Not a chapter, just to better explain abilities

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As you have read from the title yes, this will be a better explanation of Izuku's vampire powers and the effects of them


Supernatural strength- he has the strength of 100 men (2 prime all mights)

Supernatural speed- he can run up to 88 miles per hour

Regeneration- he can heal through extremely untreatable wounds (though he can't regrow a whole new limb)

Swarm- the ability to transform into a swarm of vampire bats, able to fly and unlike Mirio, can turn his clothes into bats and reform with him not having them to fall off his body and able to control bats to his position (to counter not being able to regrow limbs, he can call upon bats and be able to reform on his body transforming the bat and creating a new limb)

Sonar/Echolocation- grants him the ability to to see pulses of humans and creatures and pinpoint them of their location and grants night vision

Turn/ curse- grants him the ability to turn others into vampires by them drinking his blood( they drink Izuku's blood)


Sunlight (The famous on)- as long as he doesn't spend more than 2 minutes out in the sun he won't die but his skin will start to peel and decay and if he does spent more time out he will die

Silver- like sunlight, when his skin is contacted with silver it will peel and decay, though not able to kill him

Stake to the heart- this is self explanatory

Next episode: USJ

Izuku's time left to turn back to human:  1 week left
Izuku has spent 3 weeks as a vampire

Izuku Yagi: Son of the DragonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt