🥦Chapter 29: Oon and Ploy🥦

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We're so glad you guys are so invested in this story but I've been busy and AstringentlySweet had been having a tough week too so we're a little late with the updates. Sorry :)


"Will you two, stop acting so nervous." Fluke glared at Wren, and I as we took a seat at the food court. "Everything will be fine."

"We can't help it, Ohm is gonna be pissed." Wren said shaking her head.

Ohm and Boun had a last-minute emergency meeting with the pack and Ohm couldn't take him to his doctor's appointment, which had upset him a great deal. Wren and I volunteered to go with him instead, but Ohm gave us strict instructions to take him to his appointment and bring him straight back.

On the way Fluke wanted to stop by the mall and look at a few baby clothes, as if he didn't have a shitload already. He promised we would be in and out, but after an hour passed and several hundreds of dollars later, Fluke started craving stuffed jalapenos.

"Ohm has called me twice already!" I held up my cell phone helplessly. "He's probably worried out of his mind since you won't answer your phone."

"And you won't let us respond either." Wren added with utter aggravation. "If my brother could have cancelled, he would have, that meeting must've been extremely important."

"What's more important than his mate?" Fluke demanded stabbing the jalapeno.

"If it has anything to do with his mate's protection than its still the same thing." I pointed out.

Boun's family had become even more vigilant when it came to our safety. We weren't even allowed to leave the house without our mates, or alphas they could trust.

Now Tay, Off, and Singto were sitting at a nearby table, talking among themselves while keeping a close eye on us.

"Will you at least answer his phone call?" Wren pleaded a bit.

"No." Fluke muttered as soon as he finished chewing and swallowing his food. Just then Off's phone rang, and Fluke whipped his head in his direction.

"It's Ohm." He explained.

"Answer that phone and I'll call Gun and tell him not to touch you for a week!" Fluke threatened.

I never seen someone hit the 'Decline' button so quick in my life. I distinctly heard Off complaining something about omegas being scary while pregnant and Tay chuckled, while Krist nodded in agreement.

"Fluke..." Wren pouted.

"Ohm knows I'm fine our wolves have been in communication the whole time." Fluke remarked, "besides I'm not due for another two weeks so he can calm the heck down already."

Just as we were about to finish eating Fluke's phone started ringing for the tenth time since we got into the mall.

"Please answer him." I begged.

Fluke rolled his eyes annoyingly before answering the phone, "Stop calling me you whiny little cub! We are fine!" he growled into the receiver and hung up.

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now