Chapter 19 ~ Where Do Broken Hearts Go?

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Brielle's p.o.v
This really, really sucks. This is the second time I've been in a hospital, and I've only been here for, like, a week. I could hear everything, but I couldn't talk or move. I wish I couldn't hear anything. If I couldn't hear, I wouldn't be so broken on the inside. So far it's been around two days, according to Taylor. Whenever Matt's here, he always tells me he's "sorry," and it's "all his fault," and he's "such a screwup."

I mean, of course I'm mad at him, but it's not completely his fault and he's not a screwup. It really sucks having to listen to him cry and not being able to do anything about it. Even though he messed up big time, he's still my friend.

Then there's Shawn. He hasn't left since he got here. I know he barely sleeps or eats. All he does it talk to me. He tells me about how he's doing, how the other boys are doing, and how I'm doing. Apparently, I'm not doing to well. He says that the doctors think that something is severely wrong with my head. He said that they think when I wake up I'm not going to remember who anyone is, including myself. He's worried for my sake, and honestly? I am too. He told me he loves me. I wish I could tell him I love him too.

And then there's Taylor. He hasn't left either. He won't speak much...he just cries. He cries all the time, and he won't stop. I want to hug him, tell him I love him, and just make him the happiest Taylor he can be. Unfortunately, I can't do that. I want to cry because everyone is sad because of me. I caused this mess. I guess all I ever do is break people's hearts. Matt's not a screwup, I am. Maybe I should just let go. Maybe I should just leave, then everyone would be happier. Suddenly, I heard a voice. Taylor's voice.

"Shawn, can I, uh, talk to Brielle? Alone?" Taylor asked, his voice was quiet. "Huh?" Shawn asked, as if in a daze. "Oh, um, yeah, sure." I heard a chair scoot and then feet shuffling towards the door. Then silence.

"Hey, Bri," Taylor said. "I miss you, little sis. A lot. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. You bring so much joy wherever you go, and I'm so thankful for that. I haven't been able to eat or sleep, I'm too busy worrying about you. I wish you could just wake up. Why is life so unfair? You don't deserve to be in this state. Shawn's a wreck. He won't talk to anyone except for you, and sometimes me. He holds your hand whenever he can, and he just watches you, hoping you'll wake up. Matthew? He's not really on good terms with any of us. I'm beyond furious with him. He's the reason you're here. He locked himself in his hotel room and won't come out. I know none of the boys will admit this, but we're all worried about him. The boys don't stay 24/7, but everyday they come to visit you. They bring gifts, hoping that you'll wake up, and they can surprise you," he paused. "Why can't you just wake up?" He was crying at this point, and his voice was cracking. "I miss you. I wish it was me instead of you."

Is he an idiot? I'm glad it was me instead of him! He's my brother, I couldn't bear him being in a hospital bed, pale and tired looking! But then again, I guess I can see where he's coming from. I want to say something...I have to say something.

I gathered up all the strength I could and tried hard to say something. All that come out was a quiet, almost inaudible groan. "Brielle?" Taylor asked. I tried again. A groan came out again, but louder this time. I heard Taylor gasp. "Come on, Bri! You can do it!" "Taylor?" I whispered.

"Yes, yes!" He yelled, excitement filling his voice. "Stop worrying about me, okay?" I whispered. "Okay. I will. Can you...can you open your eyes?" He asked. I shook my head 'no.' I heard Taylor sigh. And then I spiraled into a black whirlpool of nothingness. And then, a white light.

Taylor's p.o.v
"Brielle?" I whispered. She was unresponsive. I heard a flat line.

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