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Baki's POV
'Why does mother hate me so much? I've trained so much to fight my dad but she's still not proud of me.'
"Baki, you're back." Alice said.
"Hi Alice."
'Alice is happy to see me so that's okay.'
"What's the matter little bro?" Alice asked.
'She never called me that before. She would call me her idiot kohai.'
"I talked to my mother and she told me that she hates me."
"She's probably angry at your father and since you resemble him, she took out her anger on you." Alice said.
"What should I do?"
"I would just give up on trying to make those two proud because I've met your father and he's insane. Don't tell him that because I'm not fighting that man again." Alice replied.
'Dad really scares Alice. Now that I think about it, how did she survive?'
"Now that I think about it, how did you survive the fight with my dad?"
"I take kick boxing classes, I broke your father's nose and may have damaged his groin a bit." Alice replied.
"You did what?"
"I punched your father in the face which broke his nose and kicked him in the groin really hard because he was going to kill you & Kaoru." Alice replied.
"I heard you the first time but I thought you were terrified of him."
"I'm still terrified of him and I may run into him in a couple of weeks because of this tournament which I don't want to participate in but Kaoru & my uncle want me to try competing in it." Alice said.
"Do you need help?"
"No, I've been training with Kaoru." Alice replied.
'Alice has been spending a lot of her time with him. But why?'
"Why are you always spending time with Hanayama?"
"I was asked to be his tutor by his guardian but he discovered that I'm good with fighting so I help out whenever he calls me." Alice replied.
"What have you two been dealing with?"
"We've been stopping other gangs from trying to take over his family or other gangs who want to hurt him because they want to prove that they're stronger." Alice replied.
After that she asked me if I want to meet her mom but I said no because I need to be alone for a bit.
"Alright but if you need me just call me." Alice said.
'Alice has always help me with my problems but now she's helping Kaoru & Han. Maybe I should stop asking her for help, she seems more tired than before.'

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