
By Sugar_And_Spice125

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Cast List and Welcome!
№1|Enter: Medusa Demgorgean
№2|Welcome to the WhiteClad Pack
№5|Eyes Of Prophecy
№7|Tell Me The Truth, Vanessa!
№9|It's Always A Price With You Isn't It?
№11|Some Things Science Can't Explain
№12|The Full Moon Festival (Part 1)
№13|The Full Moon Festival (Part 2)
№14|The Full Moon Festival (Part 3)
№16|It's Okay To Get Saved
№17|The Night Before Court
№18|His Medusa
№19|Werewolf Court
№20|Patient Zero
№21|International Phone Calls
№24|Here To Stay
№26|Care For A Doughnut?
№30|Lastachka Part 2
№31|No New Friends, Just New Lovers
№32|Tick... Tick... Tock...
№34|Stupid Dragons
№35|Lets Make A Plan!
№36|The 7 Mile Escape From Candyland
№37|Loved You Since The Beginning
№39|Aura Imprints
№40|How Much I Love You
№41|I'm Nothing Like You
№42|Don't Eat The Orange Chicken
№43|Costume Time!
№44|It's Been So Long
№46|The Price Of Knowledge
№47|My Most Precious Thing
№48|I'll Be Back
№49|The Camp Part 1: Help Me Understand
№50|The Camp Part 2: Poppet
№51|The Camp Part 3: Cake Walk
№52|You're Mine. I'm Yours
№53|Change Of Plans
№55|Scars On The Heart
№56|Wings Were Made To Fly
№57|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 1)
№58|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 2)
№59|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 3)
№60|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 4)
№61|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 5)
№62|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 6)
№63|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 7)
№64|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 8)
№65|Tick... Tock... Boom!

№38|What Did You Do?!

22 3 3
By Sugar_And_Spice125

№38|What Did You Do?!
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Medusa dropped the binder on Barron's desk, plopping down in his chair as Barron opened the door to welcome all the Alpha and their Lunas.

“Medusa,” Camila growled, “it’s 3am…” her growling deepened, “there better be a damn good reason why I’m up!”

“U-Um… Cami-Camila…” Medusa stammered, slumping down in her chair when Camila slammed her hand down on Barron’s desk.

“Sorry about Camila.” Alfonzo chuckled nervously. “She’s a little tense early in the morning. My Luna isn’t a morning person.” Alfonzo leaned in for a kiss, but was greeted by a low growl.

“Too damn early for this shit…” Camila snarled, trying to walk off, but was caught by her mate’s strong arms wrapping around her waist.

“Hermosa (gorgeous),” he purred in her ear, “let’s hear what the Luna has to say.”

“Couldn’t you wait till morning?” Camila muttered, sitting down in one of the chairs as she pulled Alfonzo into her lap.

“No-” he was cut off by another growl from his mate. He attempted to get up, but Camila wasn’t letting him go anytime soon.

“Stay.” She muttered into his shoulder.

“Okay…” Alfonzo smiled, stroking her hair, “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Anyways,” Medusa chuckled, flipping open the binder, “the reason I summoned you here this morning is because we still have a lot of lost wolves who won't be accepted back into their packs, and a lot of rogue wolves.”

“And?” Ambrocio asked.

“I wanted to talk to you about accepting said wolves in your packs.” Medusa said, folding her hands over the binder.

“You want us to accept rogues into our pack? Are you insane!” Dayo scolded. “Last time I checked... isn’t Julius a rogue?” Dayo tapped his chin. “Oh yeah! And look what happened there!”

“I know it’s a big favor, but these wolves need homes,” Medusa flipped to a particular page, “take this wolf for example,” she held up the picture for all to see, “his name is Wilbur, he was banished from his pack for hurting the Luna-”

“He did what?” Endar glared at her.

“Yes, he hurt the Luna… he regrets even laying a single finger on her, but-” Medusa began, soon getting cut off again.

“You must be insane if you think I’m letting in some wolf who laid their hands on a Luna.” Olly scoffed.

“He isn’t a bad wolf... he’s a very experienced Hunter,” she looked up at Endar, “aren’t you low on Hunters?”

“We-Well… be tha-that as it may…” Endar stammered, looking away from Medusa.

Katya walked over to the desk, taking a gander at Wilbur’s file. “He looks qualified. He has a fabulous hunting record!”

Endar looked over Katya’s shoulder at his file, “hm… his speed isn’t that bad either… a nice 90mph is really good.”

Katya glanced up at her mate, a weary look plastered his face. “He seems like a nice young wolf, Endar, let’s take him.”

“Alright, but if he lays a finger on you I’ll-” Before Endar could continue, Katya slapped his chest playfully.

