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30 minutes later
'I fall asleep? Must've been exhausted from yesterday, this pillow feels too hard. Wait a minute.'
I open my eyes and saw that I was using Kaoru as a pillow while he was resting.
'Move very slowly away.'
I tried to move away but his arm was around my waist.
'Guess I'm stuck here until he wakes up.'
"Alice, are you awake?" Kizaki (whispered) asked.
"Yes, how did I get on the bed?"
"You fall asleep on the chair." Kizaki replied.
"Then you moved me from the chair to the bed?"
"No, Kaoru did that." Kizaki replied.
"He shouldn't be moving, most of his bones are broken!"
"Shh, you'll wake him up." Kizaki said.
"I'm awake." Kaoru said.
After that, Kizaki left us alone to get some food from the cafeteria.
'What should we talk about?'
"How are you feeling Kaoru?"
"I'm fine." Kaoru replied.
"How long are you gonna be here?"
"Probably a few days." Kaoru replied.
"I told you don't fight The Ogre."
"I wanted to beat him after the fight with Baki." Kaoru said.
"Baki is still training to be strong like his father. Yujiro is the Devil and the stories about him are just horrible."
"I thought you were terrified of him." Kaoru said.
"He does scare me but he was hurting my friends and I wanted him to pay for that. At least, I only have bruises."
"He didn't think that you could fight?" Kaoru asked.
"No, he thought I was there to support Baki or you."
'The Ogre probably never met a teen girl who can fight.'
"Has Baki ever talk to you about his mother?" Kaoru asked.
"Mostly if mothers ever show their love for their children. Why?"
Kaoru didn't say anything. Now that I think about it, Baki lives by himself. He doesn't have his parents helping him, they are power hungry and don't appreciate their only son just treat him like a tool for their amusement.
'I should go look for Baki.'

I'm Alice Where stories live. Discover now