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Alice is freaking out.
"Why does this keep happening?!"
"Mika really hates you." Hansuke said.
"Not helping." Betty said.
"Who's the blue haired girl?" Kaoru asked.
"Orochi's lover but I think she's his stalker. Also Mika's older sister."
"What kind of group is Mika in?" Betty asked.
"I'm gonna guess some crazy girls who are obsessed with guys."
"Holy Shit, they have ninja weapons." Hansuke said.
'Do I still have weapons in my bag? Brass knuckles, check. Ninja stars, check. Pocket knife, check.'
"Betty, can you help me?"
"Okay, but I want to use the ninja stars." Betty replied.
"What should we do?" Hansuke asked.
"Make sure that the girls don't sneak in the house."
3 hours later
'That's 15 high school girls that we've beaten. Damn my back.'
"That was more crazy than that movie I saw." Betty said.
"Which movie?"
"Some crazy action movie." Betty replied.
"I need an ice bath than a hot bath."
'Thank God, I'm not in that tournament. There's 17 days until it starts.'
​​​​​​​An hour later
​​​​​​​'So far everyone is safe but my back is killing me.'
​​​​​​​"Alice, do I need to call Ben?" Kaoru asked.
'Okay just try to relax and not have teenage thugs or gangs coming after me for the 4th or 5th time.'

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