He Was A Dog When I Left, I Swear! - Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"Well, tap him on the nose," her mum sighed. A smile played around Blue's lips as she slowly turned to me once over. Why didn't I like the look in her eye? She took a newspaper in her hand and started to roll it up, every movement increasing the size of her grin.

"I'm going to enjoy this," she muttered, raising one of her eyebrows. Not half as much as I was; it wasn't like she was under developed in the boob department or known for wearing conservative clothing. Oh yes, this was going to be one nose tapping that was severely welcome.

She leaned over, and, sure enough, I got possibly the most amazing view that a dog could ever receive. Blue brought the newspaper down on my muzzle but I could tell that she didn't put any effort into it. I whimpered, just to make her think that I minded.

"Serves you right," she muttered, getting to her feet and walking out of the room. I happily ran after her, following her steps up the stairs. And I managed to barge my way past her before she could shut the door in my face. I jumped on her bed and curled up, wagging my tail.

Blue giggled involuntarily, leaning her head against the wall. She groaned.

"You're a horrible excuse for a pet," she muttered grumpily. I stretched out, shifting back into my human body.

"You haven't minded before," I argued, grabbing a discarded towel and wrapping it around my waist. "Actually, I think you were quite fond of me."

"Before I knew that your whole existence was a lie," she replied sharply. I hesitated before patting the part of the bed beside me. Whenever I was around her, I did that a lot; hesitating. It was starting to become my second nature and I didn't like it that much. Blue wetted her lips, running her eyes over my body. Whether she was doing it to suss me out or because she liked looking at it, I wasn't sure but I was definitely hoping that it was the latter. She walked towards me, her feet making contact with the floor with soft defiant thumps.

Blue was beautiful. Her hair, which had, at one point, been brown, was bright purple and pulled back from her heart shaped face. Her eyes were a dark, dark blue and her full rose coloured lips were parted in a curious smile.

I wanted to reach out and touch her, as if holding her in my arms was the first step to making her realise who I was. She stopped short of me though, her hands on her hips.

"I want to know," she murmured, her eyebrows knitting together, "why you're here. I want to know everything about you. I don't care if I don't like what I hear, I just...I can't trust you unless I know the truth."

Okay, so now she was going to listen?

"Erm..." I cleared my throat. "My name's not really Bruno for starters." Blue snorted, shaking her head. "What?"

"I guessed as much."

I rolled my eyes.

"My name's Philip and I- Why are you laughing?"

Blue was absolutely killing herself in front of me, tears streaming down her face. She shook her head, looking away.

"I'm sorry," she gasped. "Philip? Really? I think I prefer Bruno, mate." I scowled as she continued to laugh, wiping the tears from her face. This wasn't exactly going to plan. Blue, still sniggering, took her mobile out of her pocket and glanced at the screen. Her face paled and her eyes went blank for a moment.

"Shit," she murmured. "Shit, shit, shit!" She was shouting now, and was dangerously close to throwing her phone at the wall. Wow; whoever had texted her had obviously wound her up good and proper.

"I've got to go," she mumbled, grabbing a jumper from the floor. I watched her, my mouth hanging open.

"I thought we were going to talk," I said, raising my eyebrows. She shot me a sullen expression.

"Later," she dismissed, walking out of her bedroom. I wanted to go after, assert some sort of authority. But Blue looked like she was about to kill someone with that phone, so I thought it was best not to interfere. I listened to the door slamming shut.

Well that was just great. Just when I was finally getting somewhere, someone had to screw it up. I swear, as soon as I found out who it was, I was going to murder them with my bare, bloody hands.

I lay back on Blue's bed; a few hours as a human couldn't hurt. It helped me think straight. When I was a dog, my mind was consumed with canine thoughts and they were distracting.

Blue, Blue, Blue. Her name went around my head like a CD on replay. I think I was going for the wrong approach; perhaps being cocky wasn't the answer. But she had responded to it; I had got a reaction.

Just not the reaction I had been angling for.

I sighed.

At least she was coming back. That was always something.


A couple hours later, I heard Marshall's footsteps thundering up the stairs. I rolled off of the bed and, moments later, I was Bruno again, lying on the floor and hiding behind the bed. There went my dignity.

"Mum!" he bellowed. "Mum, I think Blue's done something stupid again!"

I growled softly.

"What's happened?" she asked.

"She just sent me a really weird text; something about talking dogs."

I think I just felt my heart stop. But she had promised. She had told me that she wasn't going to tell anyone.

"Mum, I think...I think she might have taken something."

Ah, that sounded more like the Blue we all knew and loved. But then a sudden thought rushed to my head; what if she was in trouble? What if she had taken something and she was now lying in the gutter?

I got to my feet and nudged her bedroom door open, slinking down the stairs without anyone noticing. I looked at the cat-flap, tilting my head to the side; could I get through that thing? Erm, nope. Maybe not.

Instead, I jumped up and brought the handle down with me. The door clicked open and I went out into the night.

To find Blue.


Right, well...this chapter sucked...and it took ages to get written...apologies....and it's in Bruno's POV....but I know what happens in the next chapter....and it's pretty...interesting?


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