Chapter 4: Awkward

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Colson watched as Pete pulled into the drive way of the pharmacy and sighed as pete handed them the prescription. Kells looked down at a sleeping em and sighed as he gently moved the arm em was holding on to. "He must be dead." Pete said. Kelly nodded. "I noticed that when i was talking to him. He has dark circles under his eyes." Colson said moving the hoodie out of the way of the older mans face and tracing around his eyes.

Pete smiled at kells and kelly looked at him. "What??" Kelly said. "Oh nothing." Pete said smirking. Kelly rolled his eyes and leaned back again gently as em shuffled and turned so he was laying on kells chest. "You know if your thinking about the medicine don't feel bad." Pete said.

"How can i not? People think i have best life possible because i always put on a bright smile. Imagine what would happen if they knew there "perfect" colson baker has deppresion and a mental illness." Kelly said dullfully. "They would still support you. The ones that are real. Would always support you." Pete said as he grabbed the medicine through the window and thanked the girl.

Pete threw kells the medicine at kells. "Make sure you take them." Pete said looking through the window. "I know." Kells said putting the medicine in his hoodie pocket. "It's suppose to help my sucidal thoughts. Part of me wonders if medicine can even do that." Kells whispered as Pete watched him.

They made there way home to kells house with em still asleep and kells looked at his phone. "It's already 8 PM." Kells said and looked at marshall that was still asleep on his chest. "We can't hang out today. He's beat." Kells said and started playing with Marshall's hair. "I'll come by tomorrow. Your going to let him stay tonight. With you?" Pete said. "His house is so far away." Kells nodded.

"Might as well." Kelly said and stayed quiet the rest of the way. Pete pulled into the driveway and noticed em was still asleep. "Wake him up." Pete said and kells shook his head. "I Don't want to." Kells said. Pete groaned and got out and opened the door. "Here you hold him until i get out." Kells said handing a sleeping Marshall to pete.

"You know if you didn't care you wouldn't be doing this." Pete said as he grabbed em and waited for colson to get out and the kells took em which burried his head in kells chest. "Who said i didn't?" Kells said looking at the sleeping man. "I knew it." Pete said. "You like him." Colson shook his head. "Gosh i used to be crazy over him when i was younger. It's weird how things change." Kells said as the breeze blowed his long hair around.

"How feelings change?" Pete said closing the car door back and open the driver's seat door. Kells shrugged. "I don't even know. It's awkward and complicated. Part of me thinks i have always liked him but like i could never tell him that." Kells said. "We have both said some pretty bad shit to one another.

"That's why y'all called a truce. Just go slow. Who knows maybe he likes you to." Pete said and kelly chuckled. "There's no way Marshall Mathers is gay or bi. He's only been with women." Kelly chuckled. Pete got in his car and started it up. "Doesn't mean there not cover up's. Like when you was with Camila cabello." Pete said.

"Would you actually ever come out?" Pete said. "I would get more hate then i already do. Couldn't come out even if i wanted to." Kells said. Pete shook his head. "I think you deserve to be who you are. Who cares that you like dick instead of pussy? As long as you are still you." Pete said and chuckled.

"Get the fuck outta here." Kelly chuckled. Pete backed out and got on the highway. "Think about it!!" Pete yelled while driving away. Colson shook his head and walked to the door and tried to knock on the door with em in his arms hoping casie's baby sitter would hear. He shuffled the sleeping man in his arms as the baby sitter finally opened the door and looked at em. She opened her mouth bud kells cut her off. "Don't even say anything." He said as he walked by her and until his house as he layed em on the couch and threw a cover over him.

Kells walked into the kitchen and got the medicine out of the bag in his pocket. "I have been baby sitting for you for 6 months but, why the fuck is eminem asleep on your couch?" His baby sitter, elsa said. "I saw him at the therapist. Pete saw him and he wanted us all to hang out. It got later then we thought." Colson said and drunk down the medicine with some tap water.

Elsa hummed. "Well casie is asleep in her bed. I read her a bedtime story and she was out like a light." Elsa said gathering her things as she walked to the front door with kells following behind her and opening the door. "Thanks for today. My hands was so full." Kells said and elsa looked at em and back at colson as colson followed her gaze.

"Think you got something else on you mind to." Elsa said walking away from a frowning kells. "I'll talk to you later Colson!!" She said laughing and getting in her car. Kells grumbled and closed his door and looked at the man asleep on the couch. "What the fuck am i getting myself into?" He asked himself as he leaned down and kissed Marshall's forehead.

Merry Christmas Guys!! P.S he's so fucking cute ❤

S he's so fucking cute ❤

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