This or That!

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Welcome to This or That; Queer edition! You always hear "You're either a <This> Gay or a <That> Gay, so here I'm putting a few down that I remember(/made up)! As always, if you have one you want me to add, go ahead and comment it. I'll try to add it when I see it!

Ready? Let's go!

You're either a Warriors Queer or a Percy Jackson Queer.

You're either a "Ew sex" Asexual or a Porn Artist Asexual.

You're either a Frog Lesbian or a Mushroom Lesbian.

You either love Disney or you hate Disney, there is hardly ever an in-between.

You're either a hyper Iced-Coffee Queer or a chilled out Warm-Coffee Queer.

You're either a Minecraft Queer or a Terraria Queer.

You either love Pink or you love Green.

You're either a Leggings Bisexual or a Cuffed Jeans Bisexual.

You're either a blue-haired Bisexual twitter lady or people confuse you for straight an unnatural amount of times.

You're either a Flannel Bisexual or a Jean Jacket Bisexual.

You're either an Artist Queer or a Writing Queer (Writing includes songwriting and singing, artist includes Theatre and acting), but you CAN be both.

I'm out already, gimme more!

Also, here are some universal ones!

You can't sit right, and you're probably sitting like that right now.

You call slight inconveniences homophobic, like when you drop something.

You 100% had a favourite MCYT growing up and it hurts that they're problematic (I had Aphmau and Sky).

COD lobbies suck for you but it's a fun game and it's funny to make those ignorant "murika" boys uncomfortable.

Damn it I need more of these too, and to be clear you can have any of these traits and like any of these things without being Queer. These are just some things that I think a lot of Queers happen to enjoy.

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