Ch. 14

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Jason Todd

Apparently the world enjoys fucking me over.

Whatever divine deity that's out there couldn't have the decency to actually give me a break longer than a few minutes?

Every curse word on earth seemed to run through my head as I raced through the streets of Gotham. I was going miles above the speed limit, but who cares? It's late and I cant deal with this or anything else.

I took the usual exit, taking the carefully hidden roads and paths the the Batcave.

No one was there, not even Demon Spawn.

Good, no one to bother me, was my only thought as I removed my mask, carefully placing it on a counter. Only Dick, Tim and Bruces motorbikes were missing, so they were the only ones currently on patrol in Gotham. Never a good idea, but I'm not well known for my good ideas anyway.

It was only when I made my way up the stairs that I heard the noise. I light tapping, like someone clicking their nails against a keyboard.

The bat computer wasn't on, so where was it coming from?

"Hello, Jason."

I snapped around to where the voice was coming from, seeing someone leaning against the wall, face hidden by the shadows. I didn't't recognise the voice as one of my sisters.

"Who are you?" I asked, hand twitching towards the gun on my waist.

"Aww, that's a shame..."

There was a pause, and the silence was so thick you could cut it with a knife. And somehow, the figure walking out from the shadows seemed to do the same thing.

"You don't remember your dear little sister?"


Percy sat in the chair of the Batcomputer, seeming unfazed by the interaction we had just had.

I landed further back against the railing, watching her closely.

How did she know about the cave? About this? Does she know that Bruce is Batman? About the others and their identities? The Justice League?

And most importantly, does she know about the... incident?

She has the same hair streak as me, something I got out of death, however it could be dyed, or it could be a familial thing?

She's tall as well, almost...

"You aren't gonna say anything?" She was watching me carefully, as if trying to memorise how I looked.


"If you say 'I'm sorry' I will run a pen through your eye."

"Oh, I'm..." I paused, realising what I was about to say. I felt unusually nervous around her.

Her eyes were cold, and she reminded me of me. That was scary. I didn't want her to be like me. With my adopted siblings, I didn't have a say in what happened. But with her, it was my fault if she ended up like us.

I was supposed to protect her, and I failed.

"How did you... know about this? Find out?" I asked, slightly voice shaky. I was dreading the answer.

"It's... a very, very long story. It wasn't actually me who found out-" She smirked, looking rather fond. "One of my, ah- friends helped me out with this. And..." She leaned forward.

"A little talk with death works wonders."

My breath hitched a little in my throat at that. I could feel my head spin, and my vision was blurry.

And a hand touched my wrist, and everything cleared. Percy looked gently at me, holding my wrist in her hand, pressing her cold fingers into the inside. We stared at each other for a while, both considering each other. It was like a silent conversation, like us trying to figure each other out. A gentle sigh left her mouth.

"I apologise for that, I didn't realise..." This time, she was trying to apologise.

"Just... don't." I took her hand gently. Removing it from my wrist was easy, but I didn't know what to do with it after that. So I let it go, and it fell down to her side. "You aren't the one who should be sorry, It's me-"

"OK, well , I've already told you to not say sorry. Don't make this whole thing worse for either of us. I'll be here, as long as I need to be, then I'll be out of your hair."

"What if I want you to stay? What if my siblings do? What if you want to stay."


"OK, what is this?" Both our heads snapped around towards the new voice.

"OK, what is this?" Both our heads snapped around towards the new voice

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Hey there 😰

It's been

A while.

I finally got some motivation back for this story again! I have a little of an idea for how I want the story to go, but if you have any ideas feel free to comment them! The ideas that I have are very rough so any help would help me get the chapters out quicker too.

I don't have much experience writing how Jason would act in situations like this, so I apologise if he or any other the characters are OOC in this!

As for me, I've been playing a lot more sports like hockey, and recently won a cup semifinals game with my team. Do you guys play any sports? I play quite a lot of them, so it would be nice to see what you guys do too!

Since I have quite a bit of motivation for once, I might be able to update tomorrow too, and I'll be surprised if I don't, but I might not remember. But, you can count on their being one in the next few weeks!

Until next time,
- Bubbles <3

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