Chapter 10

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I got rid of the taggggggg!!!!! It's gone! Justin is no more!!! Onto the thriller of a story I have for you! Bane is dead btw. San and I finished him.

Damian's POV

I can't believe what she asked. I love her to the bottom of my icey heart but I would never expect to tell her like this. "I do, Angel. Ever since you came to school, I knew you would be different. You are the Angel that protects me from the dark. The one who keeps me sane when I want to kill. I love you." I can tell she didn't expect that this time.  I feel my job has been to make her blush as much as possible. This is my mission. To embarrass her.

"Oh. I didn't think you loved me. I thought you had a small crush on me or something but if you love me? That changes everything." She told me. Is that good or bad? Please tell me good. I can't get my heart broken again.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked. I had hopeful eyes and she looked at me.

"It's a great thing. I have liked you since I came to your house. You are very different from anyone I have been with but still the same kid I met when we were ten. I love you, too. (And yes, I know Damian was given to his Father at 10 years old but this is my story!) Also, please don't kill Luka. I know you wanna but if you do, then I Jagged Stone will hate me because I killed his son. Even though he thinks of me as his daughter." She said. She cared about him but I never thought that she would use him like that.

" I won't. Why don't you show me around Paris and we ditch your friends?" I asked her. I have only been here a few times and I think I need to see it from the prospective of a Parisian.

"Let's go. Here I can fly you to my old house." She told me.

"Isn't it dangerous for you to be seen flying?" She shook her head.

"No. This is Paris. There are always akumas. They will think I am another one." I guess that would make sense. She did tell me akumas are always through the city and her friends protect the citizens.

"Where is your house?"

"By the alley I took us to," She answered. We approached the house and landed on her balcony. She opened the trapdoor which was surprisingly unlocked and we slid in. "Ma! I'm home!" She screamed. Why would she say that? Didn't they used to hurt her?

"Marinette?" Her mom asked.

"Yes?" She responded.

"Why have you come back? I thought you were in Florida?" She inquired.

"Well, I was adopted by a family in Gotham and now I live with them. Also, where is dad?" She was too calm about this. I didn't understand how she didn't care that her parents were so mean to her.

"Oh your father has been arrested and is now in jail. I just got out of my sentence and still live here. Your father has a lifetime sentence for baking drugs in bread and selling it to people on the streets. I wasn't apart of this but I was considered an accomplice." She was on the brink of crying. (Oooooh! She under house arresttttt!)

"No need to cry. You two deserved to be in prison for what you did to her so save your tears! You are nothing but a horrible parent. You and your excuse for a husband." I told her. "Mari, let's leave. I don't want you to be near someone so sickening. At least my mother trained you to fight for yourself." She was on the floor crying. I couldn't care less because she hurt the most important person to me.

"Ok Damian. Why don't I show you around Paris and we can finally get Andre's ice cream!" (Toxic to crying lady) she said and I smiled and nodded signaling for us to leave the disgusting place. We left and went to a park for a second. "Why don't we go over to my old school's park and see if I can find Alix?"

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