Chapter 15

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Oi sway yah! Hello I just don't know if you are still at work today? Suggested words... anyways, lemme continues....

Mari's POV

I lead Damian through the waterfall and we made it to the other side. Honestly, earlier, I am not sure why I kissed him. I just felt so in the moment and he also said he loved me. I felt like there wasn't a better time for us to share our first kiss. (Ew sappy) "So Almighty Robin, where are we going?" I curtsied in front of him.

"We are going to crime alley." I heard of crime alley. Apparently it has a lot of scums and homeless people.

"Isn't that dangerous?" He stared at me with a face that was saying, seriously?

"Of course it is but it is the only way I know how to release my anger." He stared blankly.

"Ok, I guess. How are we getting there?"

"You will fly and I will grapple."

"Eh. Flying is too flashy. I'll just use my yo-yo."

"Ok, you do whatever. Just follow me." He said in a nice way. It sounds mean but he said it in the nicest tone possible.

"Alright, we are here. What do we do?"

"Are you a good actor?" I nodded. "Good. Detransform and I will act like I am saving you, got it?" I nodded again.

"Tikki, Spots Off." I whispered.

"It's ok, young lady. The villains cannot hurt you anymore. You are safe." Robin said as I was in his arms. I stopped him by putting my hand on his cheek, turning him to face me.

"Thank you, Robin. Oh, you are so handsome! I just want to kiss you!" I was trying to embarrass him but it wasn't working. "Come here." I grabbed his face and forced his lips against mine. He kissed back and set me down. I could feel people staring at us. But Damian was so passionate that I didn't want to stop. I never wanted this kiss to end. Sadly, it did because a scum came over to us and grabbed me. While we were kissing, he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. The scum grabbed a gun and put it against my head.

"Give me your weapons and money or the girl gets it," He said. If he did shoot me, just like Superman, I would be fine. I just get hurt from physical attacks is it.

"Shoot me. I dare you!"

"No! I can't. I need the money first."

"He won't give it! Just kill me! Remove me from this horrible world!" I was sort of acting. I knew the bullet wouldn't do anything. So it didn't matter. "Just. Pull. The. Trigger. NOW! DO IT!!" I screamed at the guy.

"I can't do that! I could never kill someone! I wasn't raised to kill! It isn't right!" The guy didn't back away but he still held the gun up to my head. He literally just said he doesn't have the heart to pull the trigger. Yet he is still threatening me with it. A tear began to form in his eye. Was this guy for real right now?

"That's too bad. Because I was raised to kill." I said and I grabbed the gun from his hand and tossed it to Damian fancily. He caught it with his eyes closed and put it on his holster. I elbowed the guy in the face then swiped his legs. He was on the ground and I took out my knife and got ready to kill him. I definitely broke his nose and his ankle.

"Mari, this is too far! You can't kill him!" Damian told me. I tuned him out once I got into my zone.

"Shut it! You can't decide what I do!" My voice was doubled. I guess Amon was never the reason my voice changed. I realized, if Amon didn't make me feel possessed, that means I'm responsible for all of the terrible things I've done. I killed Felix, not Amon.

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