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'Betty & Han went back home. Also Ben told Kaoru that I can stay for the night.'
"Alice?" Kaoru asked.
"Do you need help?" Kaoru asked.
"No I'm fine."
Kaoru's POV
30 minutes later
'Alice is a magnet for trouble but I still love her.'
"Oww!" Alice yelled.
I ran into the bathroom and Alice was lying down on her stomach.
"Alice, are you okay?"
"Not really, I fell asleep in the tub and tried to get out." Alice replied.
10 minutes later
'Alice has to rest her feet & back.'
​​​​​​​"Everyday, I get a new injury." Alice said.
"That's not true."
"So far I've been punched it the face, had knives or ninja stars thrown at me by crazy high school girls and more bruises from whoever wants to fight you." Alice said.
"Okay, it happens but not everyday."
"I need a break from this town." Alice said.
"I have some sake."
"The last time I had a drink with you, I did something so embarrassing. We could watch a movie if you have some tapes and a VHS player." Alice said.
"I think most of the tapes are violent movies."
"We can just watch TV or read a book." Alice said.
'I need a break too but what can we do? We're just teenagers, not even old enough to drive a car or go on a trip unsupervised.'

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