Ch. 2

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(7 year old Percy's P.O.V.)

I took a step back as I look sheepishly up at the fricken Batman.

Let me tell you something: I look much older than I am. I'm seven but I've been told I look about 11 or 12. It's sometimes good.

It was not one of those times.

"Where is he?" Batman growled as he looked down at me
"Um-" I was cut off as he threw me against a wall, I had a sharp intake of breath as I fell to the floor. He came closer as I backed up against the wall.
"I'll ask again; Where is he." Venom laced his words as he growled. All I could do was whimper.

"I don't know what your talking about!" I yelled as he picked me up by the collar of my shirt. He punched me making me slam to the floor again.
"Don't play dumb, I know that you know!" He growled kicking me in the ribs.

I could tell I already had broken ribs and a broken ankle.
"I don't know who your taking about!" I shouted, and he only grunted in response before kicking my face, though I could tell he was aiming for my chest.

I also now had a broken nose, which was just lovely.

"Nightwing! Where is he!" He yelled and I gasped for air like I hadn't taken a breath for hours.
"Nighwing? He's my friend, your not hurting him!" I growled back, ready for another hit. There wasn't one.

I glanced up at him to see he was slightly confused.
"Hurt him? Your the one who's hurting him!" He snapped as he went to kick me again, though I quick enough to block my chest.
"No! I would never hurt my friend! I wont let you hurt him!" He seemed to realise something by how pale his face was getting.

"You don't work for the Joker?" He questioned and I did my best to glare at him through unshed tears
"Of course I don't work for him, I'm seven! I'm only in second grade!" I shouted

He looked at me, realising what I said, and started towards me, looking at me with pity! PITY! He did this to me!

"You're 7?" I nodded. He put his hand up to his ear. "Agent A get the Medway ready." My eyes widened and I pushed away the pain as I ran towards the room Nightwing was in. I made it before Batman, and Nightwing gave my cuts and bruises a concerned look as I lifted the vent cover and hid inside.

"Hide! Batmans looking for you!" Nightwing looked angry.
"He did this to you?" I nodded.

"Nightwing are you ok?!" Batman seemed scared but relieved as he looked around the room. I ducked and took a breath, he was looking straight at me!

I was thinking about getting caught when I heard a pond slap and I saw a furious Nightwing and a surprised Batman, although he covered it up quickly.

"Just when we were starting to work together you go and beat up a 12 year old kid?! B are you serious?!" I heard Batman grumble a correction, something that made him even more furious.
"7? 7?" B you beat up a 7 year old! You beat up a kid who's not even 10 yet!" I heard Nightwing sigh then grab his side in pain. Batman saw this and quickly lead him out, not without looking at the vent I was in and nodding though.

He knew I was in there. I quickly turned around and started climb out of the vent until I was at the back of the house.

I limp until I turn into an ally before collapsing from pain. I start to cry myself to sleep, and before I pass out I see a flash of green, red and blue.

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