Chapter 19

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Damian: Rushes to Dick; Knocks him to the ground by kicking one of his knees backwards

Dick: Lies helpless; crying

Damian: grabs knife; impales Dick's left arm; he uses his blood to draw the League of Assassins symbol on his right forearm.

Dick: lies helpless still; regreting his actions

Damian: flips Dick over; takes katana; slices down back from top right to bottom left

Dick: yelps in pain

Everyone: eats popcorn; watching with great interest

Me: decides to take matters into my own hands

I jump over the couch and stop Damian. He is now frozen in place again. I pick up Dick using my super strength and carry him to the kitchen. "You're lucky I stopped him. He would have definitely killed you," I told him. He grunted in response. I placed him on counter and he moaned in pain. "Hush so I can fix you. You deserved a beating for trying to aggravate him. You know the saying: You mess with the bull you get the horns, right?" He nodded slightly. "Next time, don't do that. Maybe you will survive," I told him. The dumbest thing any human could do is make Damian mad.

"Why can't you just- ow- do that glowy water stuff? Ow," he asked me. He could barely get it out.

"Because this hurts you. Me using the water healing thing is painless. You are getting what you deserve." He lost a lot of blood, but I can fix that. I already put pressure on his wounds and he is ok, for now. Until he makes me mad. Damian's anger isn't as bad as mine. I can hold my temper, but once and if it lets loose, prepare for hell.

"Your mean," he told me, so I stabbed him with the sewing needle. "Hey! That hurt."

"Ah, boo hoo. Suck it up," I told him with a smile and giggle in my voice.

"You aren't the angel Lil d says you are. You're more like an angel of death." I could sense a slight smile as he said that. As if he was joking around. He was being serious, though.

"Am I really that bad?" I asked in a devilish-ish tone.

"No, you're not so horrible. Just more individualistic than most. You can be sweet at times. But, sometimes, you are a demon. Just like the Demon Spawn is. Minus the sweet part. He is 100% demon." I laughed.

"He's not that demonic. He is nicer than you say. You guys need to focus on that," I responded.

"Pfft, he is nice around you. He literally almost killed me because he loves you so much. You may think that is sweet, but I think that is sickening to do that to your brother because of a girl you like is uncomfortable." Oh my gosh he is right. Damian is an actual demon. I am, too.

"You are correct. He is a demon. . . But so am I," I told him. "We are both sickening, like you said."

"Well, I didn't call you sickening because you aren't."

"Yes I am! You don't know me enough to make that accusation! I am a terrible person."

"What makes you one?"

"I've killed people."

"So have I. Gimme another."

"I enjoy killing people."

"So do I. We all do here."

"I am letting you get hurt while I try to heal you when I can fix it painlessly."

"I should never have done what I did! I deserve this!"

"No you don't! Let me fix it." I turned on the sink and just adjusted the water's flow over to his back. I healed it all fine except for a small bit up top. "I'll be right back," I told him and walked to the living room. I saw everyone trying to clean up the mess as Damian was still frozen. "No! Stop! Don't clean it up!" I shouted at them who were cleaning up his blood off the ground. "Oh right. Here Dami," I told him and released his head, but not his body.

"How do you even do that? It doesn't make any sense. You don't have a power that could possibly freeze me in place like that," Damian said out of frustration. So cute.

I responded with, "I am using telekinesis. It really does pain me to freeze you, literally. It takes a lot of focus to keep you still when I am not in the room."

"Cool! So can you freeze anybody?" Tod- I mean Jason asked me.

"Yes, I can. From any distance. If I have a name and face, I can," (get my reference? No? Ight, that's chill, ig.) I told him.

"So what about. . ." Jason grabbed the remote and turned on the news. "her? Make her freeze and then say- good evening, Gotham. Today, terrific news has struck. Our favorite person: Jason Todd is now the most handsome man alive- or something good like that."

"Sounds like a swell idea," Tim said sarcastically.

"It's a good idea, so shut your trap!" Tim shut up.

"Ok fine," I said. I looked at the girl on the tv. She was older- like 40. She had green eyes and blonde hair that was as stiff as a board. I looked at her with a dull expression and she stood still. Then, she touched her ear.

"Breaking news," she said. "A man, Jason Todd, is in the area. Get to higher ground to survive his wrath. Stay away from the man."

"Seriously, Mare?!?! The cops are gonna be after me now!!" He was not pleased with my jokes.

"It's ok, I know what I'm doing. Do not panic."

"Why would I not be panicking?!? I am going to be arrested!! This is freaking me out, Marinette!" He really thinks this is going to ruin him, doesn't he.

"First of all, don't call me by my full name. Sabine and Tom called me that. Second of all, watch. I will fix it," I said. I knew I would be able to fix what I said.

"Sorry everyone, this was sent to us by an unreliable source. We are sorry for the interruption. Back to you, Harvey," I made her say. Jason sighed with relief.

"Phew, you know the guy who was on air before wasn't named Harvey, right?"

"Well I don't live here, so I wouldn't know," I told Jason.

"You have lived here for like a year and half. Have you never turned on the news here before?" He asked me. What does he expect? I would get my news from fricking newspapers if anything. I can't trust the media.

"Let's move on. You are safe. Now, I need to take this blood with me over to Grayson so he can live." I levitated the blood and pulled it towards the kitchen.

"Welcome back Lil bug. Are you gonna fully heal me?" Dick asked. I bent the blood into the small gap in the cut I left at the top. "I feel a little better. Are you going to fix my frontside?" I lifted him and flipped him over. I fixed his wound on his arm and left the symbol on his other. "Don't know why you aren't talking, but thanks a million. You're a doll." He flicked my nose and walked away. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion for a second.

"Hey." He looked back at me. "Put some clothes on. Damian will come at you again." He shook his head and saluted with a smile. I smiled back. Now to the movie.

Itsa short one. You should be asleep right now so read my chapter later. This is for future children who are reading at night. Welp, see ya.


Don't touch me. You do not exist. My drip. My drip. My drip. No I don't like Dixie. I am memeing it. It's what I do.

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