🥦ch 21: The Attack🥦

Start from the beginning

This way I'll know exactly where Prem is.

"He can take a taxi and stay there, while I figure this shit out." I pulled out my phone and transferred the money. "Besides yourself, Tay, Bright, and Singto don't breathe a word of this to anyone!"

"You're in love with him." It came out of Off's mouth as a statement, not a question.

"I do, and I have to protect him, even if he and no one else knows I am."

I had a sneaking suspicion that someone within our family was betraying us. I never told Prem the value of that Trinket Box or its significance to our family. Only a handful of people knew it's origins, and I intended to question them thoroughly.

But first I needed to check on Prem.

I walked at a leisure pace and outwardly appeared as though I didn't have care in the world. I had to give this unfeeling impression around others because I truly didn't know who I could trust anymore within my own mansion walls. Deep down I felt like I was dying, I wanted to race to Prem's bedroom, hold him in my arms, and vow to never let anyone hurt him again.

But I couldn't make that promise, not now. Not with so many puzzle pieces missing.

Just as Off said, Singto and Bright were standing guard at his door, I gave them a terse nod before pushing the door open a slight crack and peered inside. Prem was sleeping. I watched him breathe deeply, and slowly. My heart ached for him.

I'm going to fix this. I'm going to make this right. Even if Prem never wants to speak to me, I will always look out for him, and painfully love him from a safe distance. I quietly shut the door only to turn around to be faced with Wren. Her arms were folded, stern pressed lips, and dark anger in her eyes.

"If you really loved him, maybe you should've trusted him!" She whispered harshly. "How could you let him go through that?! Beaten and almost, and almost..." Wren couldn't bring herself to say the words, tears started to stream down her face.

The images of Oat and Kaownah's rape attempt against Prem flashed in my head again and I started to tremble with anger.

"How did you-?"

"Everyone knows what happened" she snarled and it was the first time I'd seen my sister this furious.

"I know I fucked up, you don't have to remind me, but my hands are tied, there's too much evidence stacked against him, but I'm attempting to make this right," I tried to explain my plans, but Wren cut me off.

"That's bullshit and you know it. So what? A grainy video of someone who looks like Prem? Big freaking deal. You know him, you know his heart." She unfolded her arms and gripped her chest, "And don't even think about putting all the blame on Ohm, you're always telling him he's too weak this was him showing you he wasn't, but you...you," She pointed her index finger in my chest, "have as much power in this family as he does. You could've stopped this before it got out of hand. You two should have approached him with love and support, not accusations. Maybe he would have given you answers, and our family heirloom would still be sitting on your shelf in your office." She was now crying, and I reached my sister and tried to hug her, "Don't!" She warned me, "Just leave."


I felt the whole world crashing knowing how much I had disappointed everyone. Is this how it felt to have no one trust you?

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now