Chapter 2: "Slim shady is crazy to?"

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Kells sighed as he got up that morning. He yawned as he stretched and slipped his black jeans over his pink boxers. He walked into the kitchen and started some coffee for him. As soon as he started the coffee he heard a knock on the door and groaned as he saw it was pete.

"Uh it's to early for this." Colson said as he grabbed the coffee and pulled it in a cup. "Get ready your appointment is at 10." Pete said grabbing the coffee which kells whined and reached out for it. "Uhhhhh ok." Kelly said giving up as he watch pete drink his own coffee. He grumbed as he walked over to the kitchen counter and slipped his nose ring in and earrings in.

He walked to the door but stopped when pete hollared. "Ain't you going to wear a shirt?" Pete said.  Colson shrugged. "I need to?" He asked and pete looked at with a dumb expression. "Yes you need to stupid!! Gosh we are going in public. Some places are formal and required clothing." He said yelling.

Kells held his ears. "Will you stop screaming like this!!" Kells said mimicking pete as pete started laughing. "You just did stupid." He said as colson also chuckled. "Whatever. It's to early for this bullshit." He said shrugging on a tank top.

"You happy?" He sarcastically. "Your tattoos are showing." Pete said as kells gave him a dumb expression. "I couldn't wear enough clothes to cover them up. Fuck the people who doesn't like them. Know let's get this shot on the road." Kelly said grabbing his chains and throwing them around his neck.

-at the therapist-

"Your going back to my place to watch her right?" Kelly said looking at pete through his rolled down window. "Yes. Text me when you get out and we both will come pick you up." Pete said. "Okay. So all i do is walk in and give them my name right?" Colson asked drumming his fingers against the car's roof.

"Yes. Don't say mgk tho. Say Colson Baker." Pete yelled from the window as kells made his way to the door. "Gotcha." He said as he walked into the to white waiting room. He walked deeper in the room annoying the eyes on him as he walked towards the receptionist.

"Name please." She said but then stopped as she looked at him. "Colson is that you?" She said taking her glasses off. "Do i know you....." He said drawing it out. "It's me sarah from highschool. Or you use to call me crazy Sarah." She said taking off her glasses.

"Omg Sarah that's you?" He said recognizing her. "It was so unclear without the short hair and the braces." He said and she laughed. "Yea it's been awhile. Anyway. Your hear seeing Dr White." She said smiling. "Finally getting help like i tried to talk you into doing?" She asked.

Kelly smiled. "Pete talked me into it." He said nervously not going over the fact why. "Oh that's good. He's currently with another rapper. Um you know him. Y'all dissed each other if That's how rapper's say it." She said and cocked my head.

"Apparently he's big in the rap industry." She said flipping through papers. Oh no. Kells gulped there was only one person he could think of. "Yea his name is Marshall mathers." She said and kells gulped. Wow he has the worst timing in the planet. "Yea i know him." He said. "Gosh i remember when you use to blast him music when we was kids. Know your rapping it. Weird how this world has changed." She said and there was a beep.

"Well apparently there done so walk through that door and wait for them to come out." She said. "Nice seeing you sarah." Kells said as he smiled at her. He walked back and sat in the waiting area. The door opened and out walked the doctor and freaking eminem or Marshall mathers i guess.

"Aw there's my second celebrity for today. Go inside I'll be just a min colson." The therapist said as he made his way to the bathroom. Colson stood up as he felt em's eyes following him. "Is all your going to do is fucking stare." Kells said looking down at the other man and Marshall averted his eyes.

"Don't even ask why am here because it's none of your buisness. Don't need you using that and making a rap song about me." Colson said and he heard the older rapper wince. "Wouldn't do that. It's to personal." Em whispered pulling the hoodie over his head and sticking his hands in it's pockets.

Kells chuckled. "Suprised." He said and em sighed. "Look kells." He said. "Only my friends call my kells." Kelly said interupting him with a pointed stare. "Colson." Em started. "We both said some bad shit in our diss tracks a year ago but like are we still beefing?" Em asked.

Colson got off the wall and walked around the other rapper and stopped at the door. "I don't know really. I mean i don't hate you." Kells said and em chuckled. "That's a good thing i guess. I Don't hate you either." He said and kelly nodded. "Problem solved then." He said as he noticed the theripist walk back in the room.

"Got to go." Kells said. "Wait. You know you can talk to me right?" Em asked the younger rapper. Kelly looked over his shoulder. "I said i didn't hate you, never said i trusted you." He said walking into the office and closing it behind him.

Em sighed as he looked at the door. "Touche."

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