Ep 2 Entrance exam

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Izuku had memories flash in his mind, from when he was four, the quirk doctor said he can never be a hero, then it changes to Izumi and her group beating him mercilessly and leaving him to almost bleed out. The memory changes to Izuku playing with his sister like nothing happened, to when he turned 14 the beatings got worse, his sister tried to protect him but failed, now the last memory showed him drinking Vlad's blood and him dying in the process.

Izuku then wakes up on a rock by a river... he's still in the forest, he then felt a burning sensation on his wrist when he looked at it he saw it was starting to burn away his skin. He then took off the watch he had on. He quickly looked at his wrist and it started healing closing the wounds

Izuku: huh, that's useful

He then looked at his surroundings with his new keen senses he was able to hear a spider wrapping its prey in its web, the pupils in his eyes turned crimson signifying him sensing heartbeats of creatures, his sight was extraordinary he looked up at the sky and could see the stars and galaxies, he then picked up his watch knowing well he would burn his skin, he looked at it it was 7:42 am he then dropped it and-... wait?

Izuku: THE ENTRANCE EXAM!!!! I gotta go

He started sprinting towards UA, he felt great he was running at high speeds, while running he then lost balance and explodes into a swarm of bats


Izuku felt excited to use is abilities and decided to fly all the way to the UA. When outside UA's entrance exam he felt is face burning, he looked up

(Note: even though sunlight won't kill him as long as he doesn't spend more than 2 mins under the sun, it hurts like hell and his skin would start peeling off , same with silver.)

The sky then became clouded covering the sun. Izuku then sees his bullies and sister, feeling a deep bloodlust he covered his face or mouth that was revealing his fangs he then goes into the room and waits for instructions


He is waiting outside the gates wearing an overcoat
Some people find it weird but Izuku doesn't acknowledge. The gates open and Izuku flies in as a swarm of bats. Everyone is shocked by this, some thought it was a bat manipulation quirk ( I'm not good with quirk names ok) but when they saw his speed and how many robots he destroyed (which was like already 104 points) they started to think,"what is his quirk"?

In the observation room

Nezu: we have a good batch of students this year don't we?
They all were looking at the monitors and scanned for Izumi and her group; they see them ranking up points fast
Nezu: well your daughter is surely a powerful candidate for one for all, good choice Toshinori

Toshinori thought: it wasn't my decision I wanted to give it to my son

Ectoplasm: woah, look at that green haired boy go
They turn their attention to the monitor ectoplasm was looking at
Toshinori&Inko thoughts(like every story she is a pro hero): IZUKU?!?!!

Midnight: did he turn into bats!?!

Snipe: are you sure? his quirk seems to be a type of enhancement, look at his speed and mobility
They see him running at high speeds and transforming into a swarm of bats

Aizawa smirking: I want him in my class

Nezu: If he passes the real test then he will 'presses a button the releases the zero pointers while laughing maniacally'

At the battle grounds

Izuku had gotten 503 points and decided to call it a day until 3 zero pointers started coming for the kids, they started to run but Izuku stood his ground and started to call or summon a swarm of bats, controlling the bats he makes them dive onto the Zero pointers

Izuku had gotten 503 points and decided to call it a day until 3 zero pointers started coming for the kids, they started to run but Izuku stood his ground and started to call or summon a swarm of bats, controlling the bats he makes them dive onto ...

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Everyone was in shock at what they saw, they couldn't believe the destruction bats could cause. Izuku then left the city when his parents came and to find him he didn't say anything to them and transformed into bats and flew off.

The next few days was awkward among the yagi family, Inko was surprised that her son had a quirk, Toshinori was still thinking that what if Izuku made a deal with all for one but couldn't say anything, Izumi however was happy she got in so she can be a hero for her brother, but little did she know she would meet Izuku at UA in a few weeks. And Izuku was trying to keep his thirst for blood under control

Next episode: UA first day and heroes vs villains

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