“Oh shut up.” Katya rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna meet the wolf, you stay here.”

With that, Katya smiled as she walked off. Medusa smiled as Endar signed the papers. “You better be right about this, Medusa…”

“I am. I have a sixth sense about these things.” Medusa patted his shoulder. “You made the right call.”

Medusa flipped to the next page. “Oh! Olly!” Medusa perked up as she placed her fingers on the image of a beautiful female woman with long garnet hair and shiny hazel eyes. “This is Ibani. In her last pack she was the best fighter, she was also Head Delta and her mother was a witch so she has powers!”

“Powers?” Olly’s interest peaked. “Hm… like what?”

“Well, she said she only uses her telekinesis because she uses her wolf attributes most of the time.” Medusa explained.

“What happened to her last pack?” Giselle asked.

“Her pack burned down, and she has a huge fear of fire so she ran out and never came back. Since then she’s been a lost wolf. She tried to contact them this morning, but they didn’t want to speak to her…” Medusa frowned, “she just really needs a new start… a new home. One that won’t burn down.”

Giselle looked down at the file. “I think I met her this afternoon. She is a great delta. A little on the testy side, but great nonetheless. She’d be a perfect match for the new Omega we got… what’s his name… oh! Yae!”

“Yae? The scared little thing?” Olly chuckled. “Honey, they’re completely opposite.”

“Trust me, those two are gonna be great together.” Giselle smiled widely as she signed the paper.

“I still don’t like the idea of accepting rogues and lost wolves into our pack.” Dayo muttered, stroking Dechen’s hair as she rested on his lap.

“I’m sure you’re gonna like this one, though,” Medusa flipped to the next file, “his name is Xavier Falls. He was deemed a rogue due to him being in the wolf fighting scene, which was weird cause last time I checked didn’t wolves like fighting?”

“We like play fighting, and sometimes real fighting if it’s deemed worthy, but what Xavier was doing was like dog fighting or street fighting, which wolves highly frown upon.” Barron explained.

“Ooh,” Medusa pulled out her recorder, “note to self; wolves don’t like street fights.”

“She loves that recorder and notebook huh?” Olly chuckled, nudging Barron’s side.

“Sometimes I think she loves it more than me.” Barron laughed.

“Sometimes I do.” Medusa smiled, winking at him. “Anyways! The reason I brought up Xavier is that not only is he an excellent fighter, his sense of smell is stronger than any wolf I’ve ever tested!! Which will come very handy when you’re on hunts.”

“Hm… it is getting harder to find food lately…” Dayo muttered, “he would be pretty helpful on hunts… but he’s a rogue.”

“Who has repented for his sins. He’s even made a program to help victims of street fighting. He’s a good man… just misguided. He went into street fighting after his mate was kidnapped.” Medusa frowned. “They have no idea where his mate is. His connection to her is there, it’s just so weak he can’t find her.”

“What’s the mate’s name?” Enolia asked, sitting in Naade’s lap.


“He’s coming with us.” Dayo stated, nodding surly.

“What’s with the change of heart?” Medusa chuckled.

“We have a Quincy in the pack… I don’t want him to go back into street fighting so we’ll take him in.” Dayo smiled. “If I was separated from my Ododo mi (my flower) I’d be like him too… sad, depressed, forced into my anger.”

He smiled down at Dechen as she stirred in his arms. “Dayo…” she rubbed her eyes, “where are we?”

“Barron’s office. Don’t worry… just sleep ododo mi (my flower).” Dayo kissed her forehead.

“Okay…” Dechen smiled into his chest, drifting back to sleep.

“Barron, as well as inducting Baylen, I always want to induct Haisley. Her pack in Egypt won’t accept her, and I think she made a great Delta.” Medusa showed him a picture of Hasiley.

“Ooh! The greeter girl! She’s great.” Barron kissed her cheek. “Excellent choice, Luna.”

“I know.” Medusa winked as she passed out copies of the binder. “There’s a lot of other wolves that need packs, not to mention pups, so I need everyone to look over this and get in contact with the wolves you want to induct.”

Before all the wolves could leave, Julius barged into the room. “What… did … you… do?!” He roared, slamming his hands down on Barron’s desk, making Medusa jump. “You’re lucky that bomb is out because if it wasn’t, I’d blow you to bits!!”

“Don’t you talk to her like that. If you have a problem with her, it goes through me first.” Barron growled, getting in between Julius and Medusa.

“You fucked up everything!!” Juslius scolded, gripping his brother’s collar.

“Don’t be a sore loser, Julius. It’s not a pretty color on you.” Barron chuckled, moving his brother’s hands off his collar.

