Ally -1-

828 58 40

"Unless you're fine with dating someone who's Nonbinary or the same gender, you're homophobic."

Ima talk about this one, because it REALLY bugs me! So, my dad is an ally. He supports me, my mom and my brother (My brother's Asexual and Demiromantic, my mom's Bisexual and I'm a Lesbian) and that's awesome. What sickens me is that Straight people are told by the community that being straight is Homophobic. That they NEED to be part of the community, or else they hate the gays. Do you know how absolutely FUCKED that logic is!? Liking the opposite gender doesn't make you against anyone, it makes you STRAIGHT. Straight is NOT a disease!! We've made straight people ashamed to call themselves that, which is disgusting because we should know what that's like. We as a community should understand the feelings of oppression and disgrace. We should NOT be forcing straights into this- we should not be forcing ANYONE into this! We are supposed to practice love and tolerance, we're supposed to be the group that says "discrimination is wrong", we're supposed to accept all no matter what!

It's disgusting that anyone would think that being straight is homophobic. If you say that get the FUCK off my page and stop reading my books.

Thanks for letting me rant.

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