➴ Apollo is literally my idol ➴

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"I can't believe that Zeus tried to get the council to kill Phoebus." Apollo groaned. I was about to tell him that I couldn't believe that he had convinced me to name our son Phoebus but it didn't seem like the right time to say that. I was laying on our couch, my three week old baby on my chest all curled up in his blanket. Apollo went over to the Christmas tree and turned it on, I could now see his face, it looked beyond stressful. I wish he didn't have to be around Zeus as much as he was.

"What'd the council say?" I questioned my husband worriedly. I didn't want my only son to die before his first birthday. I didn't want him to die in general.

"Most didn't agree with it and didn't vote for it."

"Let me guess. Ares was all for it?"

"Yes, he even volunteered himself to do the execution." Apollo stated before crouching down to my height, pushing my bangs out of my eyes. "We don't have to worry about it, I got it all figured out. Let's just have a good Christmas?" I nodded my head leaning into his warm hand.

"I have to put Phoebus down to bed. Stay here?" Apollo gave me a charming smile before moving away so I could get up.

I walked into my son's bedroom, placing him down in his wooden crib. The crib had tiny designs on it like, suns and oceans waves. Apollo's son was already drowsy so when I put his small body down he was out like a light.

There was slow music playing in the living room, I felt a small smile appear on my face. Apollo was lighting candles when I walked in, he smiled at me when he saw me come in. The God stuck his hand out bowing down. "May I have this dance?" I blushed but lightly placed my hand in his.

The Olympian placed a kiss on my hand, before putting his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, slowly moving to the best of the music.

"Who knew that you'd still be cheesy after so many children?" I smirked against his chest.

"Who knew that you'd still be this sexy after a child? Oh wait I knew that because I'm amazing like that." The God of the sun chucked at his own joke.

"We should visit my mom soon." I told him. I hadn't seen her in awhile, the last time I had seen her was when I was giving birth to my son and when she got to hold him.

"Hm, Estelle would love to see us."

"I can't believe Estelle is almost in high school." Time seemed to be flying, it seemed like just yesterday when she was in kindergarten.

"And yet she still ships you with that dreadful art teacher she used to have."

I lightly smacked his chest, looking up at him so he could see me roll my eyes at him. "Oh shut up. You know I'm not going to leave you."

"Because I'm so hot?" Apollo asked me, giving me a smirk so I would tell him all the reasons I wouldn't leave him and make his already too big of a ego go up.

"I'm not taking the chance of your ego going up because I don't want your ego to rub off on our child. We don't need two Apollos."

"How rude. But I guess you're right there can only be one amazing Apollo." We still were dancing long after the music stopped. It was nice just dancing having no worries at the moment.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby."

"We should do this more often."

"We should. And then we make sure that art teacher what's his name? Drew? Draw? Drawn? Make sure that he never finds love."

"No Apollo." I smirked. "Let him have a love life, you're not even the God of love so I don't know what you think you can do."

"I have many connections. Like how I connect my dick to your ass."

"Oh my Gods. Why are you like this?" I blushed against his chest.

"Honestly I don't know why I'm so awesome but I guess that comes with being the hottest person out there."

"Yep totally awesome." I nodded my head sarcastically.

"Great! We agree on something!"

yo sorry that this is so short but i really like this chapter.

Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now