Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader...

By lndlover

533K 12.3K 3.2K

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Another one
Prompts contiued
Somebody Else
Mother dearest (daughter!reader)
Lie to me
This seat taken?
Movie night
Since when?
Thats my shirt
She'll kill me
A bitter Goodbye
Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me
Thank you, and goodnight
Mothers of 7
We'll meet again
My Way
Til Death Do Us Part
Til death do us part (ending 2)
3 am
Story updates
Early Mornings
Back Home
Because of You
Parents' Visit
Band Double Date
Pillow Forts
Coffee Talk
Old Friend
A Rookie Mistake
Of Tops and Bottoms
A Steady Breath
Make You Love Me
Disapointment pt.2
Unreqited pt.2
Dinosaurs fell in love
Hymn for the missing
Striking out
Series announcement
Smoke and Mirrors
Quick announcement
A New Reality
My mother's friend
Curiosity killed the Cat
Our Friend Mari
Not His
Her Highness
Can't Let Go Annoncement
Fingers crossed
Sleeping Beauty
Gonna be okay
By Your Side


8K 194 17
By lndlover

A/N: Jesus Christ I'm so sorry for neglecting y'all. I was in a really bad rut and haven't been writing so I'm just now getting to requests on here and on Tumblr. I also just realized that I'm a whole 5 chapters ahead on Tumblr so I'm about to just hit y'all rapid fire with my latest one shots. Again, sorry about that y'all.

"I don't see why you just don't tell her." You commented before bitting into your snickers bar. Natasha shot you a look kin to a scowl before diverting her gaze back across the common room.

She gazed longingly over at Wanda causing you to roll your eyes before shaking your head. "If you don't I will." Once again Natasha sent you a piercing gaze which you met with a deadpanned look.

Seeing you weren't intimidated by her in the slightest she relented and snuck down into her chair. "She'll say no." Shaking your head you looked back down at your phone, trying to busy your mind. "Trust me, she won't say no."

The redhead scoffed out a chuckle. "Sure she won't. You seem very sure of yourself there L/N."

"Anyone who lets you slip through their fingers would be nothing short of an idiot and Wanda is far from one." Your tone had a slight bite to it which wasn't directed at Natasha, it was directed at yourself.

You were the idiot letting her slip through your fingers. But as long as she was happy right?

Natasha raised an eyebrow at your slight outburst and remained quiet, studying you. You fought the urge to squirm under her gaze and began to glare even harder into your phone.

"You alright Y/N? This seems to be about something different." Your heart was beating a mile a minute, your thoughts about how to get out of this situation bouncing around in your head far too fast for you to comprehend. Then your mouth opened seemingly of its own volition.

"I'm perfectly fine other than the fact that I have to sit idly by while you sit here and bring yourself down in the way that you do," You looked over at Natasha again, meeting her eye. "I love you, Natasha, you're my best friend. All I want is for you to be happy and Wanda clearly makes you happy. Stop denying yourself that happiness and just take a chance why don't ya?"

You hadn't realized how worked up you had gotten until you had finished. Your chest was rising and falling faster than usual as if you had just gone for a jog. Natasha's eyes looked deep into yours, searching for something. It was too late to put up any walls now in fear that she would notice and only try to pry at them.

Finally, she looked back over at Wanda before looking back at you. "You really love me?" Your heart sunk at her words but thankfully your brain was still working. "Of're my best friend Tash."

Natasha tilted her head before smiling. "I love you too Y/N." you had to stop yourself from completely shutting down at her words because you knew she didn't mean it in the way you had. You also knew that she never would.

Standing up with a newfound determination she looked down at you. "Thank you. Wish me luck?" Nodding you smiled softly at her.

"Go get your girl." Natasha nodded and marched over to Wanda. You watched as she leaned in and whispered something to the brunette before walking out of the common room, Wanda following soon after.

Once they had both disappeared around the corner you sunk down in your seat and closed your eyes tight. One day, maybe you would take your own advice and go get your girl.

For now, you would simply fain happiness, for Natasha's sake.

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