Dating Sylvie Brett Would Include

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❛❛Dating Sylvie Brett (Chicago Fire) would include, please? Thank you!❜❜-Anon

Sylvie gushes about you all the time to her co-workers. And well anyone that will listen.

She is also a fumbling mess around you sometimes. But you find it cute.

Confiding in each other.

Being there for each other when either Sylvie or you is feeling down.

Especially when it is a tough day at work.

A lot of kissing. Even in random times.

Her kisses are soft, passionate, and needy,

At first the two of you were a bit nervous with pda. Bit Sylvie and you got more comfortable with it.

Being each other's best friends.

Visiting Sylvie at work. Of course, they would tease you. but they all love you.

Sylvie visiting you at work as well.

The both of you meet when hers and yours work paths crossed paths.

She was taken by you. she had to know you.

Cuddling on the couch, or just cuddles in general.

Going to Molly's occasionally.

Thought the both of you would much rather stay at home and watch movies and binge on tv shows.

Sometimes the both of you will binge watch Netflix or binge watch movies. Cuddling into each other.

Sylvie likes to kiss you a lot. Your lips to her are soft and warm.

Most times her and you either do spooning or cuddling into each other's sides.

Living with each other.

Doing everything together.

Deep conversations.

Making each other laugh.

A lot of "I love you's."

Being in complete awe of each other.

Being proud of each other.

Date nights.

Sex with Sylvie is never boring.

She prefers 69ing.

A lot of oral.

Sylvie likes to take her time when the both of you get intimate.

Making each other laugh.

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