Ep 8 Teen Wolf

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Hi everybody, long time no see. How long has it been? 3 months? Well I'm back sorry for the wait I was doing other things while also working on other stories. Now let's get on with the to where we left off


Izuku was driving to UA with the body in the back seat. As he enters the gates carrying him around his neck and speeds through the halls to recovery girl's office he kicks open the door almost breaking it off its hinges scaring to poor old lady in the chair


Izuku: I'm sorry but I need your help to heal him
Izuku then plops down the unconscious boy onto the hospital bed

RG: my goodness, what happened to him?

Izuku: uhm, I may have accidentally hit him while I was driving

RG: you were dri- you know what I'm not going to ask how you got a license
Recovery girl examines the boy
RG: wow he is seriously banged up but why haven't you taken him to a hospital?

Izuku: well I didn't know if I was supposed to take him to a hospital or to a vet?

RG: what on earth do you mean by that?

Izuku: I'm saying that when I hit him, he was a dog then he turned into a human

RG:... hmm so his quirk allows him to transform himself into a dog?

Izuku: maybe

RG: well just leave him here and let him rest, you can go

Izuku: but can't I just stay here and wait for him to wake up?

RG: it's best if you leave while he rests, he'll probably won't wake up for awhile, besides it's late, go home

Izuku: okay

Izuku then walks out of the office and leaves the school and drives home

Meanwhile in Recovery girl's office

RG was writing paper work for the boy. She left for a little bit and when she came back she finds the window to the outside was open ajar and the boy that was there was gone

RG: oh dear, this can't be good

??? POV (1st person)
A few Minutes earlier

I woke up in a little room, an infirmary maybe. I don't remember what happened other than being hit by a car in my wolf form.

Thankfully my healing factor saved me otherwise I would've been roadkill. I look around, I notice that the old lady that was there a few minutes ago was gone so I slowly get up and get my jacket that was on the chair and and escape.

Your probably wondering how I was able to escape, well that was the easy part. Just unlocked the window, it was easy to pick the lock with my claws, but I tell ya getting past security, now that was a pain in the ass.

I was still a bit injured so I wasn't able to turn into a wolf so I slowly crept out into the shadows, never taking my eyes off the guards I was able to climb over the walls undetected, luckily due to my iron will I didn't made a sound. I had that green haired boy's scent so I able to track him down to his house and climbed through his bedroom window.

IZUKU POV (back to 3rd person)

Izuku hears shuffling coming from the window, he wakes up and turns around to see someone standing inside his room, he was about to yell out and punch them when suddenly they grabbed him and shushed him

Izuku: who are you and what are you doing in my house?

???: ok I'm sorry that I startled you, it seems you don't remember me well

Izuku Yagi: Son of the DragonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora