Ch. 11

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Percy P.O.V.

The already unideal circumstances of the death of Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis for me were not made any better by Jason's unexplained disappearance a few years ago. I know I can't exactly say this without being hypocritical, but really;


And you didn't even have the decency to come and see me. Not like I wanted to see you anyway.


This entire thing is a disaster in the making. And you can quote me on that, you just read it.

So that's how I ended up under the guardianship of one Bruce Wayne and not my brother. Thank god honestly. If I was made to stay with him I probably couldn't handle it. Unfortunately, after just a quick phone call he'd agreed to stay at Wayne Manor with us, at the recommendation of the Detective and other officers. At least it's better than being stuck in a small apartment. Better for me and Annabeth, better for Estelle.

Speaking of Estelle...

They're letting me and Annabeth see her. F**king finally.

The room they had been keeping her in was... decent, I guess, but no where near the one she had at home or the one Bruce promised she would receive at the Manor. Though I don't particularly want her sleeping away from me and Annie.

The door frame was rather low, so I had to duck to get in. (Annabeth's short LOL) The plain walls had a small window one one side, a bed and some book, toys, and a desk for her to use.

"Perccyyy!" Her little voice dragged out as she wandered up to me. Even though she's only met me a few times before she was very much attached to me, and to Annie. I imagine my mother and Paul- my father would have told her many stories about me and my friends.

Yes. I think that's what they did.

I lifted her into my arms and gently stroked her fluffy salt-and-pepper curls.

"Heya Stella. Miss me?" I lightly smiled.

Estelle replied by mumbling a series of words I couldn't make out and burying her face into my shoulder.

"I think you should take that as a yes." Annabeth joined our little exchange, tucking a curl behind Estelle's ear. She was already asleep.

I kissed her little forehead as Annabeth made her way to the door, stopping to hold her hand out to me.

"Come on, let's go pick up her stuff. Bruce-" she wrinkled her nose slightly "-will be waiting."

P.O.V. Change

Annabeth's P.O.V

My head rested gently of Percy's shoulder, and Estelle's was tucked under her chin. The journey was rather long, and I closed my eyes about halfway through.

I wouldn't sleep, even though I probably should. You never know what might happen.

Fortunately we didn't have a problem until we got to the Manor. We entered through the large main doorway, and were greeted by a lush, large hallway which lead to a living room.

A small boy sat at the Coffee table, a mountain of empty cup before him.

Yes, he's most likely a sleep deprived workaholic.

Join the club.

I looked to Percy, who had a strange sparkle in her eyes.

Oh no. I know what that means.

Then he noticed us.

"You're Percy Jackson, right?"

"You're Percy Jackson, right?"

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So I'm back. Miss me?


So, what's you favourite place in the world?

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So, what's you favourite place in the world?

Until next time,
- Bubbles <3

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