Ch. 4

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Percy P.O.V

It has been 3 months since the war, and already we have new campers coming in. There have mainly been Ares, Apollo, and Hermes campers, with about 13 others with minor gods as parents, Hebe, Psyche and the alike. But what shocked everyone the most was when a 5 year old boy, John Peters was claimed.

He was a son of Neptune, found by Lupa, but it was agreed that he would stay with me in Camp Half-Blood for a few years before joining the 12th Legion in New Rome. He may or my not of reminded me of Jason. A thought I did not want in my head.

I groaned as I felt a sudden weight land on my body. I opened my eyes to find a blob of brown hair in my face.

"Really, John? I was sleeping." I complained as he smirked at me, his eyes matching the shade of mine as he ran out the cabin.
"Stupid dreams." I muttered as I grabbed some clothes on my way to the bathroom.

I had woken up at 3am from a night terror. I had gotten about 3 hours of sleep all together, a record for the week, as Annabeth wasn't with me to help me, as she was visiting her family. She was coming back today. I was planing to propose to her, since I had spoken with Athena, who approved our relationship.

I sighed as the warm water dripped down my body, washing away the sweat and blotches of dried blood from where I had scratched myself while I was dreaming. It was basically Tartarus torturing me this time, so not as bad as some of the dreams. Ill have to have a talk with Morpheus.

I washed my hair and changed into comfy but clean clothes, as I was taking Annie on a date.

I looked at myself in the mirror, wearing a denim jacket, black ripped jeans with a belt and blue shirt, and some black combat boots. I pulled part of my hair into a bun, letting the streak of white hair that matched Annabeth's fall in front of my face. I put on some simple jewellery, my camp necklace, a few bracelets, and the earrings that lined all of my ears.

As I left the room, the thick scent of perfume hit my nose.
'What do you want, Aphrodite?" I said, turning to look at the love Goddess.
"Weeeeeeell, I heard what you were doing, and wanted to be a part of it!" She squealed as she spun around the room. I groaned, hoping that none of the other Gods were in on this.

Cabin 10 had found out pretty early on in my plans, and had spread it through the whole camp. Everyone knew and tried to help me plan, but I turned them all down.
"What do you mean? I already have a plan." I knew what she was up to so I quickly shut her down.

"Awwwww, fine, but I get to help with the wedding!" I sighed. There was no way I would be able to stop her.
"Fine, but no overdoing it, I don't know if she will say yes." I stressed, tapping my fingers on my leg. She just burst out laughing. I left the cackling Goddess behind to flash to Olympus as I made my way to the mess hall. I sat down next to John.

"Hey sis1 what are you eating?" He said, standing on the bench to put his chin on my shoulder. He's so cute and innocent with his little freckles and ywndjsiuxjrbjxks UwU

"I'm not hungry, are you excited to meet Annabeth?" He looked at me.
"YES! I mean yeah." He tried to downplay his excitement, I laughed as he leaned over to me.
"Are you going to do it tonight?" He asked, smiling like the Joker.
"Yeah, I can- WHO TOLD YOU?!" I yelped, staring at him. Apparently word got around faster than I thought. I groaned. I hit my head on the table, causing people to look at us.

'WHATS GOING ON?" Yelled a random camper.

"Don't you dare." I looked at John. He just smirked. I went to put my hand over his mouth but I was too late.

"She's asking Annabeth tonight-" the rest was muffled by my hand, but the campers heard and the crowd erupted in cheers of joy and happiness.

A familiar shout made everyone shut up.

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