Chapter 8: Lonely

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Pete hasn't heard from kells every since then and it's been 4 weeks. "Has he got it contact with you?" Pete asked marshall as they sat down sipping there coffee. Marshall shook his head. "Nope. He would have talked to you way before he would have talked to me." Em said sipping his coffee wincing when it went down his throat.

"That's not entirely true." Pete said smirking. Marshall swatted him away and looked around the busy little cafe. "Marsh i really wanna make sure he's ok. I know he won't try anything to bad because of casie being there but you never know." Pete said on edge. Marshall hummed.

"Go to house then." Marshall hummed and pete dazed off and realized he hasn't thought of that. Pete hops out of the booth and pulls and unexpected marshall with him who almost spills scorching coffee on his crotch. Marshall gets pulled ragdolly behind pete while he glares a hole through Pete's head.

Pete shoves him inside of the car forcefully as he freaking almost killed himself to get to the driver's seat. "I didn't tell you to almost kill yourself. I said to go to his house." Marshall said as pete hurridly backed up and marshall winced as he heard a horn blow and looked and saw a vehicle about a inch from hitting them.

Pete ignored them driving on whilist marshall thought his heart flew out of his chest. "I'm not ready to die yet!!" Em said as pete took curves going 100 miles per hour. Pete didn't say anything until they was finally in front of colson's house and marshall took a deep breath.

Pete looked at marsh. "Ok know go in." Pete said and em gave him a look with a raised brow. "Um what?" Marshall asked. "Pleaseeee. I have some shit to do so you can stay until then." Pete said and marshall ran i hand down his fate as he opened the door and got out.

He shoved his hand in his hoodie pocket as he leaned over and looked at pete through the window. "You owe me." Marshall said as pete nodded and drove away. Em turned around and looked up at colsons house. He really didn't have a big house for as much money he had.

Marshall walked up towards the door and gently get his knuckle against the door before he let his knuckle finally hit the wooden door. No one answered so he looked around and knocked again a little louder. "Come on kells." Marshall whispered.

A couple minutes later the door cracked open and he saw one little eye peek through the crack of the door. "Hi." Marshall said quietly as casie slipped through the door and gently closed it behind her as she stood in front of marshall. "Hi." She said looking up at him.

"Where's your dad?" Marshall asked. "He's asleep." She said quietly and casie nodded. "Wanna come in? He might wake up soon." She said shrugging. She opened the door back up and marshall walked in by her. He walked in and heard colson's music playing on the speakers that was beside the t.v. as she hopped back onto the couch and grabbed her sketch pad.

Marshall walked around and saw that it was still kept up. "So. How's your dad been?" He asked and she looked at him. "Not good. He's been in his room for almost as long as grandpa has passed." She said tracing over something as em stared at her. "If you want you can go upstairs and see him. Do you care to take that glass of water? His medicine is it. It's the only way that i can get him to take it." She said and Marshall grabbed the cup of water and walked upstairs to a door that's cracked.

Marshall walks in and sees a sleeping form moving up and down with covers bunched around him. Marshall walks over to the little nightstand and put the cup there. He sat down in the chair that was in the room hoping the other man would wake up.

15-20 mins passed until the other male has finally started to toss and turn. Marshall put his phone down as colson finally opened up his eyes and groaned as he looked up at the older man. "What are you doing here?" Colson said as he leaned up and groaned as his back popped.

"Had to see if you was ok. Was worrying that you was dead." Marshall said as colson locked eyes with him. "You or pete?" Colson said and Marshall hummed. "Both." He said and he truly meant it as awkward mins ticked by. He looked over the younger male and he could tell he hasn't been out of bed much.

He was still wearing the same clothes from that night and there was stubble alongside his jaw that was defiant. Marshall couldn't smell him though which was weird. You would figure someone that hasn't showered in 4 weeks would stink.

"Here's your water. Figure your throat would be dry." Marshall said as colson took to water and gulped it all down. "So what have you been doing up here?" Marshall asked as colson tried to fix his hair from the awful bed head looked but failing miserably. "Sleeping. Oh and i wrote lyrics." Colson said scrimmaging through the dresser beside his bed.

He pulled out paper and flipped over a page that had a lot of words scribbled down and threw it at the end of the bed towards Marshall that sat down on the bed and skimmed over the lyrics. "I like it." Marshall said giving him a sad smile. Colson gave one back.

"It's called lonely. It's about...." Then colson trailed off and marshall knew that it was still a touchy subject. "Yea. It's beautiful." Almost as beautiful as you. He wanted to say it so bad but bit his tongue. His mind was crazy sometimes.

"Wanna get cleaned up and record it and post it? Maybe even sing it for me?" Marshall said looking up at colson. He nodded. "I would like that." He said giving marshall a smile that marshall never wanted to fade away.

This update took forever i know so blame school 😂 also lonely has to be my favorite depressed and lonely song 😭

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