🥦ch 19: Chained🥦

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Don't even wanna put those broccolis up there anymore. My heart just cracked. Here we go, I'm sorry for putting Prem through so much pain throughout the book, but I promise things will get better soon, till then, shed some more tears 😔

My fingers fumbled as I worked my way on the locks of Boun's office. The corridors were all empty as everyone was already in bed. The bedrooms were in the lower floors, so the vicinity was quiet and void of any security at this time of the night.

I was no pro in picking locks, so I had secretly slipped the keys into my pocket earlier in the evening when Boun called me there for some reason.

The reason was now hanging around my wrist and filling me with guilt and dread every passing second. A golden chain bracelet, that he had slipped on my wrist even before I realised what was happening.

 A golden chain bracelet, that he had slipped on my wrist even before I realised what was happening

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My mind wandered back to the events of earlier in the evening. I could still feel his lingering touch as he clasped the jewelry and gave me a little smile. 

It was beautiful, with a tiny infinity symbol intricately carved on it. My heart melted at the sight and for a moment I thought maybe I should stop all this. Maybe I should tell him right away and we could work it out together. But my brain spoke otherwise, it was a stupid idea. I remembered Kao's words, he wouldn't be spared if Ohm got to know about this, and with Earth still in his grasp, there was no way I was risking this, or anything.

Boun had Jess. He didn't need me. He didn't love me. He had no reason to. He was just being kind and I started thinking I had a chance.

My thoughts were broken when the lock opened and fell down, stubbing my toes, nearly smashing them into pulp.

I yelped a little in pain but was secretly relieved because had it fallen on the floor Instead, there would be guards rushing in any moment because of me being careless and all my plans would be ruined in the blink of an eye.

I slowly opened the door to Boun's office and switched on a tiny yellow bulb that flashed overhead his worktable. The trinket box sat on the shelf, majestic-like, sprawled on a velvet cushion, studded with jewels and gems that glowed under the bright yellow light. My hands travelled to the piece and securely clasped the sides. It felt heavy and I had an urge to open and see what lay inside.
No Prem.

Just take it quick and escape.

I looked around for any potential danger and finding none, I tiptoed my way downstairs through the dark hallway. Kao had said I had to open the side door, which was usually unguarded, which I already did earlier in the evening. After that I would hand him over the box and run away with him but before that, there would be some more people too, Kao had said, and I had questioned him why because it differed to what he said earlier.

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now