Announcement | Jay Halstead

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REQUESTED BY halidaehler2015; Jay halstead I want one where he has a wife and baby number 1 on the way but he don't know yet and the wife surprises him by making him a nice dinner

Pairings: Jay Halsted x F!Reader

Featuring: Jay Halstead. Y/n.

Summary: Y/n tells Jay she is pregnant.

Warnings: fluff, pregnancy, errors I missed.

w/c: 577


Nerves racked through your body as you cooked Jay's favourite meal. When your hands weren't busy or holding something, they were shaking.

You didn't know how to tell him. Or how he would react.

Sure Jay and you talked about kids, but it was far into your marriage, that he and you decided to have children.

You were too busy lost in thought to hear Jay enter the house the two of you shared. Or him calling out your name, nor did you notice he was coming over to you.

"Mmm, something smells good," Jay moaned. Pressing a kiss against your cheek, as he wrapped his arm around you. Giving you a side hug. This made you jump. Bringing you out of your thoughts.

"Jay, you scared me," You gasped out. Turning around to face him.

"I did call your name, are you okay?" Jay asked. Noticing how you were fidgeting and glancing around the room. You were gulping rapidly too. He knew something was bugging you.

"I'm fine, you must be hungry," You spoke. Spinning around.

Jay gave you a suspicious look, as he watched you grab a plate putting food on it.

Jay tilted his head to the side. Taking note of your body language. You were tense and shaking.

Jay smiled at you as you handed him the plate. He slowly made his way over to the table. Eyes on you as he sat down.

Watching you walk over to the fridge, opening it up, and grab a beer. Just one beer. Jay wondered why you didn't grab one for yourself. He gave a puzzled look. Eyebrow arched. As you walked over to him.

"Here you go babe," You gasped out. your whole body shaking with anxiety.

"Aren't you going to have one?" He asked. Making your eyes widen. This made Jay tilt his head. There was something you were hiding, and he wanted to know. He was going to get it out of you one way or another.

"I um, I can't," You responded. You were about to turn around, but Jay wrapped his hand around your wrist. holding it firmly but not too tight.

Jay arched an eyebrow as he took a sip.

"I'm pregnant," You gasped out. Looking at him with worried eyes.

Jay quickly spat out the beer. Making you grimace.

"Pregnant?" Jay asked in disbelief.

"We are having a baby," You spoke quietly.

Jay's face lit up with happiness. Standing up. Wrapping his arms around you. He hugged you tightly. Then realized it might have hurt the baby. He loosened his arms. Pulling away from you. Staring at you.

"How many weeks, months?" Jay asked. Cupping the side of your face. Eyes twinkling with happiness. All your nerves vanishing.

"I don't know, I just found out this afternoon," You replied.

"There are test that tell you how many weeks and months right?" Jay asked in an excited tone.

"Yeah, but we can always go to the hospital, to get a more accurate test," You replied.

"We are having a baby," Jay beamed. Tears gathering in his eyes.

"Yes," You cried. Crying happy tears. He quickly hugged you again. Your arms wrapped around him. Closing your eyes. As you felt content. Jay felt so much happiness course through his veins. He couldn't wait for the baby to grow in your belly, he couldn't wait for the baby to be born, to hold it in his arms. He was beyond happy...

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