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Alice's Skating Outfit
2 hours later (6:30pm)
"Is this right?" Kaoru asked.
"Good, you followed my instructions."
'So far, I've helped Kaoru with History and Algebra. He just needed help with understanding the lessons. I need chai or green tea, starting to feel tired.'
"Ahh, I'm tired now."
"I think there's green tea in the kitchen." Kaoru said.
"Who made it?"
"One of the servants, she makes good tea." Kaoru replied.
We walked into the kitchen to get two cups of tea but Kizaki came running with bad news.
"Kizaki, calm down and then tell us what's wrong."
"Someone from the Yajima group wants to fight Kaoru!" Kizaki shouted.
"He's still injured. He can't go out fighting."
"I'll do it." Kaoru said.
"Kaoru, that's a bad idea. I'll do it."
10 minutes later
Kizaki, Kaoru and I arrived at the location. Tommy Carbine is the one who wants to challenge Kaoru.
"Carbine-San, I'll fight you."
"I don't fight girls." Carbine said.
"I'm not letting you hurt my friend. You can fight me or go back home."
"Fine but I won't go easy on you." Carbine said.
20 minutes later
'Will this guy give up alright?!'
​​​​​​​This guy is a boxer from America and his jabs hurt but I broke his nose. He hasn't punched me in my face yet.
​​​​​​​"Getting tired little girl?" Carbine asked.
"Shut Up!"
I kicked him in his stomach and he fell down.
"Ah, finally."
"There's no kicking in boxing! You cheated!" Carbine shouted.
"Ever heard of kickboxing? I can kick my opponents below their waist except their groin."
"That shouldn't count!" Carbine yelled.
"Whatever, I won. Now leave."
"I'm not done!" Carbine yelled.
Carbine grabbed my shoulder and punched me in the face. Kaoru grabbed his arm before he could hit me again.
'He burst my lip. Should've hit his groin.'
"Alice, are you okay?" Kaoru asked.
"I'm okay but I need a ice pack."
"Now are you going to fight me?" Carbine asked.
Carbine was punching Kaoru but he wasn't hurt at all.
'This will not end well.'

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