she wonders how completely in love she is with his comforting hugs.

"Mister Kim"


"Do you want to stay over?"

"Stay over?", he looks down at her, confused.

"I-I mean—since it's the weekend tomorrow—I mean—that if you have no plans tomorrow or—what I meant is, it's late and it's dangerous for you to be going home alone—well, I know Seoul is very safe but—oh god, I mean, stay over so that we can spend some time together—well, that sounded weird but what I mean is—"

"Haru", he laughs to himself. "I have plans tomorrow"

"Oh, Oh—okay then", she sounded disappointed, eyes fluttering.

"My plan is to spend more time with you. So, yes, if you want me to stay over tonight, I will. So, stop being too adorable because my heart is already too weak for you"



Hello everyone! Here is a veeeerryyyy long update! I am in such a good mood today and I am writing this while listening to Snow Flower. This song makes me miss Tae so badly T_T

but anyway, i purposely update a longer (than usual) chapter today since it is christmas! Happy Holidays everyone! I hope this chapter is good and enjoyable too! Thank you for reading. Love youuu~

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