“Why’d you have to stick your nose in every little thing I do, huh?!” Julius pushed on his chest. “I had everything under control but you,” he scanned the room, “all of you had to just mess up everything!!”

“It’s not my fault you lost whatever you promised the dragons.” Katya scoffed, flipping her hair.

“Do you know what they are?” Julius growled. “Do you know you did?!”

“No, but enlighten me, Julius.” Barron smirked, folding his arms over his chest.

“When Irvam said 'they' he was talking about our parents!!” Julius flung his hands in the air. “We just lost almost 50k with that stupid stunt you did!”

“O-Our par-parents?!” Barron stammered.

“Yes, but I don't care about those old hags. I care about the money. Our mother and father both had trust funds, and I want that money! If they're dead half of it goes to some charity to help rogues and lost wolves and the other half goes to you and Vanessa!” Julius scrunched up his fist. “Now they might be dead!”

“Our parents are alive, and all you care about is the money?!” Barron snarled, gripping his brother’s collar. “For years I blamed myself for their death but you… all you cared about is the damn money?!”

“You actually thought I cared about them?” Julius scoffed, pushing his brother back. “I never saw those weaklings as parents.”

Barron snarled, pinning Julius to the wall. “You… asshole!! After everything they did for us… for the pack, all you care about is their money?! Vanessa and I haven’t seen them in years, and I don’t know about you, but we missed them! Not the money, but them.”

He wrapped his fingers around his neck, squeezing it in his rough hands. “You selfish bastard! How could you only care about the money when there’s a chance our parents are alive?!”

“I never cared for those pitiful excuses for an alpha couple…” Julius croaked, a sly smirk graced his lips.

Not being able to take anymore, Barron punched his brother square in the face. Blood began to drip down his nose. Julius groaned, wiping up the blood. “You bitch…” He snarled, turning towards Medusa.

Julius’ eyes flashed a dark green as he shifted into a proclin ivory toned wolf, darting towards her. Before he could reach her, Barron tackled him to the ground. “Hands off my Luna, you bitch!!!” He clawed his left eye, leaving a deep scar over it.

“AGH!!” Julius howled out in pain. “What’s your problem?!”

“I said… hands off…” he circled around Medusa, standing in front of her protectively, “my… Luna…”

Medusa stood up from her seat. “Orion, Benedict.” she turned towards the deltas at the door. “Put him in the basement. 24 hour watch, nobody goes in or out without my permission.”

“Yes, Luna.” the delta nodded, retaining Julius as they began to usher him downstairs.

“You’ll regret this, Barron! You have no idea what you’re messing with! These dragons are no joke!!!” Julius warned, his voice echoing through the hallways.

Barron growled and barked at him. Medusa stoked his white fur, smiling at her mate. “I can’t wait to meet your parents.”

Barron smiled, licking her face. They’re gonna love you, Medusa!

Meanwhile, Alistair walked into his bedroom to see Yvette gazing out the window. Her blue eyes locked with the crescent moon high in the sky.

Alistair came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her as he nuzzled his nose into her neck. “Is everything alright, Shona (darling)?”

“My parents are leaving tonight… my father wants me to stay… no matter how much I told him I’d go with him… he wanted me to stay!” Yvette sobbed into her hands.

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Alistair questioned, rushing in front of her, wiping her tears away.

“I don’t know…” Yvette shook her head, crying into his chest. “I should have fought more… Why did my dad have me stay?! I thought he loved me… he was so worried about me not being home, why would he want me to stay?!”

“Do you want to know why, Shona (darling)?” Alistair lifted her head from his chest.

Yvette whimpered, nodding her head.

“You’re dad knows it’s time to let you go.” Alistair chuckled, stroking her black and pink hair.

“But…” Yvette muttered, looking away from Alistair.

“He knows his little sparrow isn’t so little anymore. He knew you had to leave the nest one day or another, and he was giving you a head start.” Alistair kissed her cheek. “It’s alright to be sad, Yvette, but your father has tons of new pups to take care of… you, however, will always be his Lastachka (little sparrow). The original little sparrow.”

Yvette blushed, hugging her mate tightly, “Alistair… do you regret choosing me over your family?” She muttered into his chest.

“No even for a second, Shona.” Alistair wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up as he carried her to the bed.

He slowly lowered her to the bed, watching as her pink and black hair fanned out beneath her. He licked his lips, smirking slightly. “My, my, you are beautiful…”

Yvette’s blush only grew, scoffing as she turned away from him. “You’re just saying that because you just came back from hunting… you’re just all riled up.”

“It’s partly that…” he leaned in for a kiss, tasting the sweetness of her neroli and rose taste. “It’s mostly the fact you’re so damn sexy!” He growled seductively, pinning her to the bed. “It shouldn’t be legal for you to be this beautiful…” he purred along her skin, licking along her neck.

“Gods, Yvette,” his fingers trailed down her hips, “do you know how beautiful you are?”

Yvette laughed as he kissed along her hips, “Alistair… stop!! That tickles!!” She laughed loudly.

He smiled softly, glancing up at his mate’s smile, he stroked her cheek. “Your smile is radiant as ever…”

“Alistair…” she whispered softly, “I-I-I… u-um… wi-wil-will you mar-marry m-me?” She stammered, her cheeks flushing a deep red.

“That’s how you ask me?” Alistair fake gasped. “Where’s the ring? The big excitement? The pizzaz!” 

“Al-Alistair!” Yvette stuttered. “Asking you on-once was hard enough…”

“Shona (darling),” he kissed her nose, “I know you. I know that you’re naturally nervous but not this nervous,” he gazed into her crystal blue eyes, “you’re scared… pressured almost…”

“I want the life Benedict and Liliana have… a family… marriage…” she glanced up at Alistair, “I want that all with you, Alistair,” she bit her lower lip, “but…”

“You’re scared.” He sat beside her, stroking her hair softly. “And that’s okay… it’s natural.” He kissed the top of her head. “If you’re not ready then that’s okay… you don’t have to rush yourself Yvette.”

“But don’t you want that life too?” Yvette whispered.

“Of course!” Alistair exclaimed, planting butterfly kisses along her face. “I want to marry you, have children with you, wake up every morning with you in my arms… but if you aren't ready, if you’re still not 100% sure…” he rested his head on her forehead, “that’s okay… I’ll still be here.”

“I shouldn’t make you wait this long…” Yvette sniffled, planting a small kiss on her lips. “You deserve a family now…”

“Yvette,” he cupped her face in his soft hands, “I would wait a million years to have a family if it meant I got to spend every one of those days with you.”

Yvette’s eyes sparkled in the pale moonlight, “Alistair… thank you…” she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck, “I won't lose you… right? If I say no…”

“You’ll never lose me, Shona (darling),” he slowly lowered her onto the bed, “you’ll never lose me, that’s a promise.”


Creaking the door open, the fairy shifted in her bed, groaning at the light as it flooded the dark bedroom. “Go away, Montego.” She snarled, huddling under the blankets.

Ever since what happened with Callihan and Viktor, Chelia hadn’t left her room, but when she did, she’d have a fake smile to mask the sadness. “Chelia, my dear, talk to me.” Montego sat beside her, stroking her wings. “I hate seeing you so sad… tell me what I can do to make it better…”

“Leave me alone… that’s what you can do.” Chelia replied, turning away from him. He held the pillow close to her chest. “Montego… I don’t know what to feel anymore… I just feel so… empty.”

Montego bit his lip, tapping his chin as ideas formed in his brain. Suddenly, a quick gasp indicated an idea formed finally. “Wait here, I’ll be back.” Montego patted her slightly before walking off. He soon returned with a plate of raspberry macaroons with little roses on it.

He shifted into his wolf form, balancing the plate of treats on his nose, walking over to Chelia. He barked happily, causing Chelia to turn towards him.

After a few moments of silence, Chelia’s light laughter began to fill the room. “Montego!” She laughed loudly, watching as the delta struggled to keep the plate balanced. “Okay! Okay!” Her laughter died down. “You proved your point.”

Montego placed the plate down beside her, resting his front paws on her lap to lean up to lick her cheeks. At this, even more giggles erupted from Chelia’s being. She smiled, wrapping her arms around the wolf as she pulled him down towards the bed.

“Montego…” she stroked his tawny beige fur, “things are changing… we’re changing… and I hope it’s for the better.”

Montego whimpered, rubbing his nose against her’s, “it’s for the better, my love. Think about when we first met, remember how nervous I was? How nervous I got giving you this beautiful bracelet?” He licked the bracelet on her ankle. “Remember how scared you were that someone would spot us on our first date? How scared you were the first night we were together… intimately.”

Chelia nodded, smiling at the wolf, “yeah… we were such nervous wrecks.”

“Exactly,” Montego shifted back into his human form, holding the fairy close to his chest. “Now look at us! We’re amazing!” he kissed her nose, “You’re amazing!”

Montego stroked her cheek. “Don’t you worry, Chelia, change is good.” He kissed her lips, smiling softly at her taste. “And this is the best kind of change.”


Aren't Vanessa and Barron's life a roller coaster ride?! Its crazy!

Anyways! Ihope y'all like this chapter because next update is the final one for arc two. Its okay! There's gonna be an arc three!

Anyways! I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far! And I'll see u next update